United Church of Christ
December 2, 2012
Those who are able may stand where marked (*).
Gathering Music: #243“Emmanuel”
Welcome, Announcements and Prayer Deacon – Ann Craxton
Prelude and Ministry of the Acolyte
Lighting the First Advent Candle Vic and Karen Carbonneau
One: Today, with a single candle, it begins. With Christians all over the world, we enter the time of hopeful expectation. “Jesus is coming,” we say in our hearts, and we light this candle to remind us of our faith, to remind us of God’s great love.
All:Today, by the light of a single candle,
wegather as a people of hope.
One:Today, with Christians all over the world, we wait in breathless awe for the miracle to come. Every year it comes,and every yearour trembling hearts are filled with songs of joy and childlike wonder.
All:This is how the prophet Isaiah said it:
“Out of the stump of a once mighty tree,
a new branch has leapt into life.”
One:(light the candle)Out of the hopes we thought were dead, new life is starting to sprout!So here, in thisdark, imperfectworld, we are lighting a candle of hope.
All:We have heard that a special Child is coming,
thatGod is coming to live among us!
Soon, we will see a new creation,
for we are a people of hope.
*Hymn: #245 “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” vs. 1
*Confession: God of the loving heart, we confess before you those places in our hearts where we have refused you entrance: people we have refused to love; habits we never get around to changing; good things we have left undone; and ways in which we hurt you, ourselves, and others. Come to us in the light of your Christ. Shine on those places we have hidden from you. Show us new ways to live. Sweep clean the rooms of our hearts, that Christ may find a home among us. Be known among us now and forever! Amen.
* Assurance of Pardon
* Gloria Patri #813
* Statement of Faith (inside hymnal cover)
Children's Time
Anthem “The King Shall Come” Brownlie/Leavitt
Moments of Concern and Celebration (please fill out a blue card)
Pastoral Prayer and Savior’s Prayer (“trespasses”)
Worship of God with our Tithes, Offerings and Pledges
Offertory Music
*Doxology #815 and Offertory Prayer
Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-9
Sermon: “God hasn’t given up on us. Thanks be to God.”
*Hymn: (insert)“As We Gather at Your Table”
The Sacrament of Holy Communion (see insert)
*Hymn: #244 “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus”
Response #237 “Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing” vs. 1
*Ministry of the Acolyte and Postlude