Name: ______Date:______Block: ______

World History Review Packet

Complete the following review questions for a 100 point formal grade. This work will help you prepare for the exam that is worth 25% of your grade.

Review Section 1: Neolithic Revolution to Fall of Rome

Directions: Please answer all the following questions and turn in before the review quiz is distributed. Remember, all study guides are graded as part of your 2ndquarter grade.

  1. What was the Neolithic Revolution?
  2. What are the characteristics of a civilization?
  3. Where were the early civilizations located? Why?
  4. What is the Code of Hammurabi?
  5. What is the Mandate of Heaven?
  6. What was the Silk Road? Where did it connect?
  7. What role did geography have on Ancient Greece?
  8. What is a polis?
  9. What is the Hellenistic Culture? How is it connected to Alexander the Great?
  10. What type of government did Rome have?
  11. Describe the law system of Rome.
  12. What were some of the accomplishments of the Roman world?
  13. How did Rome fall in 476 CE?

Review Section 2: Belief Systems

Directions: Please answer all the following questions and turn in before the review quiz is distributed. Remember, all study guides are graded as part of your 2ndquarter grade.

  1. What does polytheism mean? What belief systems are polytheistic?
  2. What does monotheism mean? What belief systems are monotheistic?
  3. In one sentence, identify the central ideas of the following belief systems:
  4. Animism
  5. Confucianism
  6. Buddhism
  7. Hinduism
  8. Shintoism
  9. Judaism
  10. Christianity
  11. Islam
  12. In what ways are Hinduism & Buddhism similar/different?
  13. Identify several ways in which Judaism, Christianity & Islam are similar/different

Review Section 3: The Medieval World

Directions: Please answer all the following questions and turn in before the review quiz is distributed. Remember, all study guides are graded as part of your 2ndquarter grade.

  1. What did the Eastern part of the Roman Empire become known as after the fall of Rome? Where was its capital? Why was its location so advantageous?
  2. What was the Justinian Code? What was it based upon?
  3. What influence did the Byzantine Empire have on the culture of Russia?
  4. When did the Islamic Golden Age begin? Who was the ruling family during this period?
  5. What achievements were reached during this time?
  6. What is Feudalism? Why did it emerge in Europe after the fall of Rome?
  7. Who was Charlemagne? Why is he important for future medieval rulers?
  8. On whose backs was the feudal society built (who did all the work?)?
  9. Draw a diagram that illustrates how feudal society was structured.
  10. What is Manorialism? Why is it called a ‘model of self-sufficiency’?
  11. What role did the Catholic Church have in Medieval European society?
  12. What is Gothic architecture? How did it symbolize church wealth and power?

Review Section 4: The Crusades to the Age of Exploration

Directions: Please answer all the following questions and turn in before the review quiz is distributed. Remember, all study guides are graded as part of your 2ndquarter grade.

  1. What was a major goal of the Crusades?
  2. Identify 3 impacts of the Crusades on Europe.
  3. Who were the Mongols? Who was their most accomplished leader?
  4. How did they impact trade along the Silk Road?
  5. What was known as the ‘Black Death’?
  6. How did it reach Europe? Who brought it and along what did they travel?
  7. Identify 3 impacts the ‘Black Death’ had on European society.
  8. What did the Italian city-states of Venice, Genoa and Florence have in common?
  9. What was the Renaissance?
  10. Why did it begin in Italy?
  11. What is Humanism? Why is its emergence significant?
  12. Identify 2 Renaissance artists.
  13. Who was Niccolo Machiavelli? What advice did he have for leaders?
  14. Who was Johannes Gutenberg? Identify 2 major impacts of his invention on European society.
  15. Who was Martin Luther? What are the 95 Thesis?
  16. What was the Protestant Reformation?
  17. How did the Rise of the Ottoman Empire influence/impact trade between Asia and Europe along the Silk Road?
  18. Who were the 1st Europeans to look for new trade routes to Asia? What new technology allowed them to do this?
  19. What impacts did the European arrival in the Americas have on the native populations, both in the Americas and Africa?
  20. What is the Triangle Trade route?
  21. What is the Colombian Exchange?
  22. What is Mercantilism? Who benefited from this policy? How?

