Affiliate Due Diligence Committee (ADDC)

Meeting Notes –Sept. 23rd 2013


Karen von Hentenryck,Richard Dixon-Hughes, Beat Heggli, Stan Huff, AttilaFarkas( guest, HL7 Canada)


Miroslav Koncar

Diego Kamiker


  1. Update on the petition from Malaysia
  2. Update on the petition from the Philippines
  3. Update on the petition from Slovenia
  4. Update on the petition from Poland
  5. Update on the petition from Denmark
  6. Aff. In Lapsed Status

Possibly Mexico hasn’t paid their fees. Karen will contact them. Diego will meet them

  1. New schedule conference call
  2. Approval for Julio

Agenda Items:

  1. Petition from Malaysia

Approved, Affiliate Agreement will be signed soon.

Action: No further action from the ADDC

  1. Petition from the Philippines

Diego did the interviews and has sent the answers to Diana and Beat ( June 2013). By mischance, the process has not been moved forward. The committee decided to move the petition to the EC

Action:Karen will bring the petition to the EC

  1. Petition from Slovenia

We have signed papers from five petitioners, the committee decided to start with the interview.

Action: Karen/Beat already had contact with Miroslav and he offered to support with the interviews.

  1. Petition from Poland

In the last conference call before the Atlanta Meeting, Miroslav volunteered the keep contact with the petitioners. Since then we had no news.

Action: Karen is in contact with Miroslav and will ask him.

  1. Petition from Denmark

The last contact was an email answering Beats question, beginn of July. They are still looking for the right persons and to get the necessary paperwork. Richard proposes to contact them again, this time HQ should take the lead.

Action: Beat is going to send the emails and the contact address to Karen

  1. Affiliate in lapsed status

According to the records from HQ, Mexico hasn’t paid their fees yet. Diego got different information from HL7 Mexico.

Action: Karen will ensure this and give contact them and Diego. Diego is going to meet them in the next few months.

  1. Newconference call schedule

Wednesday 4:00 PM ESTshould fit for the most. Calls are planned to take place on a monthly base.

Action: Karen will propose the dates for the next three months

  1. New memberJulio Cajigas

The approval of Julios election is on the agenda for the board meeting on Tuesday.

  1. Nomination of new co-chair replacing Beat Heggli

Beat will resign from his chairman position in Switzerland by End of October and then no longer be a member of the IC.

Following the terms of references for this committee:

The ADDC shall consist of:

two (2) Board members,

up to four (4) representatives from among the International Council, and

one HL7 staff member.

The members of the ADDC and its chair are determined by the Board Chair.

Since Beat is able/willing to keep the co-chair position, the committee proposed a change in the terms of references:

up to four (4) persons nominated by the International Council, and…


Beat will propose the change to the IC at the Thursday afternoon meeting. Getting approved, the change will put on the agenda of the HL7 board call.