LASEC #L1202-01
Lockport Area Special Education Cooperative
Board of Directors Meeting
1343 E. 7th Street
Lockport, Illinois 60441
Open Meeting Minutes
Date: February 8, 2012 / Time: 9:27a.m.Location: LASEC Central Office Board Room
Type of meeting: Regular Special Reconvened or rescheduled
Name of person taking the minutes: Lisa Loveless
Name of person presiding: Donna Gray, Chairman
Members in attendance:
1. Chaney-Monge D88
2. Richland D88A
3. Taft D90 / Members absent:
1. Fairmont D89
2. Lockport Elementary D91
Approval of Items on Consent Agenda
AGENDA ITEM: #L1202-01 Approval of Minutes of the January 11, 2012 RegularBoard Meeting
AGENDA ITEM: #L1202-02 Approval of Minutes of the January 11, 2012 Closed
AGENDA ITEM: #L1202-03 Approval of Employment – Non-Certified
Name: Margaret Fleet
Position: Teacher Assistant
Program: LASEC Academy
Hour Rate: $16.09
No. of Days: 177
Start Date: 8/23/2011
AGENDA ITEM: #L1202-04 Acceptance of Resignation
Name: Kyla McKenzie
Position: Individual Student Assistant
Program: Early Childhood
Effective: January 27, 2012
AGENDA ITEM: #L1202-05 Acceptance of Financial Report
a. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report
b. January 2012 Treasurer’s Report
c. Approval of Bills for Jan. 1 – Jan. 31, 2012 in the amount of $65,944.00
d. Tentative Approval to Pay Bills from March 1 – March 31, 2012
e. Imprest Fund Account
f. Cash Receipts
Summary of discussion: Executive Director presented Consent Agenda Items for Board review and approval.
Motion to approve the consent agenda made by: 88
Motion: That the LASEC Board of Directors accepts all items listed under Consent Agenda as presented by the Executive Director.
Motion seconded by: 90
Roll Call: (Needed when consent agenda contains an item involving the expenditure of money.)
88, 88A, 90, / “Nays”
Action: Passed Failed
AGENDA ITEM: #L1202-06 Approval of Monetary Donation
Summary of discussion: Executive Director presented monetary donations submitted by Coldstone Creamery and John A. Logan College to be applied toward the 10th Annual Deaf/Hard of Hearing Advocate of The Year scheduled for April 17, 2012.
Motion made by: 90
Motion: That the LASEC Board of Directors approve the monetary donation in the amount of $120.00 from Ms. Kelly Alsip. The donation will go towards the Hearing Advocacy Event scheduled for April 17, 2012 as recommended by the Executive Director.
Motion seconded by: 88
88, 88A, 90 / “Nays”
Action: Passed Failed
AGENDA ITEM: #L1202-07 Approval of Correspondence Waiving Participation in The Mandatory Breakfast Program for the 2012-13 School Year
Summary of discussion: Executive Director presented correspondence addressed to Dr. Bertino-Tarrant, Will County Regional Office of Education, waiving LASEC’s participation in the Mandatory Breakfast Program for the FY13 school year.
Motion made by: 88
Motion: That the LASEC Board of Directors approve the correspondence waiving participation in the Mandatory Breakfast Program for the 2012-13 as recommended by the Executive Director.
Motion seconded by: 90
88, 88A, 90 / “Nays”
Action: Passed Failed
AGENDA ITEM: #L1202-08 Approval of AppilTrack Will County R.O.E. Online Application Consortium Service Agreement
Summary of discussion: Executive Director presented the AppliTrack Will County R.O.E. Online Application Consortium Service Agreement for approval. Information regarding the online application service was discussed during last month’s board meeting and being presented for approval.
Motion made by: 88
Motion: That the LASEC Board of Directors approve to join the AppliTrack Will County R.O.E. Online Application Consortium Service Agreement at a rate of $150.00 per year as recommended by the Executive Director.
Motion seconded by: 90
88, 88A, 90 / “Nays”
Action: Passed Failed
AGENDA ITEM: #L1202-09 Approval of Hearing Advocacy Event Facility Contract
Summary of discussion: Executive Director presented the contract with 176 West Banquets for use of their facilities as the event location for the Hearing Impaired Advocacy Day scheduled for April 17, 2012.
Motion made by: 88
Motion: That the LASEC Board of Directors approve facility contract with 176 West Banquets for the Hearing Impaired Hearing Advocacy Day Event Scheduled for April 17, 2012 at the estimated cost of $3,000 as recommended by the Executive Director.
Motion seconded by: 90
88, 88A, 90 / “Nays”
Action: Passed Failed
AGENDA ITEM: #L1202-10 Approval of Occupational Therapy Services Contract
Summary of discussion: Executive Director presented the health care service agreement with Top Echelon Contracting, Inc. who would provide occupational therapy services during Mary Anne Koscianiuk, OT, medical leave of absence.
Motion made by:
Motion: That the LASEC Board of Directors approve the therapy services contract with Top Echelon Contracting, Inc. to provide occupational therapy services for the period of February 13, 2012 to May 18, 2012 at the regular rate of $76.00 per hour and at the overtime rate of $114.00 per hour as recommended by the Executive Director.
