University High School Boosters
Agenda: /
  • Welcome/Call to Order – 1 min
  • Officer and Administration Reports – 30 min
  • President (Jennifer Trevarthan)
  • Vice President (Kelli Weiland)
  • Secretary (Mike Orgler)
  • Treasurer Report (Bob VanPlew)
  • Administration Report (Andrea Markert)
  • Committee Chair Messages Reports – 30 min
  • Old Business – 15 min
  • New Business – 15 min
  • Adjourn

Call to order/Roll call
Meeting called to order byMike Orgler at 6:32pm on 10/11/16
Officer Reports
Jennifer Trevarthan /
  • Welcome!
  • I want to thank EVERYONE for making last month’s 1st Booster meeting our best attended since I've been at U-High! (7 years). You are VITAL to the success of Boosters and our school and we can't thank you enough.
  • We appreciate everyone’s flexibility for moving our booster date from 10/4/16 to 10/11/16.
  • I’d like to mention that Boosters has committed to contribute to the ongoing renovation of our outside entrances this year. Boosters contributed $10,000 last year and we would like to be able to contribute even more this year. (Note: this is a BIG contribution in regards to cost...we are working with administration to see if drawings are coming soon so everyone can see)
  • I’m pleased with the results all our committees are making. An example is the fundraising committee that has beennot only finding events for us to be able to raise money but also some new events which promote our families.
  • As always, if you are not already part of a committee and would like to get more involved, just send an email to the committee chairperson or the booster board for assistance.

Kelli Weiland /
  • Thanks for everyone’s continued involvement and support of Boosters!
  • Booster website updates have been done. If anyone has any suggestions or see further updates needed to the website, please let a member of the board know.

Mike Orgler /
  • Minutes are available on the Boosters website each month (approx. 5-7 days after the mtg).
  • Be sure to register on the sign in sheet when you come to a meeting.
  • Committee chairs are asked to send updates prior to the meeting (include “Boosters” in title).

Bob VanPlew /
  • See report below.

Administration Report(Andrea Markert - Principal)
Mrs. Markert shared she had her thyroid removed which is why she has a scar on her neck…it is not a Halloween decoration. 
Had a great homecoming. Over 450 kids at the dance (one of the bigger dances). All looked great!
  • Ended up with one pair of matching shoes and 7 individual shoes (all girls!) 
Student teachers will start teaching this week through Nov 10.
End of Q1 is Oct 21. U-High does not send home report cards at the end of the quarter. Can look at teachers ease for frades. Students now have 9 weeks to get their grade up before the end of semester.
Our first play is the last week of October.
All activities, clubs, etc. are now in flight. Fall sports are entering postseason. Boys and girls golf going to State!
The ice machine that the Boosters paid for is now ordered. The cost was negotiated down to $5,098 from $10k!
Still working on library flooring and the entry way. Our first design rendering was not what we expected so we went back to the drawing board and had a better design drawn up. It is for both the main entryway and the pit.
Q: When is the next dance? A: The next dance is not until January (Black-light)
Spirit wear days were good.
Committee Reports
Molly Loeffler – Chair
Stacy Barclay – Co-Chair /
  • Purpose of After-Prom is to provide a safe place for the kids to go after the dance.
  • After-Prom will be Saturday April 29th from 11:30pm-3:00am at Redbird Arena
  • Committee chairs met on October 5, and have decided on a theme.
  • We have a hypnotist, caricatures, and many inflatables already booked. Kalen Rowe is beginning to ask for donations and prizes for the night.
  • Our big money maker is the UnRaisier. We’re meeting at 6:30pm on Wed, Oct 12th, in room 240 at U-High to stuff envelopes for the UnRaiser. Any help is appreciated.
  • The other two fundraisers we have decided to do are 1) once again sell the Bling T-shirts. We are going to have them go on sale shortly, so they will be available by Christmas. And 2) we are also going to be selling Tervis cups with the U-High Logo.
  • We are in full swing with planning, so if anyone wants to help please contact Molly Loeffler at or Stacy Barclay at

Hospitality (For Dances)
Michele Mathieson /
  • Purpose of this committee is to provide hospitality to our dances
  • Nothing new reported at the meeting

Tammy Baker /
  • Directory was updated…looks great!

