Lauren Rose Gilbert

(414) 617-1377

University of Florida

3102 Turlington Hall, Third Floor

P.O. Box 117330

Gainesville, FL 32611

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PhDUniversity of Florida (Expected August 2015),

Dissertation Title: Survivor Advocacy and Social Networks: African Americans’ Experiences with Prostate Cancer

Dissertation Committee: Dr. Barbara Zsembik (Chair), Dr. Milagros Pena, Dr. Koropeckyj-Cox, and Dr. Folakemi Odedina (Outside Member)

Admitted to Candidacy, University of Florida, December 2012

Passed Qualifying Exams for Doctor of Philosophy

Primary Area - Gender; Secondary Area - Health

Master of Public HealthUniversity of Florida(expected August 2015)

-Concentration - Public Health Management and Policy

M.A. in Sociology, University of Florida, August, 2012

-Master’s Project: Becoming and Being an Advocate for Prostate Cancer Awareness: Exploring African American Survivors’ Experiences

B. S. in Biomedical Sciences, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI May, 2009

Interests in Sociology, Public Health


Men and Masculinity

Prostate Cancer in African American Men

Health and Illness

Racial and Ethnical Health Disparities

Aging and the Lifecourse



Department of Defense (DoD) Grant PC121924 - “Development of a Model of Prostate Cancer Care and Survivorship for Black Men: A Grounded Theory Study of Ethnically Diverse Black Men”

-Nested Health Disparity Predoctoral Trainee, January 2013 – Present

-Highly competitive, interdisciplinary award that provides full tuition, stipend, travel and research funding

O. Ruth McQuown Scholarship Award from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida, April 2013.

-Highly competitive dissertation research award: $5,500

-Awarded to applicants who exemplify Dr. McQuown’s commitment to social issues (including addressing issues and fostering opportunities for women, racial minorities and those of low socio-economic background) and demonstrate excellence in academic achievement

National Science Foundation Atlantic Coast Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Alliance First Year Ph. D Award, 2009 University of Florida. 2009-2010

-Highly competitive award: $5,000

-Designed to increase the number of underrepresented minority doctoral recipients entering the social, behavioral, and economic professoriate

Ronald E. McNair Graduate Assistantship. University of Florida. 2009-2010

-One-year research assistantship provides a yearly stipend, in-state tuition, fees and health insurance for one year.

-Created to help students who have successfully completed the McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program as undergraduates,

Board of Education Fellowship. University of Florida. Summer 2009

-Competitive graduate school orientation and preparatory program for PhD students

-Provides stipend, tutition and fees during program, in addition to academic courses and professional development workshops

Ronald E. McNair Scholar. Marquette University. 2008-2009

-Highly competitive undergraduate program that prepares eligible students for graduate school

-Support and preparation through monthly seminars, meet visiting scholars, and participate in student and professional conferences, in addition to a paid research internship which provides an in-depth research experience, working one-on-one with a faculty mentor, and the opportunity to network with other undergraduates from across the nation


Primary Data Collection, Summer 2014- Present

Collecting ethnographic field notes, interviews and photovoice data for qualitative dissertation

Focusing on prostate cancer awareness advocates in the African American community

Recruiting through personal and professional contacts and informants, attendance at prostate cancer support group meetings and events

Transcribing interviews and field notes

Analyzing data in Nvivo 10.0 Qualitative Data Analysis Software package

Primary Data collection, Spring 2011 – March 2012

Focused on a small population – African American men diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer

Recruited through fliers, attending prostate cancer support group meetings and events, established community contacts and informants, and participating in local community health fairs

Conducted 1-2 hour in-depth interviews with the men regarding prostate cancer

Transcribed the recorded interview

Analyzed the data in the Nvivo 9.0 Qualitative Data Analysis Software package

Rural Health Partnership (RHP) Intern, Summer 2010-March 2011

Worked closely with Dr. Kendra Siler-Marsiglio, Director of RHP

Generated the Health Ministry Project with rural churches in North Central Florida

Collaborated with various cancer education and support groups

Certified as a health advocate with the Health Outreach and Promotion Education (HOPE) program for men in Alachua County

Research Assistant, Summer 2009-Spring 2010

-Faculty in Sociology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Assisted Dr. William Marsiglio on “Fathers, Children and Health” study

