MINUTES of theMEETINGof SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday7 NOVEMBER2016 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

Chair:Cllr Meryl Liddell

Councillors:Richard Bell, Steve Fletcher, Richard Leech, Derek Liddell, Debra Smith, Ron Stier and Susan Wareham.

In attendance: Barnsley Chronicle reporter and 1 member of the public.

A resident reported that the Cone Lane wall next to Lampost (LP) 22 is bulging and stones are on the path near to the steps.Also the gully at LP 22 and the field gate are blocked. The Clerk will advised Barnsley MBC highways.

Cllr Richard Leech advised that the A628 gullies are still blocked.

A resident advised that a the fire brigade had been called to a fire at a shed on the allotments – The Clerk has already spoken with the allotment holder who advised that the fire brigade suggested that the cause may have been a stray firework.

Cllr Ron Stier advised that a number of cars have been scratched whilst parked outside the Methodist Church in Silkstone Common.

Cllr Richard Bell advised that a street light is not working on Ladyroyd, Silkstone Common – he will check LP number and advise Clerk. He asked why the football posts are not erected on Silkstone Common recreation ground – the Clerk will contact the parks department at Barnsley MBC to enquire.

Cllr Meryl Liddell advised members about the new benefits cap that came into operation today and circulated a summary of the changes.


RESOLVED to accept apologies from Andrew Browell


RESOLVED to note that Adam Richardson has withdrawn.

RESOLVED to exclude the press and public.

RESOLVED that following a question and answer session with Susan Wareham she be co-opted onto Silkstone Parish Council.


16-126 MINUTES

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Silkstone Parish Council meeting held on Monday 3 October16 as a true and accurate record, the Chair signed the minutes with one amendment to the public question time notes.

RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Policy Committee meeting held on Wednesday 12 October 16.

RESOLVED to note that a meeting of the summer fair working party will be held on Tuesday 6th December 16 at the Silkstone Common Methodist Church


RESOLVEDthat Silkstone Parish Council has ‘No comment’ on the following planning applications;

2016/1273 / Erection of detached dwelling / 26 High street
2016/1318 / Erection of a 2 storey side extension to dwelling / 87 Towngate
2016/1330 / Erection of an agricultural supply store room
(prior notification agricultural) / Pot House Mill farm


RESOLVED to approve the schedule of Parish Council meeting dates for 2017 as follows:

Day / Date / Meeting / Location
Mon / 09-Jan-17 / PC / Silkstone Sports Pavilion
Mon / 06-Feb-17 / PC / Silkstone Sports Pavilion
Mon / 06-Mar-17 / PC / Silkstone Sports Pavilion
Mon / 03-Apr-17 / PC / Silkstone Sports Pavilion
Mon / 10-Apr-17 / APM / Silkstone Common Methodist Church
Mon / 08-May-17 / Annual Council / Silkstone Sports Pavilion
Mon / 05-Jun-17 / PC / Silkstone Sports Pavilion
Mon / 10-Jul-17 / PC / Silkstone Sports Pavilion
Mon / 04-Sep-17 / PC / Silkstone Sports Pavilion
Mon / 02-Oct-17 / PC / Silkstone Sports Pavilion
Mon / 06-Nov-17 / PC / Silkstone Sports Pavilion
Mon / 04-Dec-17 / PC / Silkstone Sports Pavilion


RESOLVED to approve the following updated policies of the Parish Council:

*Retention of Documents Policy
* Community Engagement Strategy
* Complaints Procedure

Terms of Reference documents for the :
* Media working party
* Silkstone Playing Fields committee
* Neighbourhood Plan feasibility working party
* Planning Committee
* Policy Committee
* Twinning Committee

FURTHER RESOLVED that the staff development scheme, training statement of intent and terms of reference for the staffing committee will be reviewed by the Chair and Clerk and presented to Parish Council at their December 16 meeting.

RESOLVED that the Parish Council will not send Christmas cards this year. Instead a Christmas message will be included in the newsletter and e-mail cards will be sent to those on the Christmas card list.


RESOLVED to note that the parade will meet at the top of Martin Croft at 10.30am. Old Silkstone Band will play and the service will be led by Rev Browell. Uniform organisations and ward councillors have been advised and a wreath arranged which will be laid by Cllr Richard Leech on behalf of the Parish Council.

16-132 A628 CROSSING

RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact Steve Croft to ask why the landslip works should delay the agreed works to the A628 crossing.


a. Trim Trail

RESOLVED to defer the discussion of the trim trail tenders to private session at the end of the meeting.

b. Conroyd Wood, Nature trail

RESOLVED to note the Clerk’s report and to authorise that she investigate further the woodland sculptures and interpretation boards. Bulb planting and the progressing of discussions with Barnsley MBC Clean and Tidy team about bug hotels are approved.


a. Cricket Field Drainage

RESOLVED to note that Chappelow’s have advised that the stones on the outfield have been cleared and fencing removed. They will return in the spring to complete works to the cricket field and start work on the football field.

b. Health & Safety

RESOLVED to note that the replacement of the emergency lights is complete.

RESOLVED to note that the obscene graffiti on the youth shelter has been removed by Barnsley MBC.


RESOLVED to approve the preferred contractors list.


RESOLVED to approve the Finance Report presented by Cllr Debra Smith and the Clerk/RFO including the following amendments to budget monitoring:

* VAT to be removed from the receipts and payments sections of the budget monitor and just reported in reserves report.

