Culpeper County School Board 5/13/2008 ~ 10:40:58 AM


April 14, 2008

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April 14, 2008

The regular meeting of the School Board of Culpeper County was held on April 14, 2008 at the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room at 302 N. Main Street, Culpeper, VA. Present were: Elizabeth Hutchins (Cedar Mountain District); George Dasher (Stevensburg District); Leanne Jenkins (Jefferson District); James C. Lee (West Fairfax District); Robert Beard (East Fairfax District); Russell E. Jenkins (Catalpa District); Anne C. Luckinbill (Salem District); Division Superintendent Dr. David A Cox, Clerk of the Board Jeff Shomo, Director of Human Resources Starr Rowe, Parliamentarian Dr. Eric Conti, Executive Director of Administrative Services Dr. Larry Carter, and Deputy Clerk Pearl Jamison.

At 7 p.m. Mr. Dasher called the meeting to order and Mrs. Jamison called the roll

Those present observed a moment of silence.

Mr. Dasher led the Pledge of Allegiance.

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Jenkins, the School Board approved the agenda as presented.

Mr. Beard offered the following amendments to the action item agenda seconded by Mr. Lee.

Action Item D Consideration of a motion to hold a special meeting to consider adjustments of the proposed FY2008/2009 budget

Action Item E Consideration of a motion to declare the intention of the School Board to operate 6 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools in FY2008/2009

Action Item F Consideration of a motion to direct superintendent to prepare and present at the work session for April 28, 2008, options for assignment of elementary school students in the event Yowell Elementary School should not open as scheduled

Action Item G Consideration of a motion to request that the School Board meet in closed session at the work session for April 28, 2008, to receive advice from legal counsel on matters relating to policy formulation and enforcement

Amendment carried 7-0 by voice vote.

The agenda was approved as amended 7-0 by voice vote.


Dr. Cox and Mr. Dasher recognized the following:

v  For participating in the VSBA 2008 Central Region Art Show – Solveig Barklund, Iovana Perez-Montes, and Rebecca Lewis

v  For earning the rating of ‘Superior’ at the 2008 District XIII Choral Festival – CCHS Troubadours; CCHS Voces Virorum, Men’s A Cappella Choir; CCHS Women’s A Cappella Choir; CCHS Madrigals; CMS 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Choirs, and FTBMS 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Choirs

v  For selection to the 2008 Virginia All State Band and representing Culpeper in concert in Harrisonburg on April 5 – Tim Rivenburg

v  For earning the rating of ‘Superior’ at the 2008 District XIII Band Festival – CCHS Wind Ensemble

v  For achieving the Virginia Music Educators Association’s distinction of ‘Blue Ribbon School’ for the third consecutive year – Culpeper County High School Music Program

v  For continued excellence during the 2007/2008 school year, including placing first in the regional drill competition, first at the Villanova Eastern Regional Invitational and third at the American Legion State Drill Championship and for representing Culpeper in the upcoming National Drill Championships for the third consecutive year – CCHS MJROTC Drill Team

Mr. Dasher congratulated all the award winners for putting Culpeper on the map across the nation.

Before Delegations, Mr. Dasher said persons may present ideas or concerns regarding Culpeper County Public Schools. He said there would be no action taken by the Board at this meeting and that such items would be referred to the appropriate administrators for future information and research and reported back to the Board at a later meeting. He said that personalities and behavior of employees are not to be presented during this period but are to be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor. Mr. Dasher noted there would be a three minute time limit for speakers.

Mike Bonfadini (Catalpa District) - He thanked the School Board and staff for considering a calendar to start after Labor Day and allowing citizens to share input with the board.

Dr. Cox read the Teacher Appreciation Week and Child Nutrition Employee Week resolutions.

On motion of Ms. Jenkins seconded by Mr. Beard, the School Board approved the consent agenda. Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.

(a) Minutes of March 3, & 10, 2008

(b)  Payroll and Payment of Bills

(c)  Personnel Recommendations

(d) Teacher Appreciation Week (May 5-9, 2008)

(e) Child Nutrition Employee Week Resolution (May 5-9, 2008)

(f) Approval of the Special Education Annual Plan 2008/2009

(g) Permission to Apply for Federal Title Grants

(h) Out of Country Field Trip Request

(i) General Servicing of Microscopes

(j) Review of Administrative Regulation - IGBC-R1 (Parental Involvement)

The board considered the following action items:

(a)  Consideration of 2008/2009 School Year Calendar

On motion of Mr. Beard seconded by Mr. Lee, the School Board considered Calendar A with removal of President’s Day as a make up day and no school on Election Day.

Mr. Beard said there is no ideal calendar. He said this issue has generated a lot of discussion. He said no matter what the board decides some will be happy and some will not. He said Calendar A seems to meet the educational and academic needs of our students. He said teachers have told him the time at the beginning of the year is more valuable then the time at the end of the year.

Ms. Hutchins said no matter what we do there will not be a consensus of everyone. She said the staff and public do wish to see some change. She said she cannot support the motion. She said the half-days are necessary for elementary teachers.

Ms. Jenkins said she cannot support the motion. She said she is in favor of an after Labor Day start. Ms. Jenkins suggested taking Calendar B1 and moving it up by three days. She noted she has already heard overwhelming support to half-days for elementary teachers.

Mr. Dasher noted that there was a poll of staff regarding before/after Labor Day start and the vote was about a 50/50 split. Mr. Beard said he has listened to all comments. He said he would support Calendar A as amended.

Ms. Jenkins asked if anyone on the board would be willing to consider a modified Calendar B1. No one would support her.

Motion failed 3-4 by show of hands. (Mr. Jenkins, Ms. Luckinbill, Ms. Hutchins, and Mr. Jenkins voted in opposition.)

