1Caldercuilt News
May 2016Issue No 8
Caldercuilt PrimaryNewsletter
1Caldercuilt News
Dear Parent/Carers,
We are now in the final term of the school year. It will not be long till the end of June and another school year comes to an end.
For those children in Primary 7 it will be the end of one chapter of their lives and the start of a new and exciting time when they start Secondary School in August!
Retirement: Our primary 7’s are not the only ones who have reached the end of a very important chapter in their lives. Mrs Jean McBride is going to retire in June this year after 39 years’ service with Glasgow City Council, 18 of which she has taught at Caldercuilt Primary School.
Mrs McBride has been a dedicated, committed and hardworking teacher throughout her career. We will all miss her very much but understand that she is now moving on to a more relaxing phase in her life when she has more time for herself and her family. We wish her good health and happiness.
There will be information coming home with regard to parent, pupil and staff recognition of Mrs McBride’s contribution to the school. Please look out for this coming home soon.
P7 Residential Trip: The Primary 7 pupils thoroughly enjoyed their residential outdoor adventure week at Lockerbie Manor in the last week of April. Everyone came back safe and well. Thank you to Mrs Moore, Mrs Hay and her husband Stephen Hay who took such good care of our pupils during their stay. We are very proud of our P7s who were a credit to their school and their families.
Caldercuilt and the Community: All of our classes had visits in April from ourJunior RoadSafety Rep, Mr Bobby McCulloch. Our school is
due to receive a Lord Provosts Award for our participation in Junior Road Safety work.
All pupils in P4a and P4b have commenced dance activities supported by our Determined to Dance specialists this term.
P6 pupils from Mrs Cannon’s class took part in bowling activities at Maryhill Bowling Club last week. The following pupils Kenzie Smeaton, Calum Richardson, Eva Bryan and Emer McKenzie demonstrated strengths in bowling and have been invited to take part in a bowling championship at Kelvingrove Bowling Green later this term.
All P6 and P7 pupils commenced a programme of activities this term with NSPCC/Childline to highlight the dangers associated with online safety.
On Thursday 19th May the SSPCA will be visiting our school and undertaking a variety of workshops with our pupils.
We will be running an After School Football Club for P4 to P6 pupils this session. The football sessions have been coordinated by Ms Anderson and our After Schools Coordinator. A big thank you to Mr Taylor and Mr Quinn, parents of Kelvin Taylor and Aaron Quinn in P4, who will be undertaking the football training.
P7 Ecumenical Service This year Caldercuilt Primary School will be hosting the P7 Ecumenical Service. P7 pupils from other schools in the local community will be joining us at the service.
P4a and P4b Assembly: Pupils in P4a and P4b will be performing their class assembly on Monday 16th of May. We very much look forward to seeing lots of our P4 parents and relatives at the assembly which starts at 9.45 am.
Guitar Lessons: Mr McGonagle will be running his After School Guitar lessons on 16th May, 23rd May, 6th of June and 13th June this session.
Primary 3/2 will be visiting the Riverside Museum on Tuesday 14th of June to complement their learning on their Pirates topic.
Cleveden Secondary
Cleveden Secondary will be holding an info evening on Thursday 26th May for parents of pupils starting S1 at Cleveden next school session.
School Improvement and Development: All staff were involved in reviewing our plans for taking the school forward in the coming year during our in-service day on 5th May. Parents and carers will shortly be receiving a questionnaire. The views and opinions of our parents/carers are extremely important to the success of our school and I would be most grateful if as many of our families as possible would complete and return this questionnaire. All pupils will also be given the opportunity to complete questionnaires in groups in school.
New Primary 1 intake:The induction days for our pupils starting Primary 1 in August will take place on 11th and 18th May. We are very much looking forward to meeting our new P1 children for next school session. The new P1 children will also be invited to join us for another visit to play with some of the children who will be in their class next year. The dates for the play day visits are:
Tuesday 24th May
Wednesday 25th May
Thursday 26th May
School Uniform: Parents can now purchase school uniform directly on line at soft black sandshoes can also be purchased online.
Sexual Health and Relationship Education
We will be undertakingour SHRE lessons with all classes this session. The lessons will be undertaken by staff who have receivedspecialist training in delivering these lessons. An information sheet “Frequently Asked Questions” is available from the school office should you wish any further information on SHRE lessons or you can contact Mrs Nicolson and speak to her directly.
Parent Council: The next meeting of our Parent Council will take place on Thursday 12th May at 6pm.
The parent council would like to say a big thank you to GHA who very kindly donated £500 to the parent council fund.
GHA also donated £500 to our nursery class and £500 to Summerston After School Club which operates from our school premises.
School Funds: We are delighted to announce that we have used some of our school funds this year to fit new overhanging microphones in our assembly hall. The outdoor learning working party have also purchased a hut for outdoor play in our Roman Garden. Thank you to Mrs Hay and her family for coming into school to erect the hut.
Breakfast Clubs: The charge for Breakfast Clubs will now be £2 a day. There will be a discounted charge of £1 for second and subsequent children (a sibling rate of £1 with the eldest paying £2). Breakfast Club will continue to be free for those entitled to free school meals. Although there is a universal free meal provision for P1 to P3 pupils, this does not extend to Breakfast Clubs
Dates for your diary:
Friday 27th May - School closed for holiday
Monday 30th May – School closed for holiday
Wednesday 1st June - Sports Day
Thursday 9th and 10th June - Cleveden P7 induction visits (only for pupils attending Cleveden Secondary)
Friday 10th June- End of Term Reports go out to parents
Thursday 16th June - Prize Giving
Telephone Contact: Please accept our apologies for the problems we have been experiencing with our telephone lines recently. Remember you can follow us on Twitter@caldercuilt (you do not need a twitter account) and on our website at Caldercuilt-pri.glasgow.sch.uk or you can contact me directly at . Please also remember that all absences including medical or dental appointments must be reported to the Absence Reporting Line on 0141 287 0039.
Lesley Edgerton
Head Teacher