Patient Participation Group – Fairfield Surgery

Minutes PPG Committee Tuesday 27th March 2018

Location: Burwash Internet Café 6.30pm

  1. Apologies – Sue Ballon,

Lorraine Lea (LL) / Dr Mark Robertson (DrR) / Betty McBride (BM)
John Barnes (JB) / Julie Watson (JW) / Jane Bryant (JBr),
Frank Smith (FS) / Jill Westwood (JWest) / Claudette Neville (CN)
  1. Minutes of last meeting - 23rd January 2018 – approved and signed
    JB & FS have to leave the meeting early so the order of the agenda was rearranged
  2. Review annual plan and priorities for this year
  • We have generally achieved the plan. Exceptions – Falls, as this was linked to the Fracture Prevention Programme ESBT which did not materialise in rural areas.
  • We have failed to broaden our representation of the demographics although we have involved some teenagers with our Facebook page.
  • JB recommended that we provide a report for the Etchingham Assembly Report.LLto action.
  • JBrsuggested that the PPG could encourage patients to take prescribed Statins. Discussion agreed that we could help to challenge myths that stop people taking them. This can be as an information leaflet that can be sent to the Virtual Group, put on the website page and on the PPG board. DrRin agreement. JBr/BM/LL to work on this for July meeting.
  1. Data Protection – CN has circulated draft information for the new regulations due in May. She proposes that we circulate the policy to the virtual group highlighting that anyone who wishes can be removed from our database at any time. She will re-word the virtual PPG application form to meet the new standards. It was agreed that the completion of the previous form met the new regulations sufficiently for the new act. JB recommended that the sponsor should not be the secretary as she holds the data – LL (Chairman) agreed to do this.
  2. Matters arising from minutes:
    Handrail- BM has got 2 quotes for installation but needs one more. Progress will be delayed until responsibility for the car park is transferred to the Parish Council. Then the direction of traffic may be changed with more parking slots

Parish Council Grants – JW asked if the cheques could be made out to the FoBS. CN will request this.
Annual meeting and Speaker - CN has contacted Diabetes UK who can provide a speaker for the September meeting.JW said that Spire cannot provide a speaker. CN will also use their website for information for our leaflet. She will check for dates that the Village Hall is available in September.
Care for the Carers – this issue to be postponed as there is not a local representative at present.

  1. Federation PPG forumMonday 19th March CN attended first meeting. Discussed Federation Practices which do not have PPGs, Locality Workers and Health Events that the other PPGs are running regularly. (Northiam 6th June Frailty, Rye 20 June Diabetes). Next Federation PPG meeting 11th June.
  2. Practice updateJW reported
  • 2 new flu vaccines for next autumn – one for under 65s, one for over 65s. Should be more effective than previous vaccines. JW has ordered more than last year but some confusion over orders as the vaccine changed after order made. CN will start advertising in August Broadsheet
  • CQC inspection postponed as Dr Thomas (Senior partner) is on holiday. New date should be set shortly.
  • New Receptionist recruited but will now only provide holiday cover as she is spending time in Australia. New young experienced Receptionist also recruited.
  • Cervical smears – being held in monthly clinics at present as 2 new Practice Nurses are completing the relevant training. This has caused some disquiet amongst patients as they have been used to this being done at general surgery times rather than at monthly clinics.
  • Reminded meeting that the surgery cannot give travel advice. This should be sort at specialist clinics. Then relevant vaccinations can be given at the surgery.
  • Proactive Care Worker now linked to Practice.
  1. Face book –CN & LL have posted relevant information and there are about 50 followers. Agreed that this taps into another demographic. LL asked for someone to look at the page whocould make more structured postings. JBragreed to do this. BM recommended joining Etchingham Action Group Facebook page.
  2. AOB - Val Camp, previously of Northiam PPG in 2011 has enquired about joining the committee. CN will invite her to the next meeting.

JBrhas had problems with the check-in screen. No other reports of this. JWestsuggested this could be when a previous patient has not signed out. JW said that sometimes there are problems with the server.

  1. Dates of next meetings – Tuesday - 15thMay,apologies LL, JWest.

Tuesday - 17thJuly