Ouroutstanding reputation
MacquarieisAustralia’snumber1modernuniversity andisrenownedforexcellenceininterdisciplinary researchandteaching,ouruniqueapproachto learning,ourhighlyskilledgraduates,andour first-classfacilities.
Wewouldliketowelcomeyouto campusandinviteyoutosomeofourexcitingevents.
Takeadvantageofourmanymuseums, seeourartgalleryexhibitionsordelve intothemindsofourresearchexperts.
Macquarie AncientLanguages Winter School
TheAncientLanguagesWinterSchool offersawiderangeofcoursesin
ClassicalandKoineGreek,Latin,Egyptian Hieroglyphs,ClassicalHebrew,Akkadianandothers.Therearealsoopportunities toreadGreekpapyriandinscriptions,and studyGreekandromancoins.
Amongtheselectionatthe2013WinterSchoolareLatinVulgate, readingJerome’sTobiasandtheAngel;AramaicandCopticat beginnerlevel;andintermediateAkkadian,readingSargon’sLettertotheGodAshur,anAssyrianroyalinscription.
Where:BuildingX5B,Level3,MuseumofAncientCultures, MacquarieUniversity
When: Monday1JulytoFriday5July
Parking: Parking fees apply: X3 and W4 carparks are designated for casual parking
Youthaspirations, participationinhigher education and career choice capability: Wheretofrom here?
TheAustralianGovernmentbelievesthatoureducationsystem mustproducestudentswiththeskillsanddesiretosucceedinaknowledgeorskillsbasedeconomy.
Policychangeshaveattemptedtoimproveacademicoutcomes; andtoraisecareeraspirationsamongouryouth,inparticularthose fromdisadvantagedbackgrounds.
Todatetherehavebeenfewstudiesintothesuccessofthesepolicies. Thissymposiumwillprovideacollaborativespacetoshareresearchinto governmenteffortsintheseareas,andtheireffectsonAustralianyouth aspirationsandunemployment.
Parking: Parking fees apply: X3 and W4 carparks are designated for casual parking
JoinusattheYQLSummit2013–aone-dayeventforstudentsandearlycareerGLBTQIyouthinterestedinleadershipinbusiness, thecommunitysectorandthearts.Thisyeartheconference themeisQueeringUpwithafocusontheupwardsocialmobilityofyoungqueerAustralians.Theconferencewillfeature inspirationalspeakers,paneldiscussionsandworkshops.
Society for the Study of Early Christianity Lecture – Professor John S Kloppenborg
Joinusatthislunchtimeseminarand heartheworld-renowned scholar ProfessorJohnSKloppenborgfromtheUniversityofTorontoinCanada,talkaboutEarlyChristianityandtheAncientAssociations.
HostedbytheSocietyfortheStudyofEarlyChristianity,thelecturewillbeofinteresttothegeneralpublic,students, researchersandhistorians.
Bringyourownlunchalong,teaorcoffeewillbeavailableafter thetalkwhereyoucanmeetothermembersofthesocietyin aninformalsetting.
When: Tuesday 30 July Time: 1pm – 2pm
RSVP: not required
Cost:Free,butagoldcoindonationtotheSocietywould beappreciatedtocovercostsofteaorcoffee
Parking:Parkingfeesapply:X3andW4carparksare designatedforcasualparking
Society for the Study of Early Christianity Lecture – Professor CilliersBreytenbach
Joinusatthiseveningseminarand heartheworld-renowned scholar ProfessorCilliersBreytenbach,talkto usaboutEarlyChristianityandthe earlychurchfathers.Breytenbachis fromHumboldtUniversityinBerlin,GermanyandhistopicisEarlyLycaonianChristianity–Going beyondPaul,RamsayandHarnack.
HostedbytheSocietyfortheStudyofEarlyChristianity,the lecturewillbeofinteresttothegeneralpublic,students, researchersandhistorians.
Parking:Parkingfeesapply:X3andW4carparksaredesignated forcasualparking
Macquarie Engineering Week Lecture
Engineering in the era of the personal genome sequence
DrBobFraterAO,willpresenta lecture ontheremarkabledevelopmentsin technologyinallfieldsoverthepast halfcenturyandpotentialforthefuture.
Whatmightweseeinthenextperiodwiththecontinuingconvergence ofphysics,chemistryandbiologyandaMoore’sLawnotyetspent?
Where:ClarkSaundersTrainingroom,CochlearBuilding, 1UniversityAvenue,MacquarieUniversity
Parking:Parkingfeesapply:X3andW4carparksaredesignated forcasualparking
Australian Centre for Egyptology 2013 Annual Conference
Archaeological and historical problems of the New Kingdom: Akhenaten, Tutankhamen and the Karnak Temple
Two international scholars, Dr Luc Gabolde (University of Montpellier, France) and Dr Marc Gabolde (Senior research Fellow, French National Scientific research Centre) will present two lectures each on their respective areas of research: the Amarna period in Egypt, focusing on the political events at the end of the reign of Akhenaten, and the history and development of the temple of Amun at Karnak.
