Приложение №3
The Astrakhan State Reserve
Pre - reading task.1.Answer the following question:
Why do you think it was necessary to organize a state nature reserve in the delta of the Volga?
2.Study the following words:
gull pikeperchracoon carp
crane sturgeon wild boar seal crucian
3. Read the text.
The nature of the delta of the river Volga is uniqueand unusual. There is much warmth, light and water. There are many small rivers,channels, lakes there .The natural conditions of the delta are good for growing different rare plants,birds,animals and fish. All theseriches of nature attracted people - hunters,fishers,poachers. They used these resources for hundreds of years and the number of birds, animals and fish became fewer and fewer.
It was necessary to protect natural riches of the delta. That's why in 1919 the Astrakhan state Reserve was founded in the delta of the Volga. The main task of it was to protect and preserve birds,animals, plants and fish. Many research workers work in the Reserve and they managed to stop the process of exhaustingnature.
There are big colonies of different birds in the Reserve, such as ducks,gulls,cranes, pelicans and others. Wild boars, foxes, otters,raccons,mush-rats live there. The waters of the Volga and small rivers are full of fish, such as crucian,carp,sturgeon,vobla and wildcarp.
The Reserve is famous for Lotos, one of the beautiful flowers in the world. Lotos is the miracle of the delta. And it's very important for people to protect and preserve plants,animals, birds and fish not only for themselves, but for younggeneration.
Worksheet 1
4. Answer the questions.
a)Why is the delta of the Volga unique?
b)When was the Astrakhan Nature Reserve organized?
c)Who was its first director?
d)What is the purpose of the scientific work of many research workers of the nature reserve?
5. Fauna and Flora Quiz.
a)What mammals live in the delta of the Volga?
b)What birds fill up the land, air and water?
c)What is one of the most interesting birds? Why?
d)What valuable kinds of fish is the delta of the Volga
famous for?
e)What flower is the miracle of the delta?
6. Crossword puzzles.
Translate the words into English and fit them intocrosswords.
-i - -
s ------щука, осётр, окунь.
- - - - h
- - - i - - - пеликан, журавль, утка, лебедь.
- r - - -
d - - -
s - - -
- a - -
- i ------заяц, кабан, енот, тюлень.
- a----
s - - -
c)f - -
- - a - лиса, лебедь, утка, осётр, сазан.
- u - -
- a - -