Faculty/Staff Appreciation
Lucy Morkin /
  • The purpose of this committee is to provide a meal once a month to the faculty/staff to show our appreciation.
  • We provided a Welcome Back Breakfast on Friday, September 16, 2016 for all faculty and staff. It was a big success! Our U-High parents are very generous!
  • We will provide dinner for faculty and staff during Parent/Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, October 5, 2016. It is an Italian themed dinner.
  • Our next event is a breakfast on Friday, November 11, 2016.
  • The following is the tentative schedule for FSA Committee events for 2016-2017:
Friday, November 11 - Breakfast
Friday, January 27 - Breakfast
Wednesday, February 22 – Dinner for Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, March 24 - Breakfast
Friday, April 21 - Breakfast
Friday, May 19 – Breakfast or Lunch
Janine Rodriguez
Aimee Beam /
  • The purpose of this committee is to organize and coordinate fundraising for all sports, teams and booster items.
  • Girl's swim, U-Build, Band and Cross Country worked UHS and ISU concession stands over the past month earning money for their groups. The groups invented cool ways to solicit tips. One group clapped every time someone gave a tip. Another group went into the UHS stands and let people know why they were raising money. The average tip earned was $144. That doesn't include the $200 guarantee for working the stand.
  • We are still looking to fill a UHS concession stand on 10/21 (need 8 people) and two ISU concession stands on 10/29 and 11/12 (need 10 people for each date).
  • Dine to Donates are also going well: In September, Boy's Soccer hosted Orange Leaf and Girl's Swim hosted Potbelly's. We have an awesome Papa John's Pizza fundraiser coming up, tomorrow October 12th (10am-10pm). For every sale, Girl's Soccer receives 20%! Mention U-High or show the flyer from the website.
  • We have a Gill Street dine to donate on Monday, Nov 7th that needs filled and Prep, Freeze and Cook on Monday, Nov 14th that needs filled. Please support these events!
  • So far this school year, groups have raised almost $3,500!!
  • The fundraising committee will mail a Pillars of Support Letter the first week of Nov. This will capture any new families who came in after the school year began.
  • Wreath Fundraiser. Last year this was new but it was a huge success…made a lot of money! Company we work with out of Wisconsin is great…great customer service and the wreath quality is excellent! Sales will go through the middle of November. Delivery is the Monday after thanksgiving. Hope to get info onto the website by next Monday, 10/17. Also, for $10 more, on some of the wreath selections you can direct mail to someone (i.e. send to a family member).
  • Reminder that it's a great time to make a tax deductible donation before year end!
  • Email Janine Rodriguez () /Aimee Beam () if your group would like a fundraising opportunity or if you have any questions.

Chris Bray
Lisa Heptinstall /
  • Purpose is to provide a welcoming environment for our 3 hosting events, which are the Open house, prospective student open house (February), freshman testing (April)
  • The Hospitality Committee set up in the library on Wednesday, September 7th, for our Open House. We served over 38 dozen (456) cookies, donut holes, and brownie bites as well as lemonade and water to parents, students, and staff. We appreciate the generosity of all who contributed to make our night a success. Everyone who came by our table was very excited to grab a sweet and a drink!

Parent Support Network
Rod Bray /
  • The PSN is parents working with and helping other parents working on issues that affects us all. We have events on different pertinent topics. Last year we had 4-5 programs that were well attended.
  • The Parent Support Network is planning for an event on the evening of Wednesday, November 2. Our topic will be NCAA eligibility requirements for students interested in participating in sports for college. It will be in Stroud and open to students and parents. Wilma Bates (Mother of an athlete that plays for The Ohio State University) is helping us coordinate the details for the event. Look for communications about the event in a couple of weeks.
  • We are accepting ideas on topics to cover in the Spring. We welcome ideas and suggested speakers or events. We will plan for two or three events, but need input!

