4th February 2015, AECC, Aberdeen

World Class Digital Infrastructure for a World Class City

Aberdeen will become Scotland’s first Gigabit City thanks to a partnership between fibre-optic infrastructure provider CityFibre and leading business Internet Service Provider IFB

Transform Digital Aberdeen – Programme
08:30-09:00 / Registration
09:00-09:15 / Conference Introduction / Malcolm Corbett / Lorne Mitchell - INCA
09:15-09:30 / Welcome from Aberdeen City Council / Cllr George Adam - Lord Provost of Aberdeen
09:30-09:50 / The Big Picture:
The European Digital Agenda & Competitiveness / John Doyle - DG Connect, European Commission
09:50-10:10 / World Class Digital Infrastructure for Scotland / Colin Cook - Scottish Government
10:10-10:30 / Aberdeen: Scotland’s First Gigabit City / Mark Collins - CityFibre
Graeme Gordon - IFB
10:30-11:00 / Networking Break
11:00-11:20 / Accelerating Aberdeen / Gordon Wright - Accelerate Aberdeen
Tom Norland - PTC
11:20-12:10 / Panel Session: Digital Innovation Agenda
Showcasing Aberdeen as a hub for digital business
Chair: Steve Harris -Scottish Enterprise / Mobile & Wireless Connectivity – Pinnacle (tbc)
Economic Recovery and Data Cloudification - Richard Higgs, CEO brightsolid
Digital Innovation in the Oil & Gas Industry – Andy Leonard, Oil & Gas UK
12:10-12:30 / Investing in Scotland’s Digital Future / Tony Rose - Scottish Futures Trust
Ian Blewett - Scottish Enterprise
12:30-13:00 / Scandinavian Experience: Fibre in Stockholm
Learning from the Stokab Project / Anders Broberg – Communications Director, Stokab
Marco Forzati, ACREO
13:00-14:00 / Lunch
14:00-14:10 / Welcome Back / Lorne Mitchell
14:10-15:10 / Workshop 1 - Connecting Business: Offshore & Onshore
Chair: Chris Pateman - FCS
Good Connectivity Brings More than Just High Speed – Graeme Gordon, IFB
Funding the Connection: How SMEs can get Connection Vouchers - Gordon Wright, Accelerate Aberdeen
Supporting Business Growth – Graham Morgan, The Elevator / Workshop 2 – Outside In: Connecting People at the Edge of the Network
Chair: Prof. Gorry Fairhurst
Connecting for Health – Judith Proctor, Chief Officer - Health & Social Care (tbc)
Prof Pete Edwards - dotRural
Community Broadband Schemes – Mark Tate, CBS
Rural Wireless Networks – Alessio Murroni, Cambium Networks
Satellite Broadband – Mike Locke, Satellite Internet
15:10-15:30 / Networking Break
15:30-16:30 / Financing New Digital Infrastructure
Lessons from the UK, Scotland & Europe
Chair: Stefan Stanislawski, Ventura Next / Scottish Cities Alliance (tbc)
Mark Collins - CityFibre
Steve Harris - Scottish Enterprise
John Doyle - European Commission
16:30-16:45 / BDUK & Scottish Broadband Progress / Matt Agar – BDUK
Sara Budge – Scottish Enterprise
16:45-17:15 / Panel Discussion
Digital Opportunities for Aberdeen & Scotland
What are we getting right in digital infrastructure and services, what are the challenges and how do we address them? / Chair: Malcolm Corbett - CEO INCA
Stefan Stanislawski - Ventura Next
Steve Harris – Scottish Enterprise
Mark Collins - CityFibre
Gordon Wright - Accelerate Aberdeen
Colin Cook - Scottish Government
Pete Edward – dot.rural
17:15-17:30 / Closing Remarks
17:30-18:30 / Drinks Reception

Get Involved at

The conference will be a high impact event. As with all INCA events networking and learning opportunities will be maximised. The conference will be accompanied by an exhibition showcasing some of the most innovative, can-do companies and projects in the industry.

For more information please contact:

Malcolm Corbett, - , +44 7770 896534

Gill Williams – , +44 7801 069013,

Please Note that the Programme is subject to change.