Board of Commissioners August 28, 2013 Page 2 of 2




Manhattan, KS 66502

August 28, 2013

5:30 p.m.

Members Present: Jan Galitzer

Jamie Schrock

Phil Anderson

Usha Reddi

Ida Jane Leupold

Members Absent: Lorenza Locket

Eileen Meyer

City Commission Liaison: Usha Reddi

Staff Present: JoAnn Sutton, Executive Director

Mandy Thomas, Assistant Executive Director

Kari Moore, Administrative Assistant

Dustin Nelson, Facilities Supervisor


Jan called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.


a.  Presentation by Johnson Controls, Inc. Regarding Energy Performace Contract

Tim Mense, Cherie Jones and Glen Heitkamp, representatives of Johnson Controls, Inc. (JCI) presented basic information regarding an Energy Performance Contract (EPC), including an explanation of the benefits to the agency and its clients and the financial aspect of an EPC.

An EPC provides for the agency to perform certain improvements to the property that will increase resident comfort as well as energy efficiency, with payback through energy savings. Some of the other benefits include:

·  Guaranteed energy savings

·  Guaranteed reduction in operational and maintenance costs

·  Guaranteed project costs and completion schedule

·  Long term support of training for residents and maintenance

When using an Energy Service Company (ESCO) to administer an Energy Performance Contract, The ESCO assists the Housing Authority in the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approval process, obtaining funding through a bank loan or grans to fund the improvements, coordinates the construction, and also guarantees the energy savings. The debt service is paid through energy savings, and any shortfall in the guaranteed energy savings is paid by the ESCO.

There are also fees involved for the ESCO. Additionally, ongoing fees are required to ensure measurement and verification reports, as well as on going consultation fees. There is an option to self-administer an EPC, however the guarantees are not present in a self-administered EPC program.

JCI representatives conducted an informal walk-through of MHA owned facilities to determine potential energy-saving improvements to buildings and equipment. The preliminary findings include improvements such as lighting, boiler and chiller replacements, building automation, water saving devices, refrigerator and stove replacements, window replacements and vending misers.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to ensure that it is financially feasible must approve an Energy Performance Contract from the very early stages until contract completion to ensure compliance with applicable HUD regulations.

The Board of Commissioners must approve the Housing authority to move forward with an Energy Performance Contract, whether using an ESCO or self- administering.

JCI representatives answered questions of the Board of Commissioners and staff present, and offered to provide any additional information or return for another presentation at a later date.

The Board and staff thanked JCI for coming and presenting the information


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Janis Clare Galitzer, Board Chair