Teun van der Leer, RectorNetherlands Baptist Seminary welcomed everyone to the Seventh forum.

Teun read from Philippians Chapter 4. 4-9 and commented on them.

Teun introduced CEBTS and the purpose of the Forum, the input sessions and the opportunities to support and help one another. Teun outlined the programme for the four days.

Role call of member schools :

BiHBibleSchool: Tomislav Dubotovic

Elstal: Michael Rohde; Martin Rothkegel

IBTS: Keith G Jones; Lydie Kucová

Lithuania:Lina Andronovienė

Madrid:Fernando Mendez

Netherlands:Teun Van Der Leer, Eduard Groen

Northern Baptist Learning Community:Glen Marshall

North Caucasus Bible Institute: Andrei Meleshko

Odessa Seminary: Volodymyr P Shemchuchyn; Olexander Geychenko; Mary Raber; Alexander Abramov; Alphonse Mossé; Tom Christ.

SouthWalesBaptistCollege: Karen Smith

Tavriski Christian Institute (TVI): Yulia Lubenets

EBF: Daniel Trusewicz

EEAA : Sergei Sannikov

We introduced ourselves to each other – where we work, our research passions and interests.

Apologies: Asatur Nahepetyan (Armenia); Tony Peck (EBF); Parush R Parushev (IBTS); Toivo Pilli (EBF Theol and Education Division)


Worship was led by Olexsander (Odessa) focusing on Luke 24 and the motif of journeying from despair to hope.

Alexander (Odessa) then spoke on developments in spirituality and worship in a Slavic context. Sasha set the context of spirituality using a definition of evangelical spirituality by Alister McGrath. Slavic spirituality is rooted in experience. The importance of the Russian Synodal Bible was noted. The Slavic Bible was precious – no notes written in the Bible, not placed on the floor, object of veneration, covered/protected from dust. Importance of regular reading was emphasised. Alongside this reading of the Bible was the development of a Holy life. Style of life within the church was specific – titles (Brother, Sister), greeting each other with a “holy kiss”. Some read Robinson Crusoe as a spiritual tomb. After Perestroika Baptists wondered what to do with “freedom”. Now challenge to older spiritual life in the new freedom and help is needed.


(a document had been circulated and will be circulated to all CEBTS members when completed with notes of all participants)

NBLC, Manchester: Glen commented on the move of undergraduate degrees from Chester back to Manchester. Manchester let us get on with things. Methodist partner is withdrawing from Manchester. Glen described the process of selection of ministerial students. Prayer request in search for successors to the Co-Principals who retire in the coming months.

NEBIM: Lina reported on NEBIM. Answered questions on co-operation with the Pentecostals.

Elstal: Answered questions on the development of the “M” level programme for ordained diaconal work. The development of ordained diaconal work has happened within the Union and Elstal has been asked to develop an “M” level programme. Prayer request for Andre Heinze who has cancer and is struggling to maintain his work. Elstal looking for international German-speaking students.

IBTS: Keith commented on the written report, especially the introduction of the DMin degree in partnership with Acadia Divinity School, Canada. Lydie reported on the plans for the Bible translators conference to be held in February 2013.

Tavriski Christian Institute (TCI) Kherson: Yulia reported on the development of the idea of the digital library on a USB stick to enable students to keep their libraries when the police raid their homes looking for books.

SouthWalesBaptistCollege: Karen commented that SWBC has a new Principal and two new staff members, they have no financial concerns, unlike all other UK Baptist Colleges, and they have launched a new M level degree in pastoral theology. It is not so clear about the future of the department of theology within CardiffUniversity. The situation is looking less hopeful for the future as University funding gets tighter and Universities look towards science and management.

Netherlands: Martin asked is there now no Baptist chair of theology at Utrecht ? Teun said a Professorship had been established at the VU-University since April 2009 when the seminary moved from Utrecht to Amsterdam. Questions are asked about life long education of pastors. When students leave the seminary they are presented with a document to encourage future development. It was noted that Germany, Great Britain and Poland have requirements for probationary studies for three years, but beyond that a spirit of voluntaryism pervades.

Madrid: Fernando reported on accreditation as re-titling as Protestant Faculty of Theology of the Baptist Union. Bachelor degree accredited as almost last act of the outgoing Labour government. Application was also made and given for an “M” level programme which may begin in September 2013. Entry to the “M” level degree can be from people with first degrees in other disciplines. Students are recruited from a range of evangelical traditions. Some of part time and own time lecturers are getting older and it is difficult to see who will replace them.

North Caucasus Bible Institute, Russia: Andrei stated two new programmes have commenced. Offering course in Christian counselling with 90 students. The programme is offered in three locations. Developing a school of digital evangelism. Looking at making resources – movies, documentaries etc. Having a state licence they cannot offer mission programmes. Instead, offer course in “Gospel and culture in the Caucasus region.” Total number of students on all course is 140. All students are part-time. Normally three intensive periods per year.

