AIMSweb® Benchmark Regular Teacher On-site Training Script for Users

Table of Contents

AIMSweb® Benchmark Regular Teacher On Site Training Script for Users / 2

Part III Create a Classroom with the Users/Trainees

/ 2
A. Trainees login to Benchmark Regular Teacher Training accounts / 2
B. Create Students / 2
C. Editing a Student / 3
D. Viewing Score Sheets / 3
E. Entering Scores / 3
F. Adding and Viewing Qualitative Features, Teacher’s Comments, and Suggestions / 4
G. Determining a student’s status / 5
H. Viewing Classroom reports / 6
Part IV Self Paced Training Script / 7
A. Create Students / 7
B. Editing a Student / 7
C. Viewing Score Sheets / 7
D. Entering Scores / 7
E. Adding and Viewing Qualitative Features, Teacher’s Comments, and Suggestions / 7
F. Determining a student’s status / 7
G. Viewing Classroom reports / 8
H. Change your password / 8
I. Log out / 8

AIMSweb® Benchmark Regular Teacher On Site Training Script for Users

Part III Create a Classroom with the Users/Trainees

Use the following to create students, edit scores, and view reports with the users

A.  Trainees login to Benchmark Regular Teacher Training accounts

SAY: Let’s login to our AIMSweb Benchmark Regular Teacher accounts. Use the login account information on your training script.

Use the following information to login to the trainer’s AIMSweb Benchmark Regular Teacher training account:

Customer ID:


Password: train

It is very important that we all stay together through this training. Do not click on any link until we all do so.

B.  Create Students

SAY: When we first login, click the My Classes tab. On this tab we see the three Fall, Winter and Spring bars. The current Benchmark period is automatically expanded. Under the current season bar we see GOM-type sub tabs. Underneath the Reading GOM-type we notice Classroom reports and GOMs for reading. Under the GOMs and charts there are three buttons: Add Student, Edit Score, and Score Sheet. Next to the buttons are the options for Current Year or Multi-Year. Since we are adding a student, we want to click the Add Student button

Click the Add Student button

This brings up the Manage Students window. We need to fill in all the red fields.

Type Art Davis for Name

Select Special Ed for Service Code

Select Male for Gender

Select African American for Ethnicity

Select the Advanced Field Strategic Monitoring

Click the Add button

We now see Art’s name in the list of students.

Click the Add Student button

Type Mark Kirk for Name

Select Regular Ed for Service Code

Select Male for Gender

Select American Indian for Ethnicity

Click the Add button

We now see Mark’s name in the list of students.

C.  Editing a Student

SAY: To change a student’s information we need to click on the student’s name. Clicking on the student’s name brings up the Add Student window with the fields filled in with the student’s current information. We can change any information on this window.

Type ‘A’ in the First Name field

Type D in the Last Name field

Click Search

Click on Art’s name

Change Art to Arthur

Click the Save button

We now see the change to Arthur’s name in the list of students. Click the ‘Home’ button to return to the ‘My Classes’ home page.

Click the home button

D.  Viewing Score Sheets

SAY: The score sheet is a class list with an area to enter your three benchmark scores and the median of the three scores. We can pull this sheet by clicking on the Scores Sheet button. We then get a PDF of the score sheet that can be printed and used during the assessments.

Click on the Score Sheet button

We now see our class list on the sheet. Next to each name are three columns for the scores and one for the mean/median. Along the top we see spaces for the name of the person who gave the assessments and the date they were given.

Close the Score Sheet window

E.  Entering Scores

SAY: All our entering and editing of student scores is done by clicking on the Edit Score button.

Click the Edit Scores button

We now see the Add Student button along the top. Next to the Add Student button is a chart icon with an arrow. Clicking on this icon allows us to toggle between entering scores vertically or horizontally. If you have scores for multiple GOMs, you may choose to enter the scores horizontally so that you can enter all GOM scores for one student and then continue to the next student.

Click on the chart icon so that you will be entering scores horizontally

We are now going to enter scores for our new students.

Enter 187 for Arthur in RCBM

Enter 25 for Arthur in MAZE

Enter 142 for Mark in RCBM

Enter 22 for Mark in MAZE

Now that all our scores are entered, we want to save the scores. If we are going to continue to enter scores, we would need to click the Quick-Save button. We want to return to the classroom page, so we are going to click the Save button.

Click the Save button

Next, let’s enter Strategic Monitoring scores for Arthur.

Click the next Strategic Monitor title bar

(If the default Benchmark Period is Spring, select the previous Strategic Monitor month.)

Click Edit Scores

Enter 188 for Arthur in RCBM

Enter 28 for Arthur in MAZE

Click Save

F.  Adding and Viewing Qualitative Features, Teacher’s Comments, and Suggestions

SAY: Once assessment scores are entered, we can add qualitative features, comments and suggestions. Located to the left of each student’s name, there is a page icon. This icon is how we enter all notes.

Click on the page icon next to Arthur’s name

Check the Reads Very Accurately (>95%) checkbox in the Qualitative Features section

Check the second checkbox in the ‘What the parents can do to help’ section.

Type Arthur reads clearly and quickly. His reading skills are above the average in the Teacher Comment box

Click the Save button

Now that we are back to the My Classes tab, we see that the page icon next to Arthur’s name now has a checkmark on it. We also see our note under his name. We also see that a Hide link is now added to the header and footer of the Name column. Clicking the Hide link hides any comments and the Hide will then change to Show.

