The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, September 18, 2012. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Rhett Coon, Leon Baker, Linda Jones, Gerald Reichert and Carrie Sokoloski. Others present included Treasurer Kathleen Zander, Police Chief Ty Ulrich, Public Works Director Gary Zuroff,
and Recreation Director Dean Svenvold. Council men mike Dryden and Matt Hull were absent as were Fire Chief George Lane and Director of Operations Kevin Dorwart.
Bury moved to approve the minutes of the public hearing for the budget. Second by Sokoloski and the motion carried.
Baker moved to approve the minutes of the public hearing for the mill levy contribution. Second by Coon and the motion carried.
Bury moved to approve the minutes of the public hearing for the Bailey zone change. Second by Sokoloski and the motion carried.
Reichert moved to approve the minutes of the regular council meeting held 09/04/2012. Second by Coon and the motion carried.
***7:06 - The regular Council meeting was recessed for the public hearing for the Zone Change request of Geiger, Deshaw, Howel, Sackman and Geiger.
***7:49 – Regular Council meeting called back in session.
Personnel Committee: September 4, 2012 – 4:15 p.m.
Present: Council Members: Mayor Jerry Jimison, Steve Bury, Matt Hull, Linda Jones
Department Reps & Personnel: Fire Chief George Lane Other: None
Part Time Volunteer firefighter interview - With assistance from Chief Lane, we interviewed an individual who had applied to work as a part-time, paid (volunteer) firefighter.
ACTION: The Committee has made a recommendation to hire this applicant, pending their successful passing of a background check, written test, and physical fitness test.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
Submitted by Councilman Matt Hull
With no further business, the committee report was concluded.
Personnel Committee: September 17, 2012 – 4:00 p.m.
Present: Council Members: Mayor Jerry Jimison, Leon Baker, Matt Hull, Linda Jones
Department Reps & Personnel: Police Chief Ty Ulrich, LaRae Semingson, Public Works Director
Gary Zuroff, Assistant Public Works Director Jack Rice, Foreman Brian Schaaf Other: None
Dispatcher Interviews - With assistance from Police Chief Ty Ulrich and LaRae Semingson, we interviewed an individual for the part-time dispatcher position with the Glendive Police Department. The applicant has already successfully completed the applicable background and pre-employment tests required for employment. ACTION: The Committee recommends hiring this applicant, with an anticipated start date of October 9..
Public Works Interviews - With assistance from Public Works leadership, we interviewed five individuals for two vacant Public Works positions. One position is a full-time Utility Worker with the City crew; the other position is a full-time position at the landfill, with time being split as a Utility Worker (equipment operator) and Scale Attendant. ACTION: The Committee recommends hiring two of these applicants for the vacant positions, pending their successful passing of a background check. Anticipated start dates have not yet been determined for these individuals.
Meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
Submitted by Councilman Matt Hull
Street Committee
September 12, 2012 at 4 p.m.
Attendees: Gary Zuroff, Ty Ulrich, Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Carrie Sokoloski, Jerry Jimison, Deb Toepke, Chad Knudson, Jerry Geiger
Agenda Items:
1) Deb Toepke asked for clarification concerning off-street parking on the 200 block of West Benham. Boulevards are the responsibility of the individual property owners but cannot be blocked.
R) The Committee will take Ms. Toepke’s concerns under advisement. Gary Zuroff is going to look at the specific location to see what parking options exist and will report back to the Committee.
2) Update on the speed zone on North Merrill Avenue. Gary Zuroff sent a letter to Shane Mintz at the Department of Transportation (DOT), requesting that they review the existing speed zone of 45 MPH at the far north end of Merrill Ave. The DOT’s traffic engineer is going to look at the matter but it may take some time before he can get back to us.
R) We will wait for more information from the DOT before making a recommendation.
Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Carrie Sokoloski, Street Committee Chair.
