Mr. Davis Tape 6: Expansionism

Expansionism Video Questions

  1. What happened to the age of the people and the size of the country between 1800 and 1860?

The Louisiana Purchase

  1. Why did France agree to sell Louisiana?
  1. Why did the US buy Louisiana?
  1. What were Lewis and Clark supposed to do?
  1. What did Americans learn about the continent from the Lewis and Clark trip?

The Western Nations

  1. Why did the Indians have problems with the Americans’ concept of land?
  1. How did Tecumseh try to defeat the Americans?

The War of 1812

  1. Why were the British considered the worst of the offenders in stopping American ships?
  1. What did the War Hawks want?
  1. What was odd about the Americans’ greatest victory at New Orleans?

Expansion and the Monroe Doctrine

  1. What did the Monroe Doctrine say to the Europeans?

Indian Removal

  1. How did the Cherokee choose to fight the people in Georgia who tried to take their land?
  1. What was the Trail of Tears?

The Move West

  1. Why was the West appealing to people?
  1. Why was the trip west so dangerous?
  1. What caused the most deaths, after disease, among people going west?
  1. What happened to the Donner Party?

The Mormons

  1. Why did the Mormons go west?

The Southern Frontier

  1. Why did southern planters move west?
  1. Why was there fighting between the Americans and the Mexicans?
  1. What happened at the Alamo?

The Mexican-American War

  1. Why couldn’t Texas become a state at first?
  1. What did the Americans divide with the British?
  1. How did President Polk force a war with Mexico?
  1. Why did Northerners oppose the war?
  1. Why didn’t the US take all of Mexico?

California Gold Rush

  1. Where was gold discovered in California?
  1. What happened to Hispanics and Chinese living in California?

Growing Pains

  1. What was the old myth about settling the West?
  1. What problems did expansion cause?
  1. What was popular sovereignty?

WarwickHigh School1United States History