Collected reference articles, conducting and transcribing interviews

Research Assistant, Fall 2008

-Faculty in Sociology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI

-Assisted Dr. Ramon Hinojosa on “Home From War” study

-Collected reference articles, transcribed interviews

Research Assistant, Summer 2007

-Faculty in Biomedical Sciences, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI

-Assisted Dr. Claire Cannon in neurological animals studies of Parkinson’s disease

-Assisted in animal surgeries, laboratory tests, histology and histological analysis


Graduate Teaching Assistant (SYG 4930; Sociology of Health and Illness) Spring 2013

Developed a new course syllabus, individual and group writing assignments and activities for a specialty course

Lectured to a class of nearly 60 students once a week with the use of powerpoint, and then have discussion based class twice a week, with a small group of students leading the discussion once a week

Use of a textbook, academic articles and two novels to facilitate learning on the diverse topics of health and illness, focusing on the social construction of illness and the lived experiences of illness

Graduate Teaching Assistant (SYG 2000: Principles of Sociology) Spring 2011, Summer 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Summer 2012, Fall 2012, Summer 2013

Development of course syllabus, assignments and exams for an introductory sociology class

Lectured to classes of up to 75 students with the use of PowerPoint, handouts, and visual aids and facilitate small groups discussions

Developed and proctored 3 exams throughout the semester

Graded and provided feedback on written assignments

In spring 2012, class was revised to be more writing intensive and critical discussion based, including weekly reading responses, a stakeholder meeting character and essay for the final project in place of quizzes and exams

Graduate Teaching Assistant (SYG 2000: Principles of Sociology) Fall 2010

-Dr. William Marsiglio, Professor of Sociology, University of Florida

Attended all lectures and take down notes

Assisted students during weekly office hours with lectures, exams and papers

Lead short class lecture and in class group assignment in teacher’s absence

Lead 1-hour guest lecture

Assisted in grading of short three-page papers

Created exam questions and ensure exams and scantrons are ready for exam periods


Survivor Advocacy: African Americans’ Experiences with Prostate Cancerat the UFHCC Cancer Health Disparities Research Symposium, April 18, 2014 In Gainesville, FL at the University of Florida

Prostate Cancer Advocacy: The Experiences of African American Survivors at the University of Florida Health Cancer Center Poster Day, March 11, 2014 in Gainesville, FL at the University of Florida

Becoming and Being an Advocate for Prostate Cancer Awareness: Exploring African Americans’ Experiences at the 2nd Biennial Science of Global Prostate Cancer Disparities Conference in November, 2012 in Nassau, Bahamas

The Lived Experience Of African American Men with Prostate Cancer at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society in New Orleans, LA on March 24, 2012

Religious Affiliation, Worship Practices, and Self-Reported Health in Older Adults Among Protestants presented at 7th Annual Conference of the Social Sciences, Gainesville, FL on October 22,2011

Anticipatory Socialization of Young Men Entering the Military: The Role of Family, Sports, and the Media at 23rd National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Spring 2009

Anticipatory Socialization of Young Men Entering the Military: The Role of Family, Sports, and the Media at the 17th Annual National McNair Research Conference, Delavan, Wisconsin Fall 2008


Qualitative Interviewing

Ethnographic Data Collection

Photovoice Data Collection

Survey Development and Data Collection

  • Qualtrics

Interview Transcription

Qualitative Data Analysis

  • Nvivo 9.0, 10.0
  • Grounded Theory methods

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Powerpoint

Microsoft Excel



Sixth American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and The Medically Underserved, December 6-9, 2013, Atlanta, Georgia

Attended presentations

Networked with other cancer researchers

8th Annual Conference of the Social Sciences, Florida Society of the Social Sciences(FSSS), February 2013, University of Florida

Organizing Committee


73rdNational Council on Family Research (NCFR) Annual Conference, November 16 -19, 2011, Orlando, Florida

Attended presentations, roundtables and workshops

Networked with other researchers

Florida Society of the Social Sciences(FSSS), October 23, 2010, University of Florida



The Science of Global Prostate Cancer Disparities in Black Men, August 27-29, 2010, Jacksonville, FL