On motion of Ms. Luckinbill seconded by Ms. Jenkins, the School Board considered Calendar B1 with half days put back in where applicable.

Motion failed 2-5 by voice vote (Mr. Beard, Ms. Hutchins, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Lee, and Mr. Dasher voted in opposition)

Ms. Hutchins said she prefers a before Labor Day start. She said she would like to see a modification between A and B1.

Mr. Jenkins said in all the emails he has received everyone wants to start the last week of August.

Ms. Jenkins suggested starting on August 27th.

On motion of Mr. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Jenkins, the School Board considered modifying Calendar B1 with school starting on August 25th and early dismissal days at end of the year. Motion failed 1-6 (Mr. Beard, Ms. Jenkins, Mr. Dasher, Mr. Lee, Ms. Luckinbill, and Ms. Hutchins voted in opposition.)

Ms. Hutchins said she has a problem approving a calendar staff has not considered.

Ms. Jenkins concurred with Ms. Hutchins. She suggested a 5-10 minute recess for staff to review the proposed amendments.

Ms. Hutchins reiterated her concern that staff has not reviewed the calendar. She said she cannot support the change at this point.

Mr. Dasher concurred with Ms. Hutchins.

Dr. Carter said Calendar B1 does not have built in make-up days.

Mr. Dasher noted that Spring Break and Thanksgiving Break will be shorter if Calendar B1 or B2 is adopted.

Mr. Beard said of the three calendars presented he said Calendar A was the only option he wanted to consider.

Ms. Luckinbill said we have to make a decision tonight.

Ms. Jenkins concurred with Ms. Luckinbill.

The Board observed a five minute recess.

Ms. Jamison verified that Ms. Luckinbill did not vote for Calendar A previously in the meeting.

On motion of Ms. Luckinbill seconded by Mr. Beard, the School Board reconsidered Calendar A.

Ms. Jenkins said she is still opposed to Calendar A. She said she still would like to see a compromise considered.

Mr. Beard reiterated that we need a calendar tonight.

Motion carried 4-3 by show of hands (Ms. Hutchins, Ms. Jenkins, and Mr. Jenkins voted in opposition.)

(b) Request for Permission to Open School Before Labor Day for the 2008/2009 school year

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Mr. Lee, the School Board approved the request for permission to open school before Labor Day. Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.

(c) Consideration of Additional Speech Therapist Position

Dr. Cox said Angela Neely, Director of Specialist Education, requested this position. Dr. Cox noted that the position is budget neutral.

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Mr. Beard, the School Board approved the additional speech therapist position.

Mr. Beard said by adding this position we will save $20,000 per year for contracted services.

Mr. Lee asked what the $95,000 is for. Ms. Neely said $95,000 is what we actually contract for a year.

Motion 7-0 by voice vote.

(d)  Consideration of a motion to hold a special meeting to consider adjustments of the proposed FY2008/2009 budget

On motion of Mr. Beard seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the School Board considered holding a special meeting tomorrow at 7 p.m. in the Colin Owens conference room to consider adjustments to the School Board proposed FY2008/2009 budget.

Mr. Dasher noted that Ms. Jenkins cannot be present tomorrow night.

Ms. Jenkins said it is critical in nature that the School Board hold the discussion.

Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.

Mr. Dasher noted there may be a requirement of a closed session to discuss personnel. He said that would be held following the public meeting.

(e) Consideration of a motion to declare the intention of the School Board to operate 6 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools in FY2008/2009

On motion of Mr. Beard seconded by Mr. Lee, the School Board declared their intention to operate 6 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools in FY2008/2008.

Ms. Jenkins said we need to consider how we will do what we need to do without the funds we need.

Mr. Beard said the board does not have a secret plan not to open or close a school. He said the intention of the Board is to have 10 schools operate next year.

Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.

(f)  Consideration of a motion to direct superintendent to prepare and present at the work session for April 28, 2008, options for assignment of elementary school students in the event Yowell Elementary School should not open as scheduled

On motion of Ms. Luckinbill seconded by Mr. Beard, the School Board considered the motion as presented.

Ms. Luckinbill said it would be good to have plans in place if YES does not open on schedule. She asked if the Transportation Committee has had any input relative to the plans. Dr. Cox said there is no firm plan but there have been discussions should we find ourselves in the situation if YES is not ready on the first day of school. He said all our discussions focus on what is best for the children. He reiterated that there have been conversations with transportation; however, there is no formal plan. He said we realize kids are in a better position if they establish their learning communities with their classmates and teachers early on and not be changed. He said we are about generating ideas.

Ms. Jenkins asked for clarification on what level of detail we want staff to prepare. She said it is absurd to spend time developing a high level plan if YES will open on time. She said we need options regardless of where we are – it’s just a matter of how much detail.

Mr. Jenkins asked for clarification on the plan. Dr. Cox said the middle school is an option if YES does not open on time. Dr. Cox said it is easier for a class to move rather than individual students. He said what we actually put in practice will depend on construction. He said the contractor indicates the school is still on schedule. Dr. Cox said whatever plans we enact will first and foremost be about our children.

Mr. Jenkins asked if a plan would be presented to the School Board for approval. Dr. Cox said yes, if the board desires to approve the plan.

Mr. Beard said he does not need a great level of detail but a report on the options or types of options and pros/cons.

Mr. Dasher said the motion, as it currently is written, directs the superintendent to prepare and present options; however, he would prefer to see discussion.

Ms. Luckinbill and Mr. Beard both accepted the friendly amendment to amend the motion to explore and present possible options.

The amendment carried 7-0 by voice vote.

The amended motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.

(g) Consideration of a motion to request that the School Board meet in closed session at the work session for April 28, 2008, to receive advice from legal counsel on matters relating to policy formulation and enforcement