Efis No.34/2015

May 2015

Range: Conveyancing

LRAS1 – Assent of Whole of Registered Title(s) by Personal Representative(s)

LRAS1_Flexi-Assent of Whole of Registered Title(s) by Personal Representative(s)

LRAS3 - Assent of Part of Registered Title(s) by Personal Representative(s)

LRAS3_Flexi- Assent of Part of Registered Title(s) by Personal Representative(s)

LRCOG1-Updating Registered Owners' Contact Address [New Form]

LRID2 – Certificate of Identity for a Body Corporate

LRPN1-Application for a Search in the Index of Proprietors’ Names

LRTP1 - Transfer of Part of Registered Title(s)

LRTP1_Flexi - Transfer of Part of Registered Title(s)

LRTR1 - Transfer of Whole of Registered Title(s)

LRTR1_Flexi- Transfer of Whole of Registered Title(s)

LRTR5 - Transfer of Portfolio of Titles (Whole or Part)

LRTR5_Flexi- Transfer of Portfolio of Titles (Whole or Part)

Following earlier amendments which the Land Registry made to LRID2, the Land Registry has advised Oyez of their desire to insert key information which was previously omitted from the last edition of LRID2.

In particular, the Land Registry has added additional information to panel 3b on LRID2 which concerns the corporation.

Subscribers to this range are requested to use this latest version of LRID2 immediately.

The Land Registry has also made some minor amendments to the side notes on forms LRAS1, LRAS3, LRTP1, LRTR1 and LRTR5 to clarify that all the names of the registered proprietors must be given in the relevant panels on these forms.

Although the Land Registry will continue to accept existing versions of these forms, the latest versions of these amended forms should not be used before 26th May.

Finally, please find available form LRCOG1 which has been added to the range and LRPN1 which has received a minor amendment. Both of these forms can be used immediately.

Important Notice for Oyezforms Version 9 Only (See Help>About the program)
LRTP1-flexi (V9 Only)
LRTR1-flexi (V9 Only)
LRTR5-flexi (V9 Only)

LRTP1-Flexi, LRTR1-Flexi and LRTR5-Flexi forms have not received the above amendments to the side notes as they are no longer editorially updated. However, the Land Registry will continue to accept existing versions of all these forms indefinitely.


In July 2012, Oyez announced an end-of-life of support for version 9 -Flexi forms after June 2013
Oyezforms Version 10 is free and can be downloaded from:
For more than 2 years Oyezforms Version 9 has been in an 'extended support phase '. During this time there has been no further development of version 9 and all new features are added to Version 10 only.


Technical Section:

Importing Forms

1.Start the OyezForms software (if you are running a networked copy of the software only one user should have the

software open at this point).

2.Insert the CD-ROM into your CD drive.

3.Select Admin and then Import new forms

4.When the dialogue box appears, click BROWSE

5.Double-click on the CD-ROM drive labelled ‘OyezForms’ and select the EFIS folder which this document refers to. Click OK

6.The forms listed within this EFIS will appear in the dialogue box

7.Click Select All

8.Click Import

9.Click Done.

If you have any problems please contact Oyez Legal Software Technical Support on 08450 17 55 17.