Where:The Auditorium, Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, Ryedale road, West Ryde
When: Saturday 10 August
Time:9.30am (for 10am start) – 5 pm
RSVP: Monday 29 July
Cost: Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea – members of the rundle Foundation $70, non-members $80, students and pensioners $50, teachers with five students are free
Parking: Free
(02) 9850 8848 10am – 3pm, Monday – Friday
TheRum DiaryRatedM
In the film the Rum Diary, Johnny Depp plays a struggling journalist caught between his commitment to reporting the truth, his editor’s obligation to his newspaper, and the exciting yet chaotic nature of working in Puerto Rico.
For the past seven years Rodrigo Acuña – a PHD candidate at Macquarie University – has been writing on political developments in Latin America and the Caribbean. Drawing on his research and travel experiences, he will discuss how the Rum Diary gives us an insight the print media while also touching on beauty and dangers of the Caribbean.
Where: Building W6D, Lotus Theatre, Macquarie University
When: Sunday 11 August
Time:6pm – 9pm
RSVP: Bookings are essential, register online:
Cost: Free
Parking: Free parking permits will be issued to registered guests
(02) 9850 4110 or
Media basedaddictions–fact orfiction:A discussion ofkeyissues forthe21stcentury
This event, sponsored by the Faculty of Human Sciences, presents a range of perspectives on media based addictions.
While technology and media has extraordinary potential to enhance people’s lives, finding the balance between use that enhances and use that detracts from the human experience is not easy. This whole day workshop, featuring world authority Professor Kimberley young along with a range of fascinating speakers, explores this highly contentious topic and aims to examine and debate the current evidence.
Where: Level 3, Campus Hub Building (C10A), Macquarie University
When: Tuesday 13 August
Time: 9am – 4pm
RSVP: Bookings are essential please RSVP to
Parking: Macquarie University enforces parking charges up to 8pm daily: parking charges are $6 for one hour, $10 for three hours,
$20 all day (rates for 2013), and X3, W4 and N3 carparks are designated for casual parking
MMCCS Public Lecture Series – Professor Claire Colebrook
ThislecturewillfeatureProfessorClaireColebrookfromPennsylvania StateUniversity,USA,whowillpresentonSexandthe(Anthropocene)City.
ColebrookistheEdwinErleSparksProfessorofEnglishatPennsylvania StateUniversity,USA.Sheistheauthor(mostrecently)ofGender (Palgrave2003),Irony(Routledge2004),Milton,EvilandLiteraryHistory (Continuum2008),DeleuzeandtheMeaningofLife(Continuum2010), andWilliamBlakeandDigitalAesthetics(Continuum2011).Shehasalsowrittenarticlesonvisualculture,poetry,literarytheory,queertheoryand contemporarycultureandiscompletingabookonhumanextinction.
Where:BuildingY3Adrama Theatre,MacquarieUniversity
Time: 5pm – 7pm
RSVP: Not required
Cost: Free
Parking: Parking fees apply: X3 and W4 carparksare designated for casual parking
Movies at Macquarie
Man on a Ledge Rated M
An ex-cop and now wanted fugitive stands on the ledge of a high-rise building while a New York Police department negotiator tries to talk him down. The longer they are on the ledge, the more she realises that he might have an ulterior objective.
Vince Hurley joined Macquarie University after 30 years in the NSW Police Force. His outstanding knowledge in a vast range of policing areas, and invaluable experience as a hostage negotiator, make him the only staff member who has been shot at, stabbed, negotiated with armed offenders and purchased drugs undercover.
Where: Macquarie Theatre, Macquarie University
When: Sunday 8 September
Time: 6pm – 9pm
RSVP: Bookings are essential, register online:
Cost: Free
Parking: Free parking permits will be issued to registered guests upon booking confirmation
(02) 9850 4110
Presenting the past: A symposium on history and the media
This two-day symposium brings together history professionals and media practitioners to exchange ideas, skills and visions for the future. Presenters include media professionals from television production companies, broadcasting and funding agencies, historians, radio producers, journalists, editors and social media specialists.
This hands-on event will give established academics, independent scholars, postgraduates and public historians working in heritage, museums and archives the rare opportunity to engage directly with media professionals in a networking and training event. The symposium will include keynotes, panels and interactive workshops.
Where:State Library of NSW, Macquarie Street, Sydney
When: Tuesday 10 September and Wednesday 11 September
Time:9am – 5pm daily
Cost:$140/$95 concession
Jacqueline Anker
(02) 9850 8879
Second Australasian Conference of Undergraduate Research (ACUR)
ACUr 2012 was a great success. 120 undergraduate students from across Australasia presented their research and 220 people attended the conference. The presenter of the best paper received $1000.
