Mailing Address: 7-B, Stefan Karadja Str., Sofia 1000 Bulgaria;
Tel.:+359 2 980-37-04; Fax:+359 2 980 36 62;
Webpage ;
Contact person: Dimiter Dimov, E-mail:
Information about this programme can be found on:
(1 March 2018 - 28 February 2019)
1. Last name:
2. First name:
3. Citizenship(s):
4. Gender:
5. Date and place of birth:
6. Mailing address:
7. Tel, Fax (with country and local area codes):
8. E-mail:
9. Field of study:
10. Title of your project:
11. Short project abstract (up to 200 words):
12. Preferred starting date of fellowship:
13. End date of fellowship:
14. Duration in months:
NOTE: The in-residence fellowships are extendable from 2 to 5 months within the following time frame: 1 MARCH 2018 – 31 JULY 2018; 1 OCTOBER 2018 – 28 FEBRUARY 2019. The final invitation for fellowship depends on the ranking of the application and the preferred period. Availability for both periods is an advantage for the applicant. Please, indicate with X whether you prefer a specific period or you can conduct your research in either semester.
1 MARCH 2018 – 31 JULY 2018 / OCTOBER 2018 – 28 FEBRUARY 2019 / BOTH ARE FEASIBLECAS reserves the right to further negotiate with the candidates the timing of their fellowships in view of ensuring an optimal composition of the Fellows’ groups.
15. Affiliations:
- present:
- permanent: (institution(s), position(s) and dates):
16. Education (in reverse chronological order, including current, if applicable)
Institution and location / Major field of study / Dates of attendance(month and year)
FromTo / Name of degree or diploma (in original language and English translation) / Date received/
17. Title of Ph.D. thesis (original title and English translation):
18. Scholarships or fellowships held at present or in the past (include source or sponsor, where held, and duration):
19. Academic honors or prizes (with titles and dates):
20. Teaching experience:
21. Research (completed and ongoing):
22. Professional societies or other organizations in which you now hold a membership or in which you have been active in the past:
23. Please indicate if you are planning to apply or have applied for a fellowship, scholarship, or other grant or loan from another organization, government or educational institution for the period 2018-2019:
24. Knowledge of languages (Rate yourself Excellent, Good or Fair. Include all languages in which you have some competency):
LANGUAGE / READING / WRITING / SPEAKING25. Other professional information you might wish to add
26. List of publications (If necessary, give also English translations.)
27. Outline of your intended research under the Advanced Academia Programme (2,000 – 2,200 words). It must be on a topic different from the topic of the PhD thesis, and must include:
-a short description of the planned research (state-of-the-art in the field, objectives and novelty of the project),
-selected bibliography (10-15 titles).
28. Recommended: a relevant text (chapter of a dissertation, publication, etc.) of up to 25 pages, preferably in English (or in the original language of the publication+ translation in English) (can be separately attached).
29. For Junior scholars (up to 12 years after PhD defense) only: two recommendations forms filled in by established scholars and sent directly to CAS by the referee via e-mail before the Call deadline. Extensions to this period may be allowed in case of eligible career breaks which must be properly documented (maternity leave, long-term illness leave, national service).
For your references, please, use the attached FORM!