Francis Sevila Young Professional Award


This award is in memory of Prof Francis Sevila (1950-2010). Francis was a founding member of EurAgEng, the organiser of AgEng1986 Paris and became the first President of EurAgEng in 1992. The Award recognises the potential of European younger agricultural engineers, who have demonstrated excellence in the early stage of their career (typically within 15 years of graduation with a first degree related to agricultural or biosystems engineering). This excellence is marked by a quality of leadership and/or technical and scientific attainmentthat are clearly seen to be outstanding by their employer and other organisations. It is expected that the winner will show this excellence in a number of ways such as:

a) By showing outstanding flair in promoting agricultural engineering; for instance in education or leadership of regional initiatives orthrough extension work, or

b) By publishingsignificant workthat has attracted national or international attention evidenced by the technical press, or other citation, or

c) By showing outstanding productivity and creativity as demonstrated by patents or significant projects leading to successful equipment, operational systems or other designs.

The award is to be given biennially at AgEng conferences.

  • In addition to this form please provide a short CV of the nominee.
  • Letters of support from one or two referees, who know the nominee well (for example line manager), should be attached.

Nominations will be judged against the following criteria

  1. How distinctive and successful is the contribution in education, leadership or science in the early stage of their career?
  2. How important is the Agricultural/Biosystems engineering or science in this contribution during the early stage of their career?
  3. How significant is the individual’s personal contribution?
  4. How great is the impact, success or international dimension of their contribution in the early stage of their career?

Please return the form by noon on 31 March 2016to the Secretary General.

The individual nominated for the Award

Name of individual
Name of organisation
Telephone number
Email address

1. Please describe the area(s) of excellencein education, leadership or scientific attainment with which the nominee has been associated that justifies their consideration for this award. What is the distinctive nature of their contributionin the early stage of their career to this work?

2. What aspects of agricultural or biosystems engineering have been advanced through the early career stage actions or activities with which this individual has been strongly associated?

3. Identify the personalearly career stage contribution of the nominee to these activities and list any supporting references, patents, publications, awards etc.

5. What is the impact, success or international importance of their work? Describe how their contribution hasimpacted on key processes in agriculture,engineering, environment or other aspects of the rural sector, giving examples and indicating the importance of these impacts and/or potentialfor future development.

Nominator’s signature
Telephone number
e-mail address

Please return the form by noon on 31 March 2016 (in order to give minimum of 2 months’ notice to the winner to arrangetravel and accommodation).

Email or post to:

Secretary General

European Society of Agricultural Engineers

The Bullock Building
University Way
MK43 0GH

United Kingdom


Copies of this form may be downloaded from theEurAgEng website:

Francis Sevila Young Professional Francis Sevila Award - Nomination form draft.doc