Finance/Utilities/Property/Recreation Committee –
Present Council members: Chair Mike Dryden, Rhett Coon, Carrie Sokoloski,
Mayor: Jerry Jimison Dept. Reps.: Kevin Dorwart, Gary Zuroff Media: Chad Knutson
Guests: Jerry Geiger, Kay Storlie, Erin Kaufman, Erin Brandt, Brian Milne, Deb Toepke, Jim Bauer
Wet Devils: Erin Kaufman and Kay Storlie, representing the Wet Devils, asked questions about the city’s plans to address issues with the city swimming pool. Brian Milne and Erin Brandt, of Interstate Engineering, having recently inspected the pool, tried to provide answers to these questions. ACTION: The committee recommends that the council approves a study by
Interstate Engineering of the structural needs of the city swimming pool. The cost of this study is an amount not to exceed $2500.00
Splash Park: Deb Toepke brought forth preliminary designs, by Interstate Engineering, for a splash park at Whipkey Park. The splash park is to be paid for by donations. Discussion ensued on the rationale behind choosing Whipkey Park for the splash park. There was much favorable discussion on approving this site for the splash park. ACTION: The committee recommends the council approve Whipkey Park as the site for the splash pool(s).
Go Homes, Inc.: Request from Go Homes Incorporated for an additional payment from the city to pay for the water and sewer extension up Divide Street. Public Works commented that there were costs associated with completing this project that the city could not have foreseen. The request is for approximately $2251.00 ACTION: Committee recommends council approve payment.
Recarb Basin Engineering: Dowl HKM submitted an amendment for engineering to 30% design on the recarb basin at the city water plant at a cost of $98,510.00ACTION: Committee recommends council approval.
Finance Bid on Water Plant CO2: Community First submitted the only bid for financing the city’s upgrade of the liquid CO2 storage system at the water plant. In response to the bid request for financing $30,000 to $40,000 over a five-year time period, Community First submitted a fixed rate of 3.07%. Director Dorwart stated that this a good rate for the city. ACTION: Committee recommends council approval.
Purchase Police Car: Police Chief Ulrich requested permission to purchase a used 2009-11 Ford Crown Victoria with P71 Police Interceptor Package from American Ford in Glendive. The total estimated cost for a 2009-11 Crown Victoria with less than 32,000 miles and including installation of special police equipment is $21,632-$24,635. The CIP contains funds set aside for purchase of a patrol vehicle. ACTION: Committee recommends council approval.
Waive Building and Connection Fees: Guest House International requested that Mayor Jimison bring to the F.U.P.R. Committee their request to have Glendive buiding and connection fees waived.
ACTION: Committee denied their request.
Temporary Shooting Range: Ruth Peck, Dawson County 4H, requested that the city waive the ban on shooting bb guns in the city to allow for a temporary bb shooting range at the Dawson County Harvest Festival on Sunday October 14th from noon to 5 pm. The shooting range, inside a temporary blow-up facility, will provide for shooting bb guns only on the inside of the facility. ACTION:Committee recommends council approval.
Recreation Department Sacred Heart Church: The Sacred Heart Parish Council requested that the city of Glendive split the costs of renovating the heating/cooling units that service the building housing the city recreation department. The bid for the upgrades, from Ambient Heating, was $10,000. Therefore the city’s split of these costs would be $5000. ACTION: Committee requests that Mayor Jimison ask the Sacred Heart Parish Council to provide the city with a written request for the cost-sharing of upgrading its utilities relative to the Sacred Heart Gymnasium.
Proposed Multi-use Building: Jim Bauer presented three different concepts for the city’s multi-use emergency responders’ building. The estimated costs for the various building designs ranged from approximately $750,000 to nearly $900,000. Discussion on the proposals continued for over an hour with Ambulance Director Broeder now in attendance. ACTION: FYI
Meeting adjourned 7:05.
Respectfully submitted Councilman Dryden
PUBLIC COMMENT – Mayor Jimison asked for public comments three times. There was none.
Zone Change Request - Reichert moved to approve the zone change request for Geiger, Deshaw, Howel, Sackman & Geiger. Second by Sokoloski. Sokoloski stated she was very frustrated. She feels members of the public need to be given specific information when working with government offices and Geigers were only given one option. She feels stuck in a position to approve a zone change she does not feel is right for the other property owners.
Coon responded by saying he supports our County/City Planner and spot zoning is not something the City wants to mess with. Coon does not feel Humphries was at fault for instructing the Geigers as he did, it is just this situation is more sticky than usual. The Planner’s pushing of not spot zoning is not bad policy.
The motion carried with all voting in favor of it, except Baker.
Rick Wessell – Reichert move to approve hiring Rick Wessell as half time Scale House Attendant/half time Utility worker, effective 09/24/2012. Second by Bury and the motion carried.
Blake Fohl – Bury moved to hire Blake Fohl as full time Utility Worker, effective 10/09/2012. Second by Coon and the motion carried.
