- Please review your CbD cases and mark boxes with “NFD” “C” on “E”. If a box was not explored, leave it blank.
- NFD = needs further development C = competent E = excellent
- Cases need to demonstrate a variety of contexts (such as seeing a child, older person, mental health problem, a cancer or palliative care case) in a wide range of settings (such as in the surgery, on a home visit or at out of hours).
- Bring this form with you to your educational supervision meeting.
Case1 / Case2 / Case3 / Case4 / Case5 / Case6 / Case7 / Case8 / Case9 / Case10 / Case11 / Case12
- Practising Holistically
- Data Gathering & Interpretation
- Making diagnoses/decisions
- Clinical management
- Medical complexity
- Primary Care Admin/IMT
- Teams/colleagues
- Community orientation
- Ethical approach
- Fitness to practice
Context (child, older person, mental health, palliative care, other) / childelderlymental h.palliativeother / childelderlymental h.palliativeother / childelderlymental h.palliativeother / childelderlymental h.palliativeother / childelderlymental h.palliativeother / childelderlymental h.palliativeother / childelderlymental h.palliativeother / childelderlymental h.palliativeother / childelderlymental h.palliativeother / childelderlymental h.palliativeother / childelderlymental h.palliativeother / childelderlymental h.palliativeother
Setting (surgery, home, OOH) / surgeryhometelephoneOOHhospitalcommunity / surgeryhometelephoneOOHhospitalcommunity / surgeryhometelephoneOOHhospitalcommunity / surgeryhometelephoneOOHhospitalcommunity / surgeryhometelephoneOOHhospitalcommunity / surgeryhometelephoneOOHhospitalcommunity / surgeryhometelephoneOOHhospitalcommunity / surgeryhometelephoneOOHhospitalcommunity / surgeryhometelephoneOOHhospitalcommunity / surgeryhometelephoneOOHhospitalcommunity / surgeryhometelephoneOOHhospitalcommunity / surgeryhometelephoneOOHhospitalcommunity
Falsifying information with intent to deceive is a serious probity issue that will result in referral to the GMC.
Developed by Dr. Ramesh Mehay, Programme Director, Bradford VTS, Aug 2008 (updated March 2009)