Andrey Kravtsev was rector but now gone to do his PhD full time. Three challenges – money, of which there is not enough; migration, with people moving out of the region and Muslims, where people are moving into the community.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Tomislav reported on the BibleSchool. Originally just one church in Sarajevo. After Yugoslav conflict no believers were left. So sixteen years of new believers. Now BibleSchool seeking accreditation for a first level degree through EEAC. A current challenge is to move the library from its current location to the centre where offices and lecturing takes place. There is need for guest professors.

Odessa: We had earlier toured the premises. EAAA has accreditedthe first level degree. Thanks to IBTS for help in partnership offering an “M” level degree. Now working at own “M” level programme in transformational leadership.Developed a Certificate programme called “Discovery” for working with teenagers. Two of the full-time faculty working towards doctorates. Several staff completed “M” level qualifications. Need help with lecturing from those with doctoral level degrees. Planning to work at developing an “M” level in Christian Education.


Sergei Sannikov brought greetings.

EBF Theology and Education Division

Michael Rohde and Keith Jones are members of the Core Group and represented the Division at the CEBTS Forum. Michael Rohde commented on recent discussions in the group.


Glen Marshall delivered his paper on “A Missional Ecclesiology for the 21C”. In BUGB the newly ordained are frustrated that often their desire to engage in mission is thwarted by the demands of the institution of the church. This paper seeks to address this sense of frustration. Missional theology derives from God who calls and sends the church into the world. It is reflecting on the relationship between ecclesiology and missiology and the “sentness of the church”.

The missional movement is seeking a change in theological imagination. Mission is of the esse of the church. To say “church” ought to be to say “mission”. The danger can be to loose the ultimate priority of the church is worship. Mission is penultimate. Glen then looked at three key concepts –

  • Missio Dei: Being the Church of the God of Mission
  • The Reign of God : putting the Church (and the World) in its place.
  • Incarnation: Church, Culture and Christological Heresy


Daniel presented an overview of mission work with the focus on Church planting throughout the whole EBF region. The IMP approach assumes funding for up to five years. Quite often churches do not have sufficient resources/development to continue after funding.


Lina (NEBIM) led morning worship. We sang songs from various EBF contexts. We were reminded of the EBF projerct on gathering authentic music spearheaded by Tony Peck and Lina.

SESSION 5: Can you teach Spirituality and Worship ?

Michael Rohde (Elstal) introduced his paper and reflected on what spirituality is then explored basic insights, moving on to four questions asking how cantheological education reach a new generation; including the emotional dimension of spirituality; experience different situation of life and life-style for young adults; rediscover the reformatory principles to meet the fears of temporary Christians in the midst of changing society ? His lecture provoked a lively and sustained debate.


We held meetings of specialist groups – small institutions; developing life long learning; concepts of the missional church.


Keith (IBTS) delivered a paper reflecting on how the gathering, intentional, missional community of covenanted believers inevitably create structures and that ecclesially Baptists are interdependent, but not in a classic ecclesiastically diagrammatically as an inverted triangle, but as a “messy” web. There is a necessity of structure, but the danger is it might impede our possibility of being open to the Spirit. The challenge of Structures versus the Spirit was then explored in relation to juridicial structures for the control and organising of leadership (pastoral ministry) and the way buildings – including legal ownership of them and maintenance of them – can impede the possibility of the Spirit encouraging the gathering communities. He expounded the argument for Strategic leadership and sitting light to ownership and sustenance of buildings. An extended time of discussion followed.


Tomislav (BiH) led worship, reflecting on Colossians 3. 12-17.

SESSION 7: Spirituality and mission in the Latin Countries

Fernando (Spain) outlined the ecclesial reality of Baptists in the “Latin” countries of Belgium (Wallonia), France, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain. He then went into detail about the development of Baptist life and spirituality in Spain. He noted and commented on the several original influences. He then explored the specific and profound influence post 1920 of the SBC-FMB. This had caused Spanish Baptists to fail to contextualise their experience of Christianity.


Tuen (Netherlands) introduced a reflection on the Psalms. The use of the Psalms in private and public devotion. As we see the way the Psalms are used in musical settings and in prayer. Read Psalms 113-118 as examples of those used in worship at the time of Jesus and most likely were the ones used after the supper in the Upper Room. We explored some of the insights of Bonhoeffer reflecting on the Psalms. We should learn to live with and pray from Scripture. Psalm 88 takes us to the very “darkest” place in the Bible. The Psalms teach us to live and pray with, and from within, the community. Even in your own room, away from everyone, Jesus tells us to pray “Our Father….”. The Psalms bring us towards the sanctuary/ “City of God”. “One thing that I seek”. We shared at various points in small groups in response to questions asked by Teun.


