AUGUST 3RD, 2014

Members in Attendance – Coach Gentile, Kim Barr, Lisa Nath, Bill Runco, Beth Patrizio, Theresa Pfab, John Farabaugh, Jill McLinden, Jamie Roth, Audrey Lucchitti, Jennifer Nestler, Bruce Thompson, Kelly Mehalko, Carol Page, Nancy Vaught

Call to Order – Meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Lisa Nath.

Tentative Soccer Booster Schedule

-  August 9-10th Summer Tournament

-  August 11th-15th Tryouts for Boys/Girls Varsity and JV Teams

-  August 18th-21st Tryouts for Boys/Girls IMS and Freshman Teams

-  August 17th Kick Off Picnic for Boys and Girls V/JV Teams 3:30-5:30 BPHS Café (sign up for concession stand shifts, four (4) shifts mandatory for each family).

-  August 22nd Team Pics 3:00pm boys and 3:30pm girls

-  Sept 11th Youth Night

-  Sept. 14th Booster Meeting 7 pm @ Paneras South Park Shops

-  Oct. 1st Girls Senior Night

-  Oct 2nd Boys Senior Night

-  Oct. 12th Booster Meeting 7 pm @ Paneras South Park Shops

-  Nov. 9th Booster Meeting 7 pm @ Paneras South Park Shops

-  Nov. 12th Girls Banquet @ Crowne Plaza

-  Nov. 20th Boys Banquet @ Crowne Plaza

Approval of May Minutes – There was one modification of the minutes with the Kick Off Picnic date changing to August 17th. Theresa Pfab motioned to approve the May 12th minutes and Bruce Thompson seconded the motion.

Coach Gentile Report- Coach Gentile reported that the girls are all in great shape for the upcoming season. There will be a max of 42 players chosen for JV/V. He also has been contacted by Custom Fundraising Solutions which is a mattress fundraising program for booster organizations. We plan to meet with Scott MacKenzie the sales rep to discuss this as an option for our organization. Pitt Camp for the girl’s teams was very successful.

Coach Galietta Report - No report was submitted.

Financial Report – Lisa Nath reported a financial update on the BPSB finances:

-  $ 6873.00 balance

Summer Conditioning Updates – Bob Smith was contacted via email to comment. At this time, no report was submitted. Overall the players had positive comments to offer about the conditioning and footskills programs this summer with Rob and Bob.

Summer Tournament Update- Bill Runco reported on this. There will be 4 divisions, U10 Boys, U12 Boys/Girls, and U13 Girls. $3475 was made in registration fees which is $200 more than last year. Unfortunately, we had to turn 2 teams away because we did not have any other teams in the same age division register. Saturday the tournament will be from about 9-4 and Sunday from 12-5:30. The sign ups sheets for the players will be at the practices this week. Kelly Mehalko is working on the volunteer lists for the players/parents. Chris Patrinos and Matt Scott are organizing the referee schedules. Bruce Thompson is working on organizing the distribution of the nets. All players and families of JV/V will be required to work.

Committee Reports –

Concession Stand – Cindy Rack reported on this:

-  We are still looking for one or two person to open/close for Girl’s soccers games (10 total). Two people could share this.

-  Most importantly we are still looking for a shadow for the concession stand manager.

Other Committees- There are still many vacancies for numerous committees. There will be a sign up sheet at the picnic. Please consider getting involved.

HELP WANTED: Team Pics (1 Boy/1 Girl), Program book (1 girl), Girl’s Senior Night (2 girls), Away Game Meals (1-2 girls), Pasta party schedule (1 boy), Team Photographer (1 Boy), Youth Night (1 girl), Voice Hawks (1 boy), Nominating Committee ( 1 boy, 2 girls)

New Business –

-  Summer Kick Off Picnic: Jamie Roth reported on this. The picnic is August 17th from 3:30-5:30 in the BPHS Cafeteria. Dinner will be served at 4:00 pm. It is for Boys/Girls in grades 9th-12th grade. The forms will go home with players on Monday, August 11th with a due date the following day of August 12th. The cost is $7.50 players and $8.50 family members.

-  Team Pictures: We are still looking for a boy parent and a girl parent to coordinate with M and M photography on picture day. Boys pics will be at 3 pm and Girls pics will be at 3:30.

-  Youth Night: Sept. 11th, we still need one girls parent to volunteer to help organize

-  Senior Night Dates: Oct. 1st Girls and Oct. 2nd Boys. We are still looking for 1-2 more volunteers for the Girls Senior Night.

-  Banquet dates: Nov. 12th Girls and Nov. 20th Boys both @ Crowne Plaza on Ft. Couch Rd.

-  Discussion by Kim Barr to stress the importance of getting a professional website for the Soccer Booster organization. We were looking at the Peters Township Booster’s organization website, which is very similar to what we would need. You can check it out @

We received an estimate from the same company that did Peters site of $1700-2000 to get this up and running, which we just haven’t budgeted for this year. We are reaching out to the boosters to anyone that is tech savy that would be able to get this started. We would edit it, just the “creation” of it is what is needed. The issue will be revisited again in November and maybe if there are leftover funds, we can think about it again.

Next Booster Meeting

-  September 14th @ 7pm Panera’s Bread at South Park Shops (back room reserved)