Networked with researchers from other disciplines



  • Development of a Model of Prostate Cancer Care and Survivorship (CaPCaS) for Black Men: A Grounded Theory Study of Ethnically Diverse Black Men Study Training Week. University of Florida, February 17-21,2014
  • FSSS Workshop: Nvivo: The Basics, A Qualitative Workshop. University of Florida, January 20, 2012 (Facilitated)
  • FSSS Workshop: Job Market Workshop With Dr. Kenzie Latham. University of Florida, July 1, 2011.
  • FSSS Teaching Cooperative. University of Florida, May 5, 2011
  • Odum Institute Intermediate Statistical Workshop. University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. Summer 2010
  • Odum Institute Statistical Workshop. University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. Summer 2009
  • FSSS Workshop: The Art of Qualitative Writing With Dr. William Marsilgio. University of Florida. November 6, 2009


Under Review

Gilbert, Lauren. “African American Prostate Cancer Survivors’ Advocacy Strategies: Sharing Experiences, Dispelling Myths and Educating Others”. Under review at Journal of Health Communication.

Gilbert, Lauren. “Becoming and Being an Advocate for Prostate Cancer Awareness: Exploring African American Survivors’ Experiences”. Under review at the International Journal of Men’s Health.

Research in Preparation

Christiansen, Lisa and L.R. Gilbert. “Experiencing Illness: An interactive approach to understanding the social construction of illness”

Gilbert, Lauren, Folakemi Odedina and Mary Ellen Young. “A Review of The Utility of Health Advocacy within black communities”.

Odedina, Folakemi, Mary Ellen Young and Lauren Gilbert. “Ethnic Differences Among Black Men Across the Prostate Cancer Care Contiuum”.

Young, Mary Ellen, Reginald Warren, Folakemi Odedina, and Lauren Gilbert. “The Experience of Prostate Cancer in Black Men: What the Literature Tells Us”.


University of Florida Health Cancer Center, Cancer Community Needs Assessment for Alachua County, Spring 2014-present

Providing assistance to better understand how we can improve the services that we provide and better tailor our cancer health services to the county

Working with Dr. Jon Graham, the Deputy Director of Clinical Administration for the Cancer Center

University of Florida Prostate Disease Center, Spring 2011-Present

Working with the Community Outreach and Minority Affairs Department

Being actively involved in several events such as the Santa Fe Cancer Awareness Fair, the United Downtown, and the Men’s Health Expo

Presenting community outreach at local church events

Man-to-Man Prostate Cancer Support Group, Gainesville, FL, Spring 2010-Present

An active supporter of the group

Attending the monthly meetings, volunteering with them at health fairs

Health Outreach and Promotion Education (H.O.P.E.) Training Academy, July 2011, Daytona Beach, FL

Funded by the Central Florida Pharmacy Council and the Florida Department of Health

Became a community health advocate for Alachua country

Learned how to develop and organize community based health education programs to help underserved men

Prostate Health & Wellness Expo, 2010 and 2013, Gainesville, FL

Volunteered as a RHP volunteer

Helped to set up and run expo

Networked with important community leaders


-2014 Biennial Science of Global Prostate Cancer Disparities in Black Men Conference

  • Planning Committee, 2013 to present

-American Association of Cancer Research, 2013-Present

  • Associate Member

-American Sociological Association, 2013-Present

  • Sections: Medical Sociology; Sex and Gender

-Southern Sociological Society, 2011-2013

-National Council on Family Relations, 2011-2012

Florida Society of the Social Sciences, 2009-Present

Member, 2009-2013

Food Committee Member, 2010-2013

Secretary, 2011-2013

Treasurer, 2013-Present


The Aggregate Cohort Representative for the Graduate Student Advisory Council, 2009-2013

American Medical Student Association 2007-2009

National Society of Black Engineers 2007-2009

Black Student Council, 2005-2009

Executive Board Member in 2006


Clare Walsh Lifetime Achievement Award, F3S, University of Florida. 2014

Ignatius Scholar. Marquette University. 2005-2009


Travel Grant from the Graduate Student Council at the University of Florida, June 4, 2014

Travel Grant for the 2nd Biennial Science of Global Prostate Cancer Disparities Conference from The National Cancer Institute, November 2012

Travel Grant for the 2nd Biennial Science of Global Prostate Cancer Disparities Conference from the Graduate Student Council at University of Florida, November 2012

Diversity Enhancement Scholarship Award from the Graduate School at the University of Florida. 2012-2013

Diversity Enhancement Funding from the Office of Graduate Minority Programs, University of Florida, March, 2012

Supporting Grant for the Nvivo Workshop from the Department of Sociology and Criminology and Law at the University of Florida. 2011

Grinter Fellowship. University of Florida. 2009-2010

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