If you are an undergraduate student, or honours student who completed last year, then sign up for the chance to be published in a special issue of MQ Matrix (Macquarie University’s Undergraduate research Journal).
You will need to submit an abstract or full paper by 1 July so visit our website for full details.
Where: Macquarie Theatre, Price Theatre, W5A Theatres 1 and 2
When: Thursday 19 and Friday 20 September
Time: 9am – 5pm
Cost: Free
Parking: Parking fees apply: X3 and W4 carparks are designated for casual parking
MMCCS Public Lecture Series – Professor Catharine Lumby
This lecture will feature Professor Catharine Lumby, Macquarie University who will present on In the Moorehouse archives: The ethics of biography.
Lumby is the author and co-author of six books and numerous journal articles and book chapters. She is currently writing a literary biography of the author Frank Moorhouse. Before entering academia in 2000, she was
a journalist and opinion writer for The Sydney Morning Herald, the ABC and The Bulletin. She has completed research projects for organisations as diverse as Google Australia, the Australian Communication and Media Authority and the National rugby League.
Where:Building y3A, drama Theatre, Macquarie University
When:Tuesday 24 September
Time:5pm – 7pm RSVP: Not required Cost: Free
Parking:Parking fees apply: X3 and W4 carparks are designated for casual parking
Multiculturalism, Inclusion and Participation: Lessons from the Research
In partnership with the Ethnic Communities’ Council of NSW, Macquarie University’s Pro Vice-Chancellor (Social Inclusion) Professor Gail Whiteford, will host a full-day forum which brings research on multiculturalism to the community. Keynote speakers and panel discussions will uncover what we have learnt from research on multiculturalism, participation and inclusion and how we can make it useful in the workplace and the community.
Join us for lively debate and critical reflection. Keynote speakers include
Professor Lucy Taksa and Professor Ingrid Piller.
Where:Glebe Town Hall, 160 St Johns road, Glebe
When:Friday 27 September
Time:9am – 4.30pm followed by networking until 6pm
RSVP: All guests must register online
Cost:$75 per person
Parking:Public transport is recommended, as parking meters are restricted to two hours in surrounding streets, with a very limited supply of unrestricted parking
(02) 9850 1965
Society for the Study of Early Christianity Lecture – Professor Claudia Rapp
Join us at this evening seminar and hear the world-renowned scholar Professor Claudia rapp (from Vienna University in Austria), talk to us about Early Christian Writing in Monastries. Her topic is ‘Epistolography in a monastic context: Limits and possibilities’. This is hosted by the Society of Early Christianity and will be of interest to the general public, students, researchers and historians.
Where: Building W6A room 308, Macquarie University
When: Monday 30 September
Time:7pm – 9pm
RSVP:Not required
Cost:SSEC Society Members $5 and non-members $8
Parking:Parking fees apply: X3 and W4 carparks are designated for casual parking
(02) 9850 7512
The Hub Bazaar
Join in the fun and excitement of The Hub Bazaar, Macquarie University’s very own Market day. Meander through a feast of interesting and intriguing market stalls, featuring an array of trinkets, treasures, gizmos and gadgets sure to satisfy all tastes and cravings. Be the envy of your work colleagues, family and friends and find your next hidden treasure at The Hub Bazaar.
Where:Central Court yard, Macquarie University
When:Tuesdays 6 August, 3 September, 1 October, 5 November
Time: 10am – 3pm
RSVP:Bookings not required
Parking:Parking fees apply: X3 and W4 car parks are designated for casual parking
Open Day
Come and discover why Macquarie is the university for you at our Open day – your opportunity to experience first-hand just how much we have to offer.
Open day is the perfect opportunity to get the answers to all the questions you have about Macquarie’s outstanding degrees, study options, faculties, accommodation, living costs and much more.
Talk to our lecturers and faculty representatives, career experts and admissions advisers, or attend one of our mini lectures about the courses we have on offer.
Where: Macquarie University
When: Saturday 14 September
Time:10am – 4pm
Parking:Free parking across campus
Asia Pacific Invitational 2013 Robotics Competition
The Asia-Pacific Invitational FLL®/FTC® tournament will be the biggest FIRST® tournament to be run in Australia to date. Teams from all over the world will travel to Sydney and compete at Macquarie University. The tournament will be action packed and showcase FLL robots, whichare built wholly out of LEGO and complete various tasks autonomously, as well as FTC robots, made with metal-chassis to play ring It Up!
So join us for a few days or hours of great fun and excitement.
