Minutes of Ennis Area Learning Network Meeting

Teagasc Offices, Station Road, Ennis.

Wednesday 11th March 2009.

Present: Karl Quinn (CABES), Ann Knox (CEF), Mike Ryan (BTEI), Mary McMahon (Clare Health Promotion Service), Seamus Bane (VEC Youth Officer), Samantha McCarthy (EWP), Suzanne Kyle (Ennis CDP), Clare Davoren (St Josephs Training Centre), Thomas Woulfe (Teagasc), Rory Quinn (CALGS), Sharon Meaney (Clare Volunteer Centre).

Apologies: Aobhan Haverty (VEC AEO).

1. Minutes and Matters Arising.

Re Grundvig In-Service Training Exchange Programmes – there now exists a facility for Community Groups to engage with this programme. In addition the “shadowing” opportunities through the programme have ben extended to include tutors. Further info on the Leargas website.

Trained worker on the Traveller Community Health Programme will deliver information rather than training in the community.

2. Updates.

Ennis CDP:

  • Six participants who have completed the Employment Skills Programme and will graduate in May, have secured employment with the CDP. New applications are being taken for the next course.
  • With the support of a new instructor, Sandra Fox, research has commenced on the experience of the target groups in their relation with GPs.
  • A cut in the Training Allowances available to participants has caused a reduction in the numbers on some courses.
  • The Traveller men’s course is ongoing and there is interest in starting a second. A review of the course will be carried out and the results will be made available to the network.
  • In co-operation with the Family Learning Programme and the Homework Club the CDP is working on a Transition to Second Level programme for the parents of children moving to second level school.


  • Courses are ongoing but slowing down as Spring moves in. planning for the autumn has begun and a number of ½ day Health & Safety sessions will be held in Ennis and Ennistymon.

St Josephs Education Centre:

  • The centre’s name has been officially changed to indicate the move to an open integrated admissions policy and practice. Learners received awards in February as part of the Aontas Adult Learners Week twelve new learners have started at the Centre and there will be a voter Registration Day held on the 27th March.


  • Courses are ongoing and the programme is noting an increase in the number of enquiries seeking Leaving Cert courses and from men.
  • No firm information on the programme budget but an decrease is expected.


  • Following the last round of CLLN meetings Ann wrote to DES re cuts to BTEI. A reply has been received suggesting the situation was a return to 2007 levels rather than a cut.
  • Mary Jane Burgess (Kilrush FRC) and Gloria Callinan (Clare Local Development Company) have agreed to represent CLLN on the new Regional Learning Centre.
  • Adult Ed Upskilling course information can be found on the Comenius Grundtvig site: Closing dates for applications are 30th April for training activities starting on or after the 1st September 2009; and 15th September for training activities starting on or after the 1st January 2010. Late applications cannot be accepted.
  • A nymber of Active Citizenship sessions are currently running in Ennis including one in Clarecare starting March 25th. Contact Ann Loftus on . Also there will be a community registration for potential voters in Adult Ed Centre in Ennis on Friday 27th March 2009 from 12.30 – 1.30. All welcome.
  • FAS reports to other network meetings indicate that short 6-week courses for newly unemployed will be advertised shortly. FAS have made provision for apprentices, who have been made redundant without finishing their qualifications, to complete their training. FAS hopes they will be accommodated by employers who have apprentices, taking on temporary ones while their current ones are in college block release. It is vital that apprentices in this situation register for this scheme with FAS immediately. Contact local FAS person or FÁS Jobs Ireland at Freephone 1800 611116 or on the FÁS website (
  • There will be a FÁS Employment in Europe Information Day in Dublin on March27/28.
  • New regulations in relation to Unemployment Benefit and Job Seekers Allowances are likely to have an impact on the opportunities available for unemployed.


  • The Health Promotion Service is working with the Family Learning Project on the development of a pilot Active Play Training programme.
  • Training is being delivered to staff on BRIEF Intervention Skills and also Behaviour Change Training under the Training for Health initiative.
  • The service has also delivered a Sexual Health Training for parents of young people.

Ennis West:

  • The three Community Partnerships will be merged into the new Clare Local Development Company and this may mean a change of rep to the Network depending on how responsibilities are allocated.
  • Under the SIM Group, a research piece has been completed on the Needs of Lone Parents.
  • A directory of Services for Lone Parents has been completed and it will be available on the website of the company in the coming weeks.
  • The CE scheme and the Local Access programme run by Ennis West will both transfer to the new company. The Active Citizenship element of the Access programme is proving very popular with participants.
  • An enquiry about the availability of support networks for staff who deal with individuals who themselves have severe emotional and personal difficulties prompted some discussion. Possible avenues include the work being developed by Mental Health Ireland/HSE. Other info would be appreciated.

Adult Guidance Service:

  • The Adult Education Guide to Courses 2009- 2010 is being updated for publishing over the coming weeks. Please contact or 065 6897648 re courses to be included in the guide. Closing date is 12th March. It is hoped to print 8000 copies which will be available free and will be widely distributed. Cost per course for inclusion is €30. Half page ads are €200 with full-page costing €500.

Adult Basic Education Service:

  • The service continues to provide literacy support for learners and literacytraining for volunteer tutors.
  • Under the DEAL programme a number of issues were explored with various groups e.g. Fair Trade Flowers around Valentines Day; Human Rights and IT; farming in Uganda to a farming course in N Clare.
  • The service hopes to study the feasibility of providing training for people with a proficiency in both English and another language/s to learn the skills of translation and interpretation for use in Court Service, Hospital settings, etc.

3. Clare Volunteer Centre.

  • Sharon Meaney, Co-ordinator Clare Volunteer Centre, provided an input on the Centre and its work. See attached copy of slide show.

4. AOB

  • Re calls for submission to Clare County Development Plan 2011-2017. It was agreed that Ann Knox would draft a proposal, on behalf of the network, that an accessible community space to be used for a variety of purposes would be incorporated in all new social & affordable housing developments in the future. She will email the draft to the network for consideration.
  • The next meeting will be held as follows:
  • DateWednesday 27th May 2009,
  • Time2.30pm
  • VenueSt Josephs Education Centre, Gort Road, Ennis.