‘Tintagel’s Great Seal’
Clerk. Mrs S.J. Moth
Phone: 01840 770022
E-mail :
7TH June 2012
DRAFT Minutes of a Meeting of the Tintagel Parish Council
held on Wednesday 6TH June 2012
Present: Cllrs. Wickett, Flower, Hodge, Dyer, Dangar, Dorman, Bull, Roberts & Brooks
5 members of the public were present
Apologies: none
Declarations of Personal and Prejudicial Interest
Cllr. Dangar – Planning Application PA12/04203 – Personal interest as the application is for a similar business to his own.
Cllr. Brooks – PA12/04362 – Personal interest as the applicant is a neighbour
Invitation to members of the public to speak prior to meeting regarding items on the Agenda
(10 minutes allowed for this item)
Mr. Toye presented his petition requesting addition signage at the roundabout indicating the Visitor Centre and further shops
Mr. Spurdens spoke about the sign in Trevena Square due for refurbishment and asked whether changes would be made to the signs in the Visitor Centre.
Mr. Lewis also spoke about signs and requested additions to the existing signs and addition of further signs.
He felt more prohibitive notices were needed and also a programme of work to refurbish the walls to the Visitor Centre. He spoke about his letters to the Home Office, DoT, Prime Minister, Chief Constable and MP.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.15 p.m.
Declarations of Personal and Prejudicial Interest
No further declarations
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Minutes of the previous meeting 2nd May and Matters Arising
Pg., No. 1308 – Cllr. Dangar concerned about closure of road at Waterpit Down over half term.
It was proposed by Cllr. Dorman, seconded by Cllr. Dyer and RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 2nd May 2012 be approved as a true record of the meeting and be duly signed.
Police The Clerk read out some correspondence from PC O’Toole regarding recent behaviour near the Visitor Centre and this was noted.
CCC C/Cllr. Brown not present at this stage
Christmas Lighting Committee Cllr. Smith not present. The Chairman reported that he and the Clerk had attended a recent meeting and spoke with members of the Committee regarding the budget for lights for the coming season.
Playing Fields Cllr. Roberts reported that he had been in contact with Mr. Hartley and that they were looking into a possible Neighbourhood Watch Scheme for the area.
Her Majesty the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
The celebrations were a great success despite Tuesday’s weather. The Jubilee Committee would be holding a meeting the following Monday which the Chairman would attend to thank members for their hard work.
PA12/04631 Mr. & Mrs. Simpson, 10A Atlantic Close, Treknow, Tintagel
Conversion of garage to bedrooms and construction of new attached garage and single storey rear extension
It was proposed by Cllr. Hodge, seconded by Cllr. Dyer and RESOLVED that no objections be raised to this application. All in favour. Carried.
PA12/03949 Ms. Carolyn Finlay, The Vicarage, Vicarage Hill, Tintagel
Application for Listed Building Consent for alteration to existing ground level store room to incorporate a shower room to part of the room with the rest remaining as a store
It was proposed by Cllr. Flower, seconded by Cllr. Hodge and RESOLVED that no objections be raised to this application. All in favour. Carried.
PA12/04178 Ms. Carolyn Finlay, Fontervault Cottage, Vicarage Hill, Tintagel
Application for Listed Building Consent for the re-instatement of historic window opening. The window will be made with materials to match adjacent windows and will sit in front of the existing oak frame
It was proposed by Cllr. Flower, seconded by Cllr. Hodge and RESOLVED that no objections be raised to this application. All in favour. Carried.
PA12/04203 Mr. T. Stearn, St. Austell Brewery, The Port William, Trebarwith Strand, Tintagel
Removal/demolition of existing kitchen block/extension and relocate kitchen to central location within the building. Construct new extension (single storey) to house new restaurant extension
Cllr. Dangar declared an interest in this item
Cllr. Dyer proposed an objection that the proposal was not in keeping in a very sensitive area of outstanding natural beauty, seconded by Cllr. Dorman and RESOLVED that the objection be made. All in favour. Carried.
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Also to consider any other applications received since the Agenda was published.