Motion seconded by:
88, 88A, 90, / “Nays”
Action: Passed Failed
Informational Items:
AGENDA ITEM: I1202-01 – IMRF Correspondence – Employer AuditSummary of discussion: Member districts were provided with a copy of correspondence from IMRF recognizing LASEC being in compliance with IMRF statutes, policies and procedures following their recent Employer Audit that resulted in determination of no exceptions found.
AGENDA ITEM: I1202-02 – Gallagher Bassett Service, Inc. Correspondence – LASEC
On-site Meeting and Physical Hazard Survey
Summary of discussion: Member districts were provided with a copy of the CLIC LASEC Administrative Office Physical Hazard Survey Recommendations as of January 2012. The physical assessment of the LASEC Central Office was to help identify potential unsafe conditions and to provide opportunity to correct these areas that would prevent possible accidents from occurring. One area of concern was the LASEC Board Room as Play-Based Assessments and DIAL 4 Screenings are conducted in this area. It was suggested that electrical outlet covers be purchased to help prevent small children from potential injury.
AGENDA ITEM: I1202-03 – Transition Training & Technical Assistance Flyer
Summary of discussion: Member districts were provided with a copy the Transition Training and Technical Assistance flyer. The training is being hosted by LTHS D205 and will be held at the East Campus on February 22, 2012 from 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. District Coordinators were informed of this training during the last Coordinator’s Meeting. CPDU credit will be offered for those who attend.
AGENDA ITEM: I1202-04 – LASEC ESY 2012 Projections
Summary of discussion: Executive Director reviewed program projections for the LASEC ESY 2012 as submitted by Kimberly McDonald, Coordinator/LASEC ESY Principal. ESY will be held June 11, 2012 – July 19, 2012, Monday-Thursday from 8:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. Subsequent to review and discussion, Richland D88A had offered to house ESY 2012.
AGENDA ITEM: I1202-05 – Executive Director’s Report
Summary of discussion: Executive Director distributed the Administrative Assessment invoice to each member district. He stated that this year’s invoice was calculated slightly different from last year, as the amounts were determined after all final billing and special education personnel reimbursement payments were received.
Executive Director shared he received a notification from Julie Hulbert, LTHS Special Education Services, stating LTHS D205 will not be in need of LASEC services for the FY13 school year as it would be less costly with contracting through an agency. It was shared that should this happen it would have a financial impact on LASEC as well as impacting the number of LASEC personnel. Executive Director had inquired if he could receive a copy of the data reflecting the savings that their district would realize by contracting with an agency vs. LASEC. At this time no documentation was received from LTHS D205.
Executive Director indicated that CPI training is scheduled for February 17th from 8:00a.m. to 2:30p.m. to be held at Richland Grade School. This information had been shared with district Coordinators and training is open to member district staff.
Executive Director shared he was contacted by the Tri County Special Recreation Association inquiring if whether or not LASEC would be interested with including a summer day camp to the ESY program. Following a brief discussion it was decided member districts are not interested in adding the day camp to the ESY program at this time.
Executive Director brought to the attention of the member districts that there are a number of districts and cooperatives that have school social workers and psychologist starting at the MA+30 level rather than an MA level. The reason is due to the number of hours required to earn the Master degree in those programs and it was shared that there is a difference in the starting salary scale. Currently LASEC has one Social Worker this would affect should the Board opt to change the starting level. Subsequent to discussion, it was decided at this time they will keep the starting level at MA.
Executive Director shared that Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are in the process of making changes in the way that Medicaid is billed. LASEC will feel the impact of these changes the most vs. the member districts. A copy of correspondence from PCG Legal Department, providing information on rules and regulations with how the state has to interpret guidelines for reimbursements. Information was also provided for districts with instructions on how do to resubmit Medicaid claims noting that all doctors and service providers will require Medicaid numbers. Additionally new rules and regulations require School Nurse Association holding a Type 73 certificate would be able to complete medical history. This requirement will have an impact to both LASEC and member districts.
Executive Director shared he recently attended the Illinois Alliance of Administrators of Special Education conference where he received and handout of Q&A and FAQs from the Department of Education regarding the school implementation of Americans with Disabilities Act. It was strongly suggested by one of the attorneys present that the handout be shared with districts. Member districts were provided with a copy of the handout.
Executive Director presented the completed LASEC Administrative Procedures Manual.
Executive Director indicated he is beginning the FY13 budget process and will need to meet with each district Superintendent and Coordinator to review their districts needs for the upcoming school year.
It was also shared that the Lockport Area Benefit Plan meeting held on 2/7/12 medical claims were lower than the previous year which could see FY13 premiums remaining the same or with a possible decrease. In the meantime LABP will be going out to bid for the dental plan.
Announcements: Next Board Meeting is Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at 9:00a.m.
Approval of Motion to Adjourn
Motion to adjourn made by: 90Motion seconded by: 88
Action: Passed Failed
Time of adjournment: 10:50a.m.