Approve Contract Interstate Engineering - Coon moved to approve the contract with Interstate Engineering for cost estimates/improvements to City Pool, not to exceed $2500.00. Second by Bury and the motion carried.
Whipkey Park-Splash Pool – Coon moved to approve designating Whipkey Park as the site for the Splash Pool. Second by Bury. The Council understood to obtain funding and make design plans a site had to be designated but worried about designating the site permanently. If funding were never obtained, plans for the future use of the park would not be allowed to change. After some discussion, Reichert asked to change the motion with a friendly amendment that Whipkey Park would be designated as the site for the Splash Pool for three years from the date of the motion. Coon agreed to the change and Bury seconded it. If the splash pool is not in place as of that date the usage of the site would go back to what it was prior to the motion.
GO Homes, Additional payment - Sokoloski moved to approve the additional Payment of $2,255.74 to GO Homes, Inc for City Water and Sewer Extension on Divide Street. Second by Jones and the motion carried.
Contract Amendment, ReCarb Basin at Water Plant - Sokoloski moved to approve the contract amendment with Dowl/HKM Engineering, 30% design on ReCarb Basin at Water Plant for $98,510.00. Second by Jones and the motion carried.
Community First Bid - Bury move to approve a bid from Community First Bank for 3.07% for up to $40,000/5 years for Water Plant CO2 upgrade. Second by Reichert and the motion carried.
Patrol Car, American Ford – Coon moved to approve the purchase of used Police Patrol Vehicle from American Ford. Second by Baker and the motion carried. The new patrol car will replace a unit with 125,000 miles. This used one will work well for the department this year. It has less than 32,000 miles and in the past has proven to be a good police vehicle. He plans on purchasing a new vehicle next year.
Allow Temporary Shooting Range for BB guns – Jones moved to allow a temporary shooting range for bb guns at Lloyd Square Park during Dawson County Harvest Festival- Oct 14th. Second by Baker and the motion carried.
Seeking bids recarb basin – Bury moved to approve the request from Finance Director Dorwart to seek bids to finance the Recarb Basin design at the Water Plant. Second by Reichert and the motion carried.
Update on State Plans for Makoshika State Park – Park Manager Ryan Sokoloski was unable to attend the meeting so the update will be postponed until a later council meeting.
Accounts Payable Claims: $141,477.69 – Reichert moved to approve Accounts Payable Claims in the amount of $141,477.69. Second by Baker and the motion carried.
Payroll: $1,232.59 – Bury moved to approve payroll in the amount of $1,232.59. Second by Coon and the motion carried.
Police – Chief Ulrich stated they held the bike auction last weekend. Sergeant Feist has attended tazer instructor training. Mitchell and LaRae Semingson also both completed training. Haff is at the Academy and will be back in December. Officer Lipponen will attend the training in June. Reichert asked Chief Ulrich to police the left turn on Douglas near Taco John’s. It is signed no left turn but drivers do it anyway and it causes a hazard. Chief Ulrich agreed to continue to police the area when time allows.
Recreation – Dean Svenvold stated soccer games started on Thursday. Training for new coaches was last week. There are 275 participants making up 24 teams. Games will be held on Saturdays and some during the week. Gymnastics is going well. The moved some classes to Tuesday/Thursdays because there were so many kids. There is still a waiting list to get into the classes. Fall coed volleyball league starts a week from this Sunday.
Public Works – Zuroff stated they are still busy with multiple projects and the many people coming into City Hall on a daily basis. Hiring the two new positions tonight will help. October 1st-3rd, Zuroff will be attending board meetings in Bozeman.
September 17th – Eastern Montana Community Concert Drive
September 21 – 23 – Gun Show at EPEC
September 22 – Moonlight over Makoshika
September 28 – Glendive Food Bank Fundraiser, Mayor Jimison read a flyer to the Council
September 29 – Boys and Girls Club – Murder Mystery Dinner – 6:30pm – Fairgrounds
October 2-5 – League of Cities and Towns, Kalispell – Mayor Jimison reminded Council members, Dryden will be leading the next meeting and a quorum will need to be present. Sokoloski and Hull have already stated they will be gone. Five including Dryden is enough for a quorum.
Ordinance Committee – Monday, September 24, 2012 – 4:00pm
Personnel Committee – Monday, September 24, 2012 – 4:30pm
Police – July, August 2012
City Court – August 2012
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Dated this 18th day of September, 2012.
Approved the 2nd day of October, 2012.
Jerry Jimison, Mayor
Kathleen Zander, Treasurer