PA12/04362 Mr. Richard Wiles, Alona Garden, Treven,Tintagel
Removal of concrete block building and shed and construction of new garage
Cllr. Brooks declared an interest in this item
Cllr. Flower proposed an objection be raised due to the visual impact of the proposal, that the proposal was too far from the main house and the increased development on the site over the years, seconded by Cllr. Dyer and RESOLVED that the objection be made. All in favour. Carried.
Correspondence received regarding Planning application PA11/03725, Reevescott, Trethevy
A letter had been received expressing concern about the work being carried out at the site. Agreed that the letter be forwarded to Mark Andrews with a request for a site meeting and to take urgent action to investigate what is being done at the site.
Tintagel Visitor Centre - To advise members of the receipt of a complaint from a member of the public under the Parish Council’s Complaints Procedure regarding the purchase of Tintagel Visitor Centre
Members were advised that the complainant was unable to attend the meeting . Cllr. Hodge proposed that a letter be sent to the complainant. The letter would invite him to attend the next meeting on the 4th July at which stage the Parish Council will update him on the current situation with the Visitor Centre, give him the opportunity to withdraw his complaint now that the purchase price is in the public domain if he wished to do so, and advise that if he is unable to attend this meeting the Parish Council will consider his complaint and a final response will be given to it. Seconded by Cllr. Dorman. Two abstentions from voting namely Cllrs. Dangar and Dyer. Remainder in favour. RESOLVED and carried.
Tintagel Visitor Centre
· To update on completion of purchase and progress to date
Cllr. Hodge advised that the working group had met briefly this morning and had a list of proposals to put to the Parish Council later in the meeting. It was proposed to hold the first Committee meeting on the 14th June at 9.00 a.m. now that the purchase had completed. It was hoped to open for business on the 18th June with an official opening to following in the future. Cllr. Hodge confirmed that there had been a good response from volunteers but more were needed. Forms were also requested from councillors who had not yet completed them. Open sessions were being held the following week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10 – noon for volunteers and interested businesses to come along and have a chat with members of the Parish Council. Cllr. Bull had been in contact with some local businesses with a view to selling and promoting their products. He asked all councillors to continue to encourage volunteers for the Centre.
Trevena Square/Visitor Centre/general areas
· to consider setting Byelaws against skateboarding and other activities as required
Two letters received from Mr. Lewis were read out and noted. Cllr. Roberts who was also a school governor spoke about problems which some children experience. Cllr. Hodge proposed that a decision on Byelaws be deferred, seconded by Cllr. Bull. One abstention. All in favour. RESOLVED and carried. All members were encouraged to keep the police informed if they were aware of any problems. Clerk to respond to Mr. Lewis to advise that Byelaws will not be considered at this time, but that additions will be made to the sign.
· to consider additional wording for refurbishment of large sign in Trevena Square
Cllr. Flower the wording “No skateboarding” and “No camping” be added to the sign in the spare space and the sign be refurbished. Seconded by Cllr. Dorman. All in favour. RESOLVED and carried. Cllr. Brown was asked to encourage Cornwall Council to improve the signage in the Visitor Centre car park.
· to consider information from Cornwall Council on the criteria for issue of parking permits, Trevena Sq.
The Clerk had received correspondence from Cornwall Council regarding the use of the electoral roll for the issue of permits and that this should cease. After discussion, Cllr. Flower proposed that permits be issued to ratepayers of Tintagel on production of a current Council Tax bill. Cllr. Dangar abstained. Seconded by Cllr. Hodge. All in favour. RESOLVED and carried.
Clerk to write to Dr. Lorigan who had written to the Parish previously regarding this matter to advise her of the change in criteria.
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Annual Accounts 2011/12 – to consider and accept the Annual Accounts
The Clerk had received the accounts from the internal auditor which needed to be sent off this week. Cllr. Flower proposed the accounts be accepted in principle and that if councillors had any queries they should refer them to the Clerk and the matter could be confirmed at the next meeting, seconded by Cllr. Dorman. Cllr. Dangar abstained. Remainder in favour. RESOLVED and carried.
