Creating An Lpp Source And Spot
The lpp_source is a library of the images that can be installed.
The spot is what controls the install on to the remote box.
1. As root, create a directory to hold the lpp_source.
cd /export/lpp_source
mkdir lpp_source_name
(Note the name as you will be using it later.)
In our example, we are creating "lpp_source_aix53_tl5".
mkdir lpp_source_aix53_tl5
2.Start up nim:
smitty nim
The "Network Installation Management" menu will appear.
3. In it, select:
Perform NIM Administration Tasks
The "Perform NIM Administration Tasks" menu will appear.
4. In it, select:
Manage Resources
The "Manage Resources" menu will appear.
5. In it, select:
Define a Resource
The "Resource Type" submenu will appear.
6. In it, select:
The "Define a Resource" menu will appear.
7. In it, we want to fill out 4 fields:
i) Resource Name: This is the name that will appear in smitty menues, and the name you would enter if running commands on the command line.
For it, enter:
the last part of the directory name in step 1 above
In our example:
ii) Server of Resource: This is the machine on which the lpp source will reside.
We want the lpp source to be on this nim master.
Therefore, enter:
iii)Location of Resource: This is the directory in which the lpp source will reside on the machine.
The full path name from step 1
iv)Source of Install Images: This is from where we are going to pull the files in order to create the lpp source.
mount point of CD Rom
(This assumes that the CD is in the drive, and mounted.)
Our example looks like this:
8)The command will process, and eventually come back with "OK".
9. Get to the command line by hitting:
F10 (or Esc+0)
10. On the command line, you can optionally check to see that the lpp source was created by:
ls -l /export/lpp_source/lpp_source_name
# ls -l /export/lpp_source/lpp_source_aix53_tl5
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 256 Oct 11 21:28 RPMS
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 256 Oct 11 21:28 installp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 256 Oct 11 21:28 usr
11. We are now going to create the spot. Unlike the lpp source, we do not need to create a directory ahead of time for the spot. "smitty nim" will take care of this for us.
12. On the command line, type:
smitty nim
The "Network Installation Management" menu will appear.
13. In it, select:
Perform NIM Administration Tasks
The "Perform NIM Administration Tasks" menu will appear.
14. In it, select:
Manage Resources
The "Manage Resources" menu will appear.
15. In it, select:
Define a Resource
The "Resource Type" submenu will appear.
16. In it, select:
spot (Near the bottom of the list)
The "Define a Resource" menu will appear.
17. In it, we want to fill out 4 fields:
i) Resource Name: This is the name that will appear in smitty menues, and the name you would enter if running commands on the command line.
For it, enter:
a name similar to the lpp source but beginning with "spot"
In our example:
ii) Server of Resource: This is the machine on which the spot
will reside.
We want the spot to be on this nim master. Therefore, enter:
iii) Source of Install Images: This is from where we are going to pull the files in order to create the lpp source.
Hit F4 (or Esc+4) and choose the lpp source you just created from
the submenu that appears. (See screen capture below.)
iv) Location of Resource: This is the directory in which the spot will reside on the machine.
(Please note: "smitty nim" will create the subdirectory automatically for us unlike when we created the lpp source.)
Our example ends up looking like this:
18. The command will process, and come back with "OK".
19. Get to the command line by hitting:
F10 (or Esc+0)
20. On the command line, you can optionally check to see that the spot was created by:
ls -l /export/spot/spot_name
# ls -l /export/spot/spot_aix53_tl5
total 72
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root system 5670 Jun 14 2005
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root system 14410 Mar 28 2006
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root system 5173 Jul 06 2006 lpp_name
drwxr-xr-x 24 bin bin 4096 Oct 12 17:26 usr
Oct. 13, 2010 (Ver. 1)1 of 12By Jim Maher