Assessment, rehabilitation and respite beds for older people

Ascot Avenue


M33 4GT

Ascot House residential unit offers a total of 35 short term residential places. 20 of the beds are for adults requiring up to 6 weeks assessment for future needs, during this time people can receive treatment from physiotherapy and occupational therapy to maximise their potential. 8 beds are Intermediate Care Rehab beds for people requiring up to 3 weeks rehabilitation with a view to returning to their previous home environment, during this time people will receive treatment from physiotherapy and occupational therapy to maximise their potential. A further 7 beds are dedicated to the respite unit which offers short term breaks, either rotating or for one short term break. Beds are available for males and females.

Admission to an Assessment Bed
All admissions to the assessment beds come through either the hospital screening team or the community screening team. The referrals to the assessment beds are usually made for the following reasons
·  Person has been in hospital for a long period of time.
·  Concerns have been raised in hospital that the person may not be able to manage at home.
·  Concerns have been raised by community Social Worker that the person is struggling to cope at home.
·  The person in hospital requires further period of rehab before going home.
·  The person has had a serious fall and is lacking in confidence or recovering after a break or fracture.

·  The person must be medically stable

Admission to a Rehabilitation Bed

All admissions to the rehab unit come through Central Point of Referral and are screened by the Ascot House therapy team for admission.

·  It has been identified that the person requires a short term rehab programme (up to 3 weeks) and that the person will be suitable to return back to their previous environment following this.

·  The person must be able to transfer with 1 or 2 members of staff with or without mobility aid (not hoist)

·  The person must be registered with a Trafford G.P. and have a Trafford address

·  The person must be medically stable

Admission to Ascot House - Information and Criteria

It is important that this information is considered before proceeding to make a referral to the Screening Team / Intermediate Care Team.

1. Does the person have the capacity to agree to a stay at Ascot House for a period of assessment?

2. If the person does not have capacity has a capacity assessment and best interest meeting been completed? This will need to be sent with the referral/screening tool?

3. If the person requires district nursing the district nurse liaison needs to be contacted before admission.

4.Does the person have any EMI needs? If so has an assessment been carried out? If the assessment shows positive for EMI, Ascot House will be unable to offer a place.

5. Can the person's needs be met within a residential setting?

6. Are there any issues around the person’s property or circumstances we would need to consider prior to agreeing a place within the unit?

7. Has the person a cast in situ that hinders their ability to take part in an assessment?

8. Does the person have a property to go back to? If so is the property in a fit state? If the answer to any of these questions is No an agreed course of action regarding discharge from the assessment unit would need to be in place before the person could be admitted.

9. If the person is at home have the following areas been considered before referring to Ascot House.

·  Increase in care package.

·  Changing the way the care is provided i.e. personal budget

·  Telecare equipment

·  Just checking

·  Rotating respite

·  Community Rehab

10. Serious consideration should be given before admission as to whether or not this is a suitable move if the person already has X4 visits daily + telecare or they have long term night time needs

Ascot House is not able to provide the following care

·  EMI Care

·  On site 24hr Nursing Care

·  Palliative Care

Before Ascot House can agree to admit a person, the following requirements need to be in place.

·  Referral/ Screening tool

·  If the person has capacity the unit still requires agreement from the person to enable them to admit

·  If the person doesn’t have capacity a capacity assessment and the minutes of the best interest meeting & decision need to be provided prior to admission.

·  The person has to be medically fit.

·  X2 weeks medication to be provided in a (Blister Pack) which should arrive with the person. Any dietary supplements, syringe, needles, and dressings should be clearly labelled with the persons name and administration instructions.

·  If the person is being admitted from hospital all discharge papers & current information need to arrive with the person

·  Up to date information (from the ward staff / social worker) need to be available

·  Evidence that District Nursing referral has been made if district nurse intervention is required

·  Equipment used by the individual on a day to day basis i.e. wheelchair, zimmer frame, walking stick, pressure relieving equipment such as mattress or cushion need to arrive with the person on or before admission.

The Service

Through the assessment process a support plan of care is produced identifying individual need and how that need can be met, with the involvement of the service user. It will also identify what the person is able to currently do for themselves. What they may be able to do in the future with help and support and who will need to be involved. The assessment will identify what resources, equipment or telecare may be needed for the individual if they were to return home. The assessment will also identify areas of risk and whether or not the person requires long term residential care. With the assistance of other professionals the assessment process will also identify what type of residential / nursing care is needed and whether or not any specialist equipment is required. Ascot House works extremely hard to deliver the best outcomes in a timely manner in most cases the assessed outcome can be achieved within a couple of weeks in a small number of cases the assessment may take up to six weeks.

The length of stay at Ascot House however will be determined by the assessment outcome and not by individual choice or preference. During the assessment all health care needs are met by temporary registration through 2 local GP practices and community district nursing services attached to those practices.

Our objectives are to involve people in everything we do to ensure they have a say in what happens next.

We enable people to make choices & promote independence and mental wellbeing.

Reviewed April 2013