* Amend grants budget to £3,000

RESOLVED to note the new reserves report.

RESOLVED to thank Cllr Debra Smith for carrying out a detailed analysis of the Parish Council’s accounting systems. She reported that the accounts are well maintained with all transactions clearly stated. It is hoped that the introduction of a new year end variance column and reserves report will enable members to understand the impact of all transactions on the bottom line figure of the Council’s accounts.

Cllrs Meryl Liddell and Richard Leech signed the bank reconciliation.


RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedules dated 7 November 16summarised below:

Payee / Description / Total / Cheque no
Cllr Ron Stier / Key cutting for Pavilion / 13.90 / 301130
Expert Water Services / Legionella monitoring Oct 16 / 54.00 / 301131
EON / Pavilion gas bill
Pavilion electric bill / 60.90
44.06 / DD
Blue Tree Accoustics
/ Noise survey for proposed MUGA
extension / 660.00
/ 301132
Cancelled / 301133
Handy man / August 16 maintenance / 1,335.97 / 301134
Handy man / September 16 maintenance / 1,186.34 / 301135
Edmundson Waterhouse / Light bulbs for Pavilion / 19.26 / 301136
Post Office
KDA Wholesale
Co-op bank / Stamps
Fly spray and yellow line marker
Charge card fee / 39.59
2.00 / Charge card
Parish Clerk / Salary October 16 / 900.00 / SO
Parish Clerk / Salary October 16 / 247.86 / 301137
HM Revenue & Customs / Tax & NI October 16 / 229.96 / 301138
SY Pensions Authority / Pensions October 16 / 235.09 / 301139
Profell Tree Services / Woodlands inspections / 150.00 / 301140
Parish Clerk / Mileage claim April – Oct 16 / 107.10 / 301141
SLCC Enterprises / Regional conference for 3 / 124.20 / 301142
EON / Pavilion gas 4/9/16
Pavilion electric 4/9/16
Pavilion gas bill 29/7/16
Pavilion electric bill 29/7/16 / 36.86
76.67 / DD
Poppy appeal / Wreath for remembrance / 25.00 / 301143
All Saints PCC / Half cost of church clock service / 65.00 / 301144
Expert Water Services / Legionella monitoring 28/10/16 / 54.00 / 301145
John Whitmore Electrical / Replacement of emergency lights / 1,536.00 / 301146
Chappelow Sports Turf Ltd / Cricket field drainage (covered by a grant) / 32,028.76 / 301147
Bothams Prestige / Pitches maintenance October 16 / 901.50 / 301148
Yorkshire Water / Pavilion water bill / 34.15 / DD
Timpson Ltd
UK Map centre
KDA Wholesale
Co-op bank / Key cutting for Pavilion
Map for MUGA planning
Spray paint
Card fee / 12.00
2.00 / Charge card
EON / Pavilion gas bill
Pavilion electric bill / 64.08
62.74 / DD
Total / 40,488.86

All payments include VAT where applicable

SO = Standing order DD = Direct Debit

Cllr Richard Leech / Policy committee meeting
Ward Alliance meeting
Cllr Richard Bell / Summer Fair planning meeting
Cllr Meryl Liddell / YLCA branch meeting
Summer fair meeting
Cllr Debra Smith / 2 finance meetings with the Clerk and SLCC conference
Cllr Derek Liddell / Policy committee meeting
YLCA Branch meeting
NALC conference
NALC Media training
NALC Chair and Vice Chair meeting
Cllr Ron Stier / Usual Friday meetings with the Clerk at the Pavilion
Cllr Stephen Fletcher / Trim Trail meeting
Floodlights meeting
Parish Clerk / Policy Committee meeting
Meeting with CARE regarding Conroyd wood wagon way path
3 separate meetings with Trim Trail contractors
2 finance meetings with Cllr Debra Smith
SLCC conference


Ombudsman / Acknowledgement letter
Valuation Office / Rateable value information
Silkstone Common resident / Grant application for an individual – Clerk replied that unfortunately the Parish Council no longer award grants to individuals.
Silkstone Common WI / Thank you for grant
Silkstone Common resident / Letter to Chair regarding parking and fly tipping – an article will be included in the newsletter
CARE / Combined programme of work days with Silkstone in Bloom – noted
Silkstone resident / Regarding Barnsley Chron story on phone mast. Advised no story to report as this was just a request to allow a feasibility survey to be undertaken.
Clerk & Councils Direct publication / Handed to Cllr Derek Liddell
Local Councils update publication / Handed to Cllr Derek Liddell
Crime figures from Barnsley police / 5 weeks of October – Silkstone 3 thefts from co-op store
Benefit cap information / noted


RESOLVED to enter into private session (resident and press representative had already left the meeting).

* Clerk meeting with Silkstone Primary school management team

RESOLVED to note that the Clerk has met with the senior management team of Silkstone Primary School who have agreed to progress initial feasibility of re-instating the allotment site on land between the school and the Red Lion.

* Trim Trail Tenders

RESOLVED that an order be placed with Streetscape for a Timber Trim Trail for installation in January 2017.


RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be held on Monday5 December2016 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

Chairman’s Signature / Date

The Chair closed the meeting at 9.06 pm

Silkstone Parish Council7 November 16