Click the Hide link

We click the Show link to show the notes again.

Click the Show link

G.  Determining a student’s status

SAY: Finding out if a student is below average, average, or above average in a specific GOM is as easy as clicking on the student’s score in that GOM.

Click on the R-CBM score for Mark

We are shown a chart that places Mark above the average section. This means that Mark is Above Average. By reading the notes below the graph, we are told that he is Above Average. Along the top of the screen we see three tabs labeled Back, Email, and PDF. The PDF button creates a PDF of the chart. Once we have a PDF, we can print the chart.

Click the PDF button

We now see the chart as a PDF.

Close the PDF window

The Email button allows us to send the chart to someone as a PDF. The Back button bring us back to the My Classes tab.

Click the Back button

To see all the GOMs in one chart, we click the report link in the pathway column of the student. This chart shows the status of the student in each measurement.

Click the Report link for Arthur

Our chart now has one section for each measurement with a score. To remove a section from the chart, we uncheck the box for that measurement at the top and click the display button.

Uncheck the Maze - comprehension checkbox

Click the Display button

The chart now shows only R-CBM. Below the chart, we find a table with the student’s scores, a quick summary of his/her skill level, and an instructional recommendation.

Click the Back button

To see how all the students in our class are doing in a specific measurement, we click on the multiple page icon in the header or footer of the measurement in which we are interested.

Click the multiple page icon in the header of the R-CBM column

We now see the chart for the entire class.

Click the Back button

H.  Viewing Classroom reports

SAY: We now can view the four reports which are from left to right: Distribution by Scores and Percentile Table, Instruction Recommendations Table, Student Score Distribution by Service Classification Table, and Score Distribution chart. Each report is customizable by GOM.

Click on the Distribution by Scores and Percentile Table (first chart)

We now see the Distribution by Scores and Percentile Table. This table shows student scores for a single Benchmark period. To see other Benchmark periods we need to click on the Fall, Winter, or Spring in the bar below the chart. We also have the option of viewing a chart with this information. We get this chart by clicking on the View Chart link located in the upper right corner of the screen

Click the View Chart link

This brings up the Class Distribution by Scores chart. We use the green Back button to return to the My Classes tab. To view the table again we need to click the View Table link in the upper right corner.

Click the View Table link

We are brought back to the Distribution by Scores and Percentile Table.

Click the green Back tab

The second report is the Scores and Instructional Recommendations.

Click on the Scores and Instructional Recommendations chart (second report)

We now see the Grade 5 Reading Scores & Instructional Recommendations report. This report shows the status of each student in all the measurements. It also shows us whether or not it is recommended if the student receive individualized attention. We are able to customize this report with the check boxes located along the top by checking or un-checking the boxes we want and clicking the Display button.

Uncheck the Show Recommendations box

Click the Display button

We now see that only R-CBM and MAZE are on the report.

Click the green back button

On the third report, we see the Student Score Distribution by Service Classification Table.

Click on the Student Score Distribution by Service Classification Table (third report)

The information may be sorted by student service code, or latest benchmark period containing student scores. This is done by clicking the arrow by each column heading. Students’ errors or accuracy is displayed by selecting the one we want to see from the dropdown box located in the upper right corner.

Click the green back button

The last report is Student Score Distribution by Service Classification.

Click on the Student Score Distribution by Service Classification Table (last report)

This report shows student scores based on the Regular Education, Special Education, and Title I service classification for all the students in our classroom.

Click the green back button

Part IV Self Paced Training Script

The self-paced section of the training is to be done on your own. If you have any question or need any help please ask me. Any information that is required that is not given should be made up. Logout when you are finished with the script.

A.  Create Students

Add the following students

Robin Hayes, Strategic Monitoring

Edward Markey

B.  Editing a Student

Make the following change

Robin to Robbin

C.  Viewing Score Sheets

View the score sheet to see all names in the class

D.  Entering Scores

Enter the following scores

Robbin R-CBM: 72, 74 Strategic Monitoring

Robbin MAZE: 12, 14 Strategic Monitoring

Edward R-CBM: 87

Edward MAZE: 16

E.  Adding and Viewing Qualitative Features, Teacher’s Comments, and Suggestions

Add the following Notes and Suggestions

Robbin: Self-Corrects Errors (Comprehension Self Monitoring)

Have a daily family reading time.

Robbin is an average reader. I would like to see her move into the above average area.

Edward: Reads "Fluently" or Efficiently

Ask your child questions about school work and activities and share your daily experiences.

Edward is a good reader, but I would like to see him become a great reader.

Hide all the notes

F.  Determining a student’s status

View the status of Robbin and Edward in R-CBM, Maze, and Pathway

G.  Viewing Classroom reports

View the following reports for R-CBM

Distribution by Scores and Percentile Table

Student Score Distribution by Service Classification

View the following reports for R-CBM

Grade 5 Scores and Instruction Recommendations Table

Student Score Distribution by Service Classification Table

H.  Change your password

Go to the My Account tab and change your password to something easier for you to remember

I.  Log out

Log out of AIMSweb

The End. Please notify your trainer that you have completed the training session.

This AIMSweb Progress Monitor training account will be available for you to use until ______. After that point, you must use your personal AIMSweb Benchmark Manager account to fully utilize the program.

Copyright 2003 Edformation, Inc. All rights reserved. 05/24/2005

Benchmark Regular Teacher Script for AIMSweb Users Page 0