Michelle Wittman /
  • The purpose is to sell spirit wear and take proceeds to boosters as well as to promote U-High spirit in the community.
  • Spirit-wear has finished up the main selling at football games.
  • The season has been very successful (profit reports not available yet as we have some invoices outstanding)
  • Response to Spirit-wear continues to be strong (meeting our goal of having the U visible in the community)
  • Next actions will be a Fall Online store – we’re preparing for that now.
  • We will also plan to sell at the first few home basketball games.

Gold Rush Raffle
Christy Bazan
Jennifer Pinter /
  • Purpose: The raffle is one of Boosters largest fundraisers.
  • We have brought in another $700-800 in ticket sales since our last drawing.
  • We’ve had three drawings to date. You can check the website for winner information.
  • Our committee is getting prices on new tickets for 2017-2019. We will have that information by the November Booster meeting and will ask for the funds to purchase the tickets by January or February.
  • We will not order any new incentive items until we verify remaining counts and projected needs for the next distribution.

Recognition – “Good for U Award”
Katy Kraft
Beth Sauser /
  • Purpose: The purpose of the Good for U Award is to recognize a student for contributions made outside of traditional academic and sports accolades. This may include acts of kindness, outstanding effort, resolution of issues, etc. Nominations may also be done for teachersadministratorsfor their contributions.
  • New committee chairs are Katy Kraft and Beth Sauser.
  • Nomination forms are on the booster page (upper right hand corner of the booster web page). Nominations come to the committee chairs for evaluation.
  • Question: How is that being advertised to the school community? Answer: we could possibly post on the main page of the website. Messages about the program will be shared with Student Senate as well as faculty.
  • Question: what is the process once submitted? Answer: The committee evaluates the nominations and makes a decision. There is approximately a 2 weeks processing time in order to go through the many nominations before awarding.
  • Question: How will we communicate the winners of the awards? Answer: Current thought is to put it on the U-High announcements page.
  • Ideas on award prizes are in progress. We have a $500 budget for the year for this.

Social Media
Gretchen Zaitzeff /
  • Nothing new reported at the meeting

Tracy Patkunas /
  • We had a successful tailgate for Homecoming

Jody DeCremer /
  • Nothing new reported at the meeting

Representative Reports
Band(reported by Holly Pfister) /
  • Doing great…currently in marchingseason. We took 2nd overall at Limestone and 1st in percussion and winds.
  • There was a big competition in Metamora where we took 1st in percussion and in drum major and 3rd in guard (great accomplishment given our small numbers compared to other schools)!

Choir (reported by Holly Pfister) /
  • Had their first event. We are focused on selling the Bergner’s "community day" fundraiser. It’s a great coupon booklet for $5 and it is 100% profit. The choir is raising money for their trip to Florida over Christmas break.
  • At the District level there were choir & band auditions. 8 made it for Jazz!
  • Concert coming up on November 12th

Dance /
  • Nothing new reported at the meeting

Orchestra /
  • Nothing new reported at the meeting

Orchesis /
  • Orchesis concerct is Nov 11 & 12. Practice is every Sunday (very time consuming). Hope all come to support that event. Tickets will go on sale via orchesis students soon.

Speech (reported by Holly Pfister) /
  • Parent meeting is tomorrow night 10/12/16 and will do a "suit swap".
  • First tournament is end of October

Theater (reported by Holly Pfister) /
  • Fall play is Oct 28-30. Metamorphosis. Check website for ticket sales.

Sports /
  • The boys soccer team won their regional game 9-0.
  • U-High girls swimming won intercity for girls swimming!
  • Cross country team for both boys and girls won inter-city meet for 7th year in a row. Conference is this Thursday at Fairview.