Where: Macquarie and Lotus Theatres, Macquarie University
When: Friday 5 and Saturday 6 July
Time: 9am – 4pm
Cost: Free
The Indigenous Science Experience
Macquarie University, the Redfern Community Centre, the City of Sydney and Aboriginal elders and communities from around Australia present
an exciting hands-on program as part of National Science Week.
Knowledge, skills and ideas relevant to western and Indigenous science will be shared.
For a full list of each days activities and seminars, visit the website.
Indigenous Science Seminar Series
Saturday 10 August, 9.30am – 5pm
Family Science Fun Day
Sunday 11 August, 10.30am – 2.30pm
Where:Redfern Community Centre, 53 Hugo Street, Redfern
When:Saturday 10 to Sunday 11 August
RSVP: Dave Harrington at or
0434 916 778 or Joanne Jamie at
or (02) 9850 8283
Robotics Fun Day
As part of Australian Engineering Week, Macquarie University is hosting an afternoon of robotics fun and learning including presentations, displays, and the opportunity to drive and program robots built by students competing at an international level. robot enthusiasts of all ages are welcome to join in the fun. If you are a school student, bring along a LEGO robot you have built and show it off at our robot display table.
Where:Building E7B Court yard, Macquarie University
When:Sunday 11 August
Time:2pm – 4pm
Parking:Free parking available in C1, C2 and C3 carparks, fees apply in other campus carparks
(02) 9850 7413 or
Our University, Our Future: Celebrating Learning and Teaching 2013
Macquarie University’s annual celebration of learning and teaching will continue to strive towards creating a rich and diverse culture of learning.
This year we will be looking forward to the possible futures for our university. There will be a number of different presentations focusing on various futures, including learning spaces and teaching practices. A general program will
run for the first three days, followed by two days dedicated to our students with the Annual Macquarie University 3 Minute Thesis Finals and the Second Australasian Conference of Undergraduate research. All are welcome.
Where:Building E5A and E6A, Macquarie University
When:Monday 16 to Friday 20 September
Time:9.30am – 5pm
RSVP:Bookings are essential, register at
Parking:Parking fees apply: X3 and W4 carparks are designated for casual parking
(02) 9850 8446
Each month Bushcare@MQ meets at Mars Creek to help preserve the biodiversity of our beautiful campus. We meet with a bush regeneration expert who tells us the work plan for the session. Bush carers are provided with all the tools and equipment they need – and of course afternoon tea. Sessions involve weeding and planting of trees, shrubs and groundcovers.
Where:Intersection of Mars Creek and Gymnasium road, Macquarie University
When:Thursday 4 July, Thursday 1 August and Thursday 5 September
Time:2pm – 4pm
RSVP:Please register your interest by emailing two days before the session
Parking:Parking fees apply: tickets can be purchased from vending machines in carparks (accepts coins only), alternatively visit for sustainable transport options to the campus
Cycle Skills Workshop
Cycle Skills is a free course available to all Macquarie University staff and students. The course is designed for people who can already ride but want to develop more skills in riding safely within various cycling environments. All participants must bring a well-functioning bicycle and an Australian Standards approved helmet to participate in this course. Sydney Bike Skills will run the course.
Where:On campus
When:Friday 23 August
Time:7am – 10am or 2pm – 5pm
RSVP:register for the event by filling out the Cycle Skills Course Form at Get in quick – limited numbers
Parking:Parking fees apply: tickets can be purchased from vending machines in carparks (accepts coins only), alternatively visit for sustainable transport options to the campus
Arboretum Open Day
The Macquarie University Arboretum comprises all the trees and plants on campus.
Join us for our Arboretum Open day to find out more about the biodiversity on campus.
Where:Meet outside E11A
When:Saturday 14 September Time: 10am – 11.30am
Parking:Free parking across campus
Arboretum Walk – Bush Tucker Garden
The Macquarie University Arboretum comprises all the trees and plants on campus. Join us for a tour of the Bush Tucker Garden – featuring plants native to the greater Sydney area, some of which were used in traditional food and medicine by the Darug and other Indigenous people.
Where: Meet on Wally’s Walk between E6A and E8A
When:Thursday 19 September
Time: 1pm – 2pm
Parking:Parking fees apply: tickets can be purchased from vending machines in carparks (accepts coinsonly), alternatively visit for sustainable transport options to the campus
Music on Winter Sundays
The Ku-ring-gai Male Choir and the Spirit of Sydney Chorus
The successful Ku-ring-gai Male Choir is one of the oldest performing male voice choirs in Australia. Founded by ex-servicemen following the Second World War, the choir has been in harmony since 1946 and today has over 45 performing members.
The Spirit of Sydney Chorus is a community chorus made up of approximately 35 women who love to sing. Their repertoire includes two and three part songs, accompanied and unaccompanied, and includes musicals and show songs, spirituals, sacred music, Australian and International songs.