
Batting Team:

-Batter is able to bunt the ball.

-Batter must be no more than 2 steps off the mat when kicking.

-Once you step off current base, you MUST advance to next base.

-You are able to stay on a base for no more than 2 turns, then you must run to the next base.

-If you hit the ceiling or anything hanging from the ceiling it is an automatic 3 outs.

-You continuously run the bases until teams switch sides.

-Once pitcher has ball in the pitching circle, all base running stops.

-Once you are out, you go back to the batting line.

-Batting order is Boy/Girl or Girl/Boy order.

Fielding Team:

-Must have a positional player for every base. (1st baseman, 2nd baseman, 3rd baseman, catcher and pitcher)

-Pitcher must stand inside the pitching circle.

-Do not block the base paths.

-If a ball is caught, it is NOT an out.

-The ball must contact the mat, NOT a person in order for the fielding team to get an out before the runner(s) reach the base.

-There may be multiple runners out on 1 play.

-All players except the catcher start outside of the 3 point range where home base is located until the ball is kicked.

General Rules:

-Teams have 5 outs until they are asked to switch sides.

-Pitcher must roll the ball.

-No Pegging

Castle Ball


-Students are divided into 2 even teams on a basketball court and are assigned a side.

-Behind either side of the basketball court there are 2 groups of 6 hula hoops formed to make a free standing apparatus (castles).

-Along the center line at half court, there are 20 nerf handballs.

-Teams start at their own end line and when the whistle is blown they run to grab the nerf balls.


-Object of the game is to knock down both castles of the opposing team using the nerf handballs.

-Players may NOT peg opposing team members.

-There are 2 students assigned to the reconstruction of the castle during play.

-Once one team’s castles (2) are knocked down the round is over. Team with castle(s) standing wins the round.

-If one castle is in the process of being built up again while the other castle is knocked down, game is stopped and round is over.

-Castles must be free-standing without aide in order to be counted as still standing.