Review Section 5: Scientific Revolution to European Imperialism

Directions: Please answer all the following questions and turn in before the review quiz is distributed. Remember, all study guides are graded as part of your 2nd quarter grade.

  1. Explain the difference between the geocentric and heliocentric models of the universe. Why was Copernicus’ idea so controversial?
  2. What was the basis for reaching new conclusions during the Scientific Revolution?
  3. Identify 3 scientists from the Scientific Revolution
  4. What is an Absolute Monarch? Identify 3
  5. Define the ‘Divine Right Theory.
  6. What was the Enlightenment?
  7. Who was John Locke? What are his ‘natural laws’? (hint: there are 3 of them)
  8. Identify 3 impacts of the Enlightenment
  9. What are the 3 Estates in France during the French Revolution?
  10. Identify the main causes of the Revolution.
  11. What is the “Declaration of the Rights of Man”? Why is it important to the French Revolution?
  12. What was the Reign of Terror? Who was Robespierre?
  13. Who was Napoleon and what did he accomplish?
  14. How did the French Revolution and Napoleon help spread ideas of nationalism in Europe and Latin America?
  15. Identify the goal of the Congress of Vienna.
  16. Define Nationalism.
  17. Explain the role nationalism played in Germany and Italy unification movements. Who were the important people in these nation’s unification movements?
  18. Define the Industrial Revolution and identify 3 causes.
  19. Explain the factory system.
  20. How did it impact the standard of living for those in England?
  21. What is Laissez-Faire economics? Who was Adam Smith?
  22. Who was Karl Marx? What did he propose?
  23. What is the Meiji Restoration?
  24. In what way did it encourage Japan to become an imperialist nation?
  25. What is Imperialism?
  26. How did Imperialism impact India?
  27. How did Imperialism impact Africa? What was the Berlin Conference?

Review Section 6: WWI to End of Cold War

Directions: Please answer all the following questions and turn in before the review quiz is distributed. Remember, all study guides are graded as part of your 2nd quarter grade.

  1. When was WWI? Identify the four MAIN causes of WWI?
  2. Where was the ‘Powder Keg of Europe”? Explain how it got this title.
  3. How did the US get involved in Europe’s war?
  4. What role did new technology play in the war?
  5. What treaty brought the war to a close? Who did it blame for the war? Explain how it might be considered a cause for WWII.
  6. Identify the causes of the Russian (Bolshevik) Revolution of 1917
  7. Explain how Stalin treated his people.
  8. What were his ‘Five Year Plans’?
  9. What are the central characteristics of Totalitarian governments?
  10. What is appeasement?
  11. When was WWII?
  12. What were the Nuremburg trails?
  13. Define the Cold War.
  14. Explain the purpose of the Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine.
  15. What was the Iron Curtain? How is it the same/different from the Berlin Wall?
  16. What are NATO and the Warsaw Pact? In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different?
  17. Discuss the purpose of the United Nations.
  18. In what way did the Domino Theory influence American Cold War actions?
  19. Explain the impact of Gorbachev’s GlasnostPerestroika policies – be sure to define each term.
  20. What is the significance of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989?
  21. What is the European Union? What is its purpose?
  22. What is OPEC? Why is it important to the global economy? How does it inform us of the changes in the global economy since WWII?
  23. How are the World Trade Organization, the Pacific Rim nations and NAFTA similar?
  24. How are events in Cambodia, Bosnia & Rwanda similar to each other?
  25. Define Ethnic Cleansing.
  26. Identify 4 current issues in the modern world.

CONGRATULATIONS!! You’re well on your way to dominating your World History final exam!!