Santa Margarita Area Advisory Council
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Santa Margarita Community Hall
22501 I Street, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
1. Call to order – 7:04 pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of the minutes from the previous meetings Guy Rathbun reported that no changes were needed to the December minutes following his inquiry, and moved to approve the minutes as presented at the prior meeting. 2nd by Bob Righetti, MPU with one abstention (Joe Patterson). Motion to approve the March minutes by George Sullivan, 2nd by Dana Tryde, MPU.
4. Approval of the agenda – Motion to approve by Doug Filipponi, 2nd by Joe Patterson, MPU.
5. Review of Meeting Structure
a. Audio/Video Recorders
b. SMAAC meeting procedure for project review
c. Rules for presenting testimony
d. Agenda item requests – submit requests no later than ten days prior to meeting. Requests to be submitted through representatives to Chairman. Late requests must be submitted in writing and may be included in the agenda at the Chairman’s discretion.
6. Treasurer’s Report – The treasurer was not present at the start of the item, so Joe Patterson reported that, as of the most recent bank statement, the balance was $640.33. Thereafter, Treasurer Charlie Whitney arrived and finished the report. The Council discussed outstanding and upcoming rent obligations. There was some confusion as to the current monthly rental for the community hall. Following the discussion, Doug Filipponi moved to accept the treasurer’s report, with the recommendation that we pay 6 months’ worth of rent, at a minimum of $30 per month, but up to $50 per month. 2nd by Butch Pope; MPU.
7. Elections
a. Election results – Joe Patterson presented the elections results. All elections were uncontested (following the withdrawal of Josh Fernandez as a candidate for Parkhill Rd), and each candidate received at least one vote. For the Las Pilitas area, where two seats were open, Richard Gayou received 4 votes, and Joseph Fariss received 3 votes; therefore, Richard Gayou will serve a two year term, and Joseph Fariss will serve a one year term. No protests were lodged in accordance with the new bylaws.
b. Acceptance of election results – Charlie Whitney moved to accept the election results; 2nd by Doug Filipponi; MPU. At this point, Su Andros (Santa Margarita) and Charlie Whitney (Parkhill) left the dais, and the following new members were seated: Tamara Kleemann (Hwy 58); Joseph Fariss (Las Pilitas); Richard Gayou (Las Pilitas); JoAnn Head (Parkhill); Robert Stockel (Santa Margarita).
c. Certificates of Appreciation – Certificates of appreciation for years of service on the Council were presented by Supervisor Arnold to Su Andros and Peggy Nelson (not present).
d. Election of Chairman – Supervisor Arnold took over as Chair of the meeting, and asked for nominations for the chairperson. Joe Patterson clarified that he would be willing to serve as Chair again. John Reed nominated Joe Patterson; 2nd by George Sullivan. Following a secret ballot vote as counted by Supervisor Arnold, Joe Patterson was unanimously elected Chair.
e. Election of Officers – Chairman Patterson thereafter conducted the election for officers. Vice Chair—Dana Tryde elected unanimously (Sue Christian nominator; Doug Filipponi 2nd). Secretary—Robert Stockel elected unanimously (Joe Patterson nominator; Guy Rathbun 2nd). Prior to the election, there was some discussion about the possibility of rotating secretarial duties or using alternates, but following a review of the bylaws, it was determined that one person should be elected to the position, but could call on the former secretary or others willing to fill in when need be. Treasurer—JoAnn Head elected unanimously (Joe Patterson nominator; Jeremy Burns 2nd). Following the election of officers, Robert Stockel took over taking the minutes for the meeting from Sophie Treder.
8. Open Comment
a. Public Announcements
· Jim Twentyman, a member of the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club, provided an update on the April 26, 2014 43rd annual Wildflower bike ride. About 1400 riders will start in Creston between 7 & 8 a.m. Several routes are ridden with about 800 riders going through Las Pilitas/Parkhill area with everyone out of that area by 11 a.m. This will clear those roads for the event later at the Pozo Saloon. All roads will be clear by 5 p.m. Three CHP officers will police the route to assist riders and motorists. CHP dispatch number is 434-1822 and the bike club number is 543-5973. The bike ride is a fundraiser for local non-profit organizations and scholarships. The club plans to donate $74,000 to San Luis Obispo county schools this year.
· Joe Patterson: As a result of his son’s recent food borne illness, announced he is planning a fundraiser to promote food safety in the county on May 17th from 11a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Santa Margarita Community Park, at the corner of H St. and Hwy 58 (Estrada). There will be presenters from growers, packagers and distributors, regulators, CA. Leafy Greens, the University California Cooperative Extension and others talking about food safety. The cost is $20 and proceeds will go to Jack’s Helping Hands. Doug Filipponi volunteered to donate 250 lbs. of beef to the event.
b. Council Announcements
· None
9. Public Safety
a. Cal Fire/County Fire Dept.
· John Montgomery (Parkhill Station) announced Cal Fire is currently staffing with 10 of 12 positions filled. Parkhill will have 1 Cal Fire and 1 County engine. La Panza will have 1 Cal Fire engine. An area chipping event is taking place this year for residents in Parkhill. There will also be mechanical clearing in Parkhill for fuel breaks. Bob Righetti announced that Dave Fowler at the Parkhill Station, 438-5426, can be contacted for yellowstar reduction.
No one was present from the Sheriff, Highway Patrol, or other agencies to make announcements.
10. CSA 23 Update
a. Roy Reeves attended the March CSA 23 meeting. They held elections. Art Giumini is the new chairperson. A project to improve the crosswalk and install a pedestrian signal at Encina and El Camino Real is underway with a projected cost of $60-$80 thousand dollars. P.G. & E. and A.T.&T. are pursuing a plan to put their infrastructure underground along El Camino Real through Santa Margarita, with a projected start time at the end of 2014. Only the poles and street lighting will remain aboveground.
