Pupil Progression Plan
Recommended Updates and/or Changes for 2015-16
Section III. Placement / Topic/Page(s)
P. 15 District Coordinated School Health Placement Committee will review a change of placement request and notify schools within seven (7) days.
P. 15 LEP students who maintain a high level of fluency in their native language while performing at grade level in English are eligible for a Seal of Bi-literacy to be added to their High School diploma.
II. Attendance
No changes
III. Promotion K-8
P. 27-28 New Section:
· Describe the customized counseling structure to support each Transitional 9th Grade Student.
· Explain how an individual student’s progress will be tracked, specifying the data the support team will use to identify student progress and gaps.
· What Career Readiness Course Opportunities will be provided to the students?
· How will an appropriate T9 curriculum be identified and implemented?
P. 29 Only one retention in Kindergarten through 3rd grade (previously stated ‘no retention in Kindergarten’).
P. 40 An articulated elementary world language program for one 45 minute class period daily in grades 6-8 shall be required for academically able student in order to reach the minimum 7965 yearly minutes mandated by the state. (defines ‘academically able’ student)
P. 42 World Language instruction shall be required for all academically able 4th – 8th grade students.
IV. Promotion 9-12
P. 44 Beginning in 2015-16 students taking End of Course tests for graduation requirements shall have the EOC test calculated as 30% of the student’s final grade. ACT 833 students will be calculated as 5% of the final grade or by Portfolio Review.
P. 48 High School Grading Practices Guidelines, Gr 9-12
See attached handout…
V. Retention Policy
No changes
VI. Acceleration
P. 59 Foreign Language Program (added)
P. 59 Immersion Pathways (added)
VII. Remediation
P. 63-64 Extended Day Program (added)
· Middle schools will operate an Extended Day program for 63 days. Classes will take place on Tuesday-Thursday for one hour outside regular school hours.
· The Extended Day program becomes part of the student’s regular school day; thus, compulsory attendance and discipline policies apply.
· A parent conference should be held to obtain a signed permission form for enrollment in the Extended Day program. The permission form should be filed in the student’s cumulative folder.
Placement in Extended Day Program:
In lieu of retention: Students failing in gr 5, 6, 7 may be promoted to the next grade by the SBLC with the stipulation that they attend the Extended Day program for the entire year. A parent conference should be held, and the school should obtain a signed permission form for enrollment in the Extended Day program.
Transition Placement: Students failing English or math after each 9-week period will be placed into the Extended Day for the next 9-weeks. If the student achieves a passing grade (D) at the end of the following 9-weeks, the student may be released from the program. Decisions on placement or release will occur at the end of each 9-week grading period based on collaboration among the regular teacher, Expended Day teacher, and an administrator.
The SBLC in consultation with a student’s parent or guardian should also consider Extended Day transitional placement for students who are now showing progress as measured through indicator such as benchmark assessments, DIBELS data, and intervention progress monitoring.
VIII. Alternative School/Programs
P. 72 Exiting Pathways Program
Year 2 – Students remaining at Level 1 for a second year:
Any student who has participated in the Exiting Pathway program at the Level 1 level for two years will be scheduled at the Level 3 level for another or another alternative program at the beginning of year three.
IX. Other Policies
No changes