Asset Register – to amend and update the Register as required
Cllr. Dyer proposed the register be updated following the purchase of the Visitor Centre to show an asset value of £225,000 as per the insurance schedule, seconded by Cllr. Bull. One abstention. Remainder in favour. RESOLVED and carried.
Cornwall Council - to consider the Draft Report on Results of Housing Needs Survey
Cllr. Hodge proposed a meeting be requested with Cornwall Council, seconded by Cllr. Dyer. All in favour. RESOLVED and carried.
Cornwall Association of Local Councils
· Members Travelling Allowances – to consider guidance on this issue – Cllr. Dyer proposed this matter be tabled, seconded by Cllr. Hodge. All in favour. RESOLVED and carried.
· Code of Conduct - to consider further advice and guidance received on the proposed new Code
· from National Association of Local Councils – to consider Legal Topic Note 80 and Legal Briefing on same regarding New Code of Conduct proposed to be effective from 1.7.12 (copied to members with this Agenda)
Regarding the above two items, further correspondence was awaited from CALC along with a Draft Code of Conduct for adoption by 1st July. A single item extra-ordinary meeting would be called once the correspondence was received.
Cornwall Council
· Localism Newsletter Edition 6 (copied to members at the previous meeting) - noted
· Caravan and Camp Site – Proposed Harmonised Conditions Consultation – Cllr. Wickett to look at correspondence
· Planning Future Cornwall – Example Document – Neighbourhood Development Plan (copied to members previously) – Clerk to request any further details from Cornwall Council and add to Agenda for September meeting
· Community Network Meeting, 12th June – nominate members for Affordable Housing Working Group and note that an item has been requested for discussion regarding the Public Convenience Review- meeting to be attended by Cllrs. Dyer, Wickett and Brooks.
· Street Trading in Cornwall - tabled
· Leader message to members (14.5.12) (copied to members with this Agenda) - noted
Diocese of Truro – correspondence re: The Old School Rooms and Old School House, Fore Street
Letter received from the Diocese read out. Clerk to respond that the Parish Council is very concerned for the health and safety of the site and members of the public. It had been noted that when some cardboard was collected for the beacon by request, that a large section of an internal beam has broken away and that it is requested that immediate action be taken to secure and make safe the whole site,
Bench at the Bluff, Treknow – request to place memorial plaque
A request was received to pay for the replacement bench in return for the placing of a memorial plaque. Agreed that this could be done as long as details of the plaque were received first.
Buckingham Palace – A letter thanking the Parish for the congratulatory card sent to HM The Queen on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee
Noted. Cllr Wickett suggested a memory box be made and kept with parish records.
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Cllr. Dorman proposed the cheques be signed, seconded by Cllr. Dyer. All in favour. RESOLVED and carried.
The next full Parish Council meeting would be held on the 4th July and the Clerk would advise members of the date of the Extraordinary Meeting to consider the proposed new Code of Conduct as soon as the relevant correspondence is received.
It was proposed by Cllr. Dorman and seconded by Cllr. Bull that the following resolution be approved. All in favour. RESOLVED and carried that Pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of the following item:-
Tintagel Visitor Centre – To consider a complaint from a member of the public under the Parish Council’s Complaints Procedure regarding the purchase of Tintagel Visitor Centre
Discussed during the open part of the meeting
Trevena Square – to consider quotations for work to rebuild wall and area to surround new cross
It was proposed by Cllr. Bull and seconded by Cllr. Dyer that the quotation from G. Climo and Sons be accepted. All in favour. RESOLVED and carried.
Tintagel Visitor Centre
· To consider list of proposals from the Working Group
Cllr. Hodge presented a list of proposals on behalf of the Visitor Centre Working Group to the Parish Council as follows:-
1. That the Clerk be paid an additional 5 hours a week to oversee the running of the Centre from Monday to Friday and to carry out her parish work from there when possible. Agreement to this was proposed by Cllr. Flower, seconded by Cllr. Dorman. All in favour. RESOLVED and carried.
2. That if volunteers were not able to be sought to weekend cover at the Centre that consideration be given to a temporary paid position. This was agreed by all in principle.