Teun and Lina presided at the session. Keith took the notes, as Clerk. They have served as the Core Group 2010-2012.

Minutes of 2010 Forum in Manchester: These were noted.

Elstal: Is following through the plans to develop several research institutes. One in the area of Diaconal work has been started. A second institute on Baptist identity will be launched on 21 November 2012.

Hubmaier: The proposed Conference for 2013 will not proceed because of lack of funding.

Tops and Tips of 2012 Forum: Hospitality; good and new ideas; diversity of sessions; glad to have outlines before; experiencing Odessa; good presentations; small group meetings for ideas; space for conversation.

For next time we should – have a booklet of key issues. It should be more inter-active, less lectures with question time and instead a greater variety of presentation. Could we also have an evening where we watch a film or attend a concert/theatre and reflect on it. We should try to encourage more members to be represented. It is a disadvantage to hold the event every 2 years, seminaries cannot afford this. What about regional meetings in between ? We need to be more specific re the topic. How do we make it really relevant ? Gather one-line “testimonials” to publish on web site/Facebook etc to raise enthusiasm.

Core Group 2012 –

Core Group needs to change. Keith leaves as member of Core Group and clerk. Lina has served several times and would be quite keen not to serve in the next period. The following were nominated to serve – Fernando Mendez and Mary Raber. This was agreed with acclamation as well as Teun’s re-election for a second term.

Core Values of CEBTS

  • Mutuality
  • Being aware of what is happening elsewhere – catholicity
  • Creating possibility for student exchange
  • Integration of academic reflection, practice of ministry, spirituality
  • Relating our work to the life of the Unions

CEBTS 8th Forum 2014

Karen argued for every two years. Glen argued for more seminaries to be present, rather than more from each seminary. The majority argued for meetings every two years and encouraging more members to participate.

When should CEBTS meet ? Some argued for a weekend meeting, but others object to that. Martin proposed meeting at the “Spring break”. A show of hands had five for a July meeting and an equal number for another time. It was agreed that the Core Group should offer possible dates. Warsaw was proposed as a venue for the next Forum. If Warsaw says “no” then the Core Group has power to search for a host.

Possible themes for the next Forum : “ Mapping Baptist Identity in a changing world”; “Exploring the profile of a Baptist minister”.


Lina proposed a week in Prague in March at IBTS when IBTS hosts Northumbria Week and we would add additional lectures and seminars on Spirituality.

IBTS will issue an invitation to all member bodies and Unions in late August and place items on CEBTS and IBTS web sites and EBF Facebook pages.


Michael Rohde updated the Forum on the work of the Division. It was agreed to consult with the Division about the relationship between the Division and CEBTS.


Full texts to be submitted to the Core Group as soon as possible. These will be published on the web site and can be offered to JEBS or Baptistic Theologies or another.

CEBTS Website:

Please remember to submit material for the CEBTS web site.

List of seminary teachers

Fernando proposed we try to compile a list of seminary teachers which can be published in the protected part of the web site.


Dr Henk Bakker will deliver the lectures at IBTS on the first week in November. Details are on the IBTS Web Site and in JEBS Volume 12 number 3.


Lydie introduced this and provided details of the February 2013 seminar.


We expressed thanks to-

Volodymyr and Olexsandr for the hard work of the Odessa Seminary for all the arrangements made for the 7th Forum.

NINTH SESSION: Our Spiritual Journey as Theological Teachers

Karen (South Wales) introduced this topic. There is not “a” Baptist or Christian Spirituality. In this reality it did not seem useful to speak academically about spirituality, but rather to give an account of her own developing spirituality. Thus, she spoke about “ a spirituality of the meantime” (Meantime = time between one occurence and another, the now and the not yet). Human existence is lived in the meantime. The Bible addresses this “now and not yet” (Exodus 5.1; Prophets Jeremiah 15.10-12, Isaiah 40. 1; Psalm 40). There can be words of comfort in the meantime. As W H Vanstone comments it requires “an active waiting.”

The difficulties of living in the “meantime”- seeking easy solutions; a programme or package for everything; right answers - right doctrine, right practice; strength not vulnerability is valued; “success”; do what “feels good” and “looks good”; distraction.

What sort of spirituality is needed ? – patience; single-mindedness and simplicity belong together; detachment; imagination; a story-formed living; companions on the way.

We closed with small group prayer, then singing “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” (John Fawcett, Wainsgate, HebdenBridge).

After this Michael Rohde gave thanks on behalf of everybody to Keith Jones and Lina Andronovienė for all the work they had so faithfully done for CEBTS in past years.