Old Business
Discuss our continued efforts to raise money to spruce up the outside entrances to our school. We donated $10,000 last year and would love to be able to make another sizeable donation again this year.
Any update on the grant we approved for Girls/Boys basketball?
  • Boosters approved a $1200 grant ($600 for girls, $600 for boys) last meeting.
  • Request was for a Teaching tool called the Dr. Dish shooting machine.
Any update on the grant requests for Girls/boys soccer?
  • Approval was given for 2 nets (both sides) at a cost of $530.70.
  • Outstanding request: Therewas discussion about the need for new tarps to cover the field and protect it…more the areas that seem to collect the water. 4 tarps with shipping & handling is approximately $5900. There are still talks going on with ISU facilities so the decision is still pending.
New Business
The fundraising committee will mail a Pillars of Support Letter the first week of November. This will capture any new families who came in after the school year began. In the past, the fundraising letter was sent at a difficult time of year (registration time). We thought November is a time when people can think more clearly and would be a good time to ask for donations. Also looking at revamping the form and the timing to get more support. They will look to incorporate the new renderings for the entrances to possibly gain more support. Thankfully there have been donations that will cover the cost of mailing (huge expense savings)! The letters will be sent to all parents (not just the ones who have not yet donated).
IMPACT testing – concussion testing. Anyone who participates in a sport gets this done each year. We have a 1 year subscription. Booster paid for this last year ($600). The request was to see if Boosters would pay for this yearly subscription once again. A motion to support this was submitted by Rebecca Africano and Katy Kraft seconded the motion. All were in favor.
A question was asked regarding how old you have to be to participate in the blood drive…the answer is on kids 16 or over can donate blood.
A student was inquiring about ping pong tables at school. Mrs. Markert shared that we have ping pong tables but due to space constraints they are not permanently set up. There was also discussion about hosting a “game night” and/or have a game night coincide with a dance…Mrs.Markert is going to look into this.
Motion to adjourn was submitted byDoug Gillam; seconded by Bob VanPlew;meeting adjourned at7:26pm.
Attendees: / Jennifer Trevarthan, Kelli Weiland, Bob VanPlew, Mike Orgler, Andrea Markert, DiAnn Naden, Doug Gillam, Debbi Wolford, Holly Pfister, Aimee Beam, Carrie Phillips, Lea Powell, Janine Rodriguez, Lisa Heptinstall, Maura Toro-Morn, Ash Sawhney, Collette Fung, Franklyn Fung, Audra Anderson, Alauna Atkins, John & Narmin Nepomuceno, Paul & Tammy Torres, Jodie Slothower, Teedra Wilson, Beth Sauser, Katy Kraft, Jane Scott, Lucy Morkin, Rebecca Africano
U-High Boosters Treasurer's Report - September 2016
Bank Balances Beginning of Month (as of 8/31/2016)
Busey Bank / $ 42,795.35
Foundation account / $ -
Total Bank Balances / $42,795.35
Olive Garden / $ -
Gold Rush / $ 1,040.00
Spirit Wear / $ -
Total Receipts / $ 1,040.00
Checks to Gold Rush Winners / $ 150.00
Spirit Wear Invoice / $ 1,550.00
Total Disbursements / $ 1,700.00 / $42,135.35
Net Gain or Loss / $ (660.00)
Total Funds
Bank Balances End of Month (as of 9/30/16)
Busey Bank / $ 42,135.35 / $42,135.35
Foundation account / $ -
Total Bank Balances
Beginning of School Year: / End of month (9/30/2016):
Beginning Balance (Busey) 8/1/2016 / $ 28,402.28 / Busey: / $ 42,135.35
Foundation Account / $ - / Foundation Account: / $ -
After Prom Account / $ - / After Prom Account: / $ -
TOTAL BALANCE / $ 28,402.28 / TOTAL BALANCE / $ 42,135.35
Proposed Budget NET / $ (4,730.00)
Budgeted Start-up left over for 2017-18 / $ 23,672.28