Your Library (The Best Darn Library in the World)
2007-2008 Annual Report
Annual CirculationAverage Number of Books Borrowed Per Day
Number of Class Visits for the Year
Average # of Independent Browsers Per Day
Items loaned to and shared with other ASD Schools
Number of Staff
Books Loss
It Happened in Our Library!
Battle of the Books
Recreational Reading Program
District Bookmark Contest
Banned Books Week
Author’s Visit
Book Fair
Literacy Night
Weeded 500’s (or Whatever Section(s) You Worked on)
Built Beginning Reader Collection / If your circulation is not what you’d like it to be, you might list the % improvement over last year.
Include this number if it looks good after using the number of days the library was actually open to students (minus inservice days, testing days, half days, closed-for-book fair days, etc.)
This number should blow your principal away!
Include this number of you kept stats; if it looks good.
Including this is just a suggestion as is everything else on this “report.”
You could use the figure reported to the District in October…
Include information about the number of staff members you support and help all year long.
Perhaps include a note about the average price of a book or how much this is per student (minus amount spent of AV supplies, etc.).
Include information (number/cost) about books that are not returned and not paid for (CITH, forgiveness, moved away, overdue list at the end of the year, etc.)
(Remember stats of kids participating/benefitting from the activities/events can be powerful!)
Include the number of students who participated and any awards your team won.
Include stats about any recreational reading program you managed.
Number of students who participated
Information about anything you did during this week
Stats about number of books deleted and their age, condition, etc
Information about any new special collections you built or developed, improving service to your kids and teachers (maybe you “built” and labeled beginning readers, an Alaskana collection, graphic novel section, etc.)