November 2013

Paper I --- (Physiology, Microbiology, Biochemistry)

Time : 2 Hrs Answer All QuestionsMarks : 100

SECTION A -- ( 20 Marks)

I.Write the correct answer from the multiple choices given below

(10x2=20 marks)

  1. Microcytic hypochromic blood picture indicates
  2. Pernicious anaemia b. Sickle cell anaemia c. Iron deficiency anaemia

d. Folic acid deficiency

  1. Compounds formed from a nitrogenous base and a pentose sugar are
  2. Nucleic acids b. Nucleosides c. Nucleotides d. Steroids

3 . An abnormal accumulation of fluid within the abdominal cavity

  1. Ascites b. Aflatoxicosis c. Amneotic fluid d. Myxoedema

4. Cardiac output is calculated by

a .Pulse rate x Stroke volume b. Heart rate x pulse rate

c. Stroke volume x Heart rate d. None of the above

  1. George Whipple described
  2. Leucocytes b. RBC c. Relationship between diet and haemoglobin

d. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors

6.Vitamin B2 was FIRST isolated from which of the following?

a.Milk b. Lemon juicec. Yeast d. Carrot

7.Which amino acid is responsible for buffering of haemoglobin?

  1. Glutamine b. Valinec. Arginined. Histidine

8.The main reservoir for Staphylococcus aureus is human

  1. Urineb. Nasal cavity c. Feces d. Seminal fluid

9.All the following bacteria constitute the anaerobic flora of colon EXCEPT

  1. Citrobacter b. Lactobacillus c. Bifidobacteriumd. Bacteroides

10.Which of the following is NOT an intrinsic factor in food spoilage

  1. pH b. Available nutrients c. Temperatured. d. Moisture content

SECTION B -- ( 50 Marks)

II. 1. Explain the following terms (5 x 2 =10 marks)

  1. Totipotency
  2. Ventricular fibrillation
  3. Anaplerotic reaction
  4. Prions
  5. Beta-Oxidation

II. 2. Write the name of the condition / disorder caused by the following (5 x 1 =5 marks)

1. Streptococcus Mutans

2. Trypanozomacruzi

3. Hyperhomocysteinemia

4. Hypoaldosterone

5. Resection of small intestine

II. 3.State whether the following statements are True or False (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. Hepatosplenomegaly is observed in Thalassemia disease.
  2. Most of the common antibiotics belong to the genus streptococcus.
  3. Afferent arteriols connect the renal artery with the glomerular capillaries.
  4. Transverse colon extends transversly behind the abdominal cavity and at the back of duodenum and the stomach.
  5. Sequestrant is a chemical substance in cleaning compound in which the OH group occurs in sequence.

II. 4. Expand the following and write one significance of the same ( 5 x 2 = 10 marks)

  1. PEPCK
  2. IEM
  3. HACCP
  4. GFR
  5. TNF

II. 5. Match the following ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

1. Agranulocytes a. Undissolved matter in blood

2. Embolism b. Cytochromes

3. Iodophores c. Increased visual activity.

4. Iron d. Bone marrow

5. Tyrosinase e. Bactericidal capacity

II. 6.Write the outcome of the following in brief (5 x 2 =10 marks)

  1. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion (SIADH)
  2. Thalassemia
  3. Hypervitaminosis A
  4. Rh Incompatibility
  5. Achalasiacardia

II. 7.Complete the following reaction (2 x 1 = 2 marks)

  1. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate ------ Pyruvate
  2. Isocitratedehydrogenase------ Fumerate

II. 8. Name one organism involved in (3 x 1 = 3 marks)

  1. Food intoxication
  2. Food infection
  3. Food borne toxic infections

SECTION C -- (30 Marks)

Answer ANY TWO Questions (2 x 15 = 30marks)

III. 1.Explain Gluconeogenesis under the following headings

a. Definition (3)

b. Gluconeogenic substances and Rate limiting enzymes of gluconeogenesis (3)

c. Irreversible steps in gluconeogenesis and enzymes circumventing the irreversible

steps (3)

d. Tissues where gluconeogenesis takes place (3)

e. Name the one disease and one condition where gluconeogenesis is enhanced (3)


III. 2. Name the hormones secreted by thyroid gland. (3)

Explain the action of thyroxine hormone on the metabolism of carbohydrate, protein

and fat.(6)

What are the actions of thyroxine hormone on the cardio vascular, respiratory, GI tract

and central nervous system (6)


III. 3.Describe the pathogenic mechanisms involved in food borne illness for the following

(i) EnterotoxigenicEscherichia coli(5)

(ii) EnteroinvasiveEscherichia coli(5)

(iii) Enterohemorrhagic Escherichiacoli(5)