11. Public Information Committee Report
a. Sue Christian and Dana Tryde are keeping the website up to date. A council member and alternate sheet was passed around to update current and newly elected council members and alternate contact information. The website will be updated per the sheet. Sophie Treder suggested links to the planning department be created for area projects for SMAAC review. Joe Patterson said he would contact Holly Phibbs, County Planning & Building Dept. SMAAC liaison, and request she email Sue and Dana regarding projects so links can be created.
12. New Business
a. Introduction of Jim Bergman, the new Planning and Building Dept. Director.
Bergman has been on the job for about 2 months. He graduated from Cal Poly with a Masters in City & Regional Planning and worked as a planner for the City of Arroyo Grande for 7-8 years. He is planning on visiting all of the county advisory council meetings and believes input from these groups provide valuable information to the Planning Dept.
b. James Caruso and Matt Ottoson, Planning and Building Dept. staff, made a presentation at the direction of the County Board of Supervisors (BOS). The purpose is to provide the BOS with additional information on four Conservation and Open Space Element (COSE) implementation strategies that address countywide water resources and protect agricultural water supplies. The strategies are:
· Growth Management Ordinance
· Larger minimum parcel sizes for new rural subdivisions
· Merger of substandard parcels
· Transfer of Development Credits (TDC) program
Staff will review the additional information they gather and possible options using the following five concepts for general guidance
· Not all programs are appropriate for all areas;
· Use the Resource Management System (RMS) to focus on problem areas;
· Collaborate with water providers and other stakeholders;
· Focus on “bang for the buck” (pick ideas that deliver the most benefit first);
· Have the vision necessary to see future issues before they develop
Caruso reported that four county regions are currently at Severity Level III, the most serious, for water supply issues:
· The areas are the Nipomo Mesa (affecting Nipomo, Woodlands, Palo Mesa, Callendar-Garrett, Black Lake, and Los Berros) with issues being falling groundwater levels, multiple water providers and funding;
· Los Osos (affecting Los Osos) with issues being sea water intrusion, multiple water providers, infrastructure problems, and funding;
· Paso Robles (affecting San Miguel, Whitley Gardens, Creston, Shandon, Rural Areas, and Garden Farms) with issues being falling groundwater levels, individual wells, 80% agricultural use, and no management; (Note: Council members advised Caruso that Garden Farms was inappropriately lumped with the Paso Robles region and not affected by the current issues affecting the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin – Caruso said he would revise his information)
· Cambria (affecting Cambria) with issues being limited water resources and current efficient water use.
· Four other county regions no current Severity Level ratings: Santa Margarita, Oceano, Cayucos, and Avila Beach
Caruso requested SMAAC provide any additional considerations for the county to keep in mind when addressing water issues and problems. A lively discussion followed with the public and council members providing multiple comments. Caruso requested that comments be submitted by the end of April. The staff presentation to the BOS is scheduled for May 20th.
Joe Patterson made a motion to send a letter prepared, by himself and Robert Stockel, from SMAAC to the Planning and Building Dept, from the notes taken at the meeting. The motion was seconded (Person not recorded) and passed unanimously. (Note: Stockel received notes from Patterson and Ottoson on May 1, 2014 and compared all of them for completeness. Stockel found Ottoson had captured everything Patterson and he recorded and more – attached to these minutes are the notes Ottoson took serving as the council minutes for their and the public’s input on this topic. Ottoson stated that May 7th was the deadline for comments)
13. Continued Business
a. None
14. 5th District Supervisor Arnold’s Report
a. Current proposals are being made to restrict the use of motorized vehicles in BLM wilderness areas
b. Some constituents are coming forward with issues regarding the Salinas River Trail as draft maps of the trail location are being used by the public as if the trails already exist. The result is trespassing on private property.
c. The CA Council of Governments is looking to improve funding for transportation infrastructure. The current funding source is the gas tax, but with increased fuel efficiency there is a funding shortage. A new approach may be a tax based on vehicle miles driven.
d. Supervisor Arnold reviewed the current status of the water district proposals for the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin. And the related state legislation sponsored by Katcho Achadjian.
e. Supervisor Arnold encouraged everyone to call her office if they had any questions.
15. Chairman Patterson’s Report
a. Patterson wasn’t feeling well and decided to skip his report on the recent Advisory Council Chairman’s training he attended.
b. Patterson reminded everyone that the annual general Advisory Council training was scheduled for May 2, 2014 from 9-nonn at the SLO City/County Public Library. All council members are invited and Patterson requested members who want to attend email him so he could provide a list to the county staff organizing the training and include any question you’d like covered during the training.
c. Patterson requested council members email him topics/questions for the Air Pollution Control District staff regarding Burn Permits topic planned for the next council meeting.
d. Patterson requested that council members consider what subcommittees they might desire and that assignments would be made at the next meeting.
e. Patterson made a motion to appoint JoAnn Head and Dana Tryde as signators to the SMAAC bank account. Guy Rathbun seconded the motion. MPU unanimously. The bank process requires that the signator assignment be included in the council minutes and that those approved minutes be provided to the bank.
16. Adjournment: Multiple motions and seconds were made to adjourn. MPU unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
17. Next meeting May 7, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Minute revised to reflect change requested by Chairman Patterson to move his “Food Safety” announcement from Council Announcements to Public Announcements (see Item 8(a))
Prepared by Robert Stockel – SMAAC Secretary
Revised on May 15, 2014
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