Periods 1,2,5, and 6 are taught by both teachers.

Period 3 is taught by Mrs. Hogan.

Contact Information

Telephone Number: (832)668-7200 ext. 72312

Email: and

Conference: 4th period 11:45-12:35 (M,T, Th, F) 12:00-12:50 (W)

Tutorial Hours: Mon- Thurs, 8:00 – 8:40 AM

Course Prerequisites: Algebra I – One Full Credit

Course Description:Geometry is a college preparatory course. This course consists of the study of undefined terms, postulates, definitions, corollaries, and theorems. Primary topics of study include segments, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, and three-dimensional shapes. Emphasis is placed upon congruency, similarity, right triangles, circles, solid geometry, coordinate geometry, and algebra practice.


Every student will need to bring: Spiral Notebooks (2) one per semester (70 Pages)

Each class needs to bring the specified supplies for their period:

1st2ndPeriods: Kleenex

3rd Period: Paper Towels

5th & 6th Periods: Small Box of Pencils


We want every one of you to be successful and pass our class. Please come in for extra help before school if you begin to have trouble or have any questions. Tutorials are before school at 8:00 AMMondays through Thursdays.Fridays are reserved for campus faculty meetings and tutorials will not be held on those days. Please always sign in when attending tutorials.

For Parents: Mrs. Hogan’s conference period is 4thperiod. Her telephone number is 832-668-7200, ext. 72312. Mrs. Scherm’s conference period is 3rd period. Her telephone number is 832-668-7200, ext. 72312. Mrs. Scherm may also be contacted in the Girls’ Soccer Office.

After school tutorials are available in the athletic wing on Mondays – Thursdays. A late bus will be available.


Semester Exam Reviews – 10 points on Semester Exam

No extra credit projects or assignments will be given to raise grades for individual students. If extra credit is given, it will be an opportunity for the entire class. We will assign extra credit opportunities at our discretion.


Tests / 60%
Quizzes / 20%
Assignments / 20%

A zero will be recorded for any student involved in cheating. No make-up or retesting will be allowed.

Progress reports will be sent home every 3rd week and can be requested any time through email. Students and parents are encouraged to keep track of grades via Skyward.


Homework or daily work will be graded on a completion or accuracy basis.All homework is due at the BEGINNING of class the next day.


All work for a unit or bundle must be turned in by the day of the unit test. We will not take workfrom a unit after the material has been tested. If you are absent the day of the test, your work from that unit is due the day you come back to school.

SKYWARD CODE: A “1” in Skyward means an assignment or test is missing and can still be made up. A “0” in Skyward means it is too late for an assignment or a test to be made up.



  • If you miss the review day, you will still be responsible for taking the test on

Test Day.

  • If you are absent on Test or Quiz day, you will have up to 5 days to make

the test or quiz up.


  • Students may retest on any test that received a grade below 70
  • Students will come in and correct original test, then teacher will assign retest day.


Check absent day folder for any handouts. It is your responsibility to check the folder and copy notes from another student or from one of our notebooks.

Any assignments due while you were absent are due the day you return.

Come in within 5 days before or after school to make up missed quizzes or test


Grades can be tracked and checked online through the Skyward link. You may access this link at any time and it will be a good source to keep track of your student’s progress in our class or other classes.


I. Conditions for retesting:

A. Test Grade less than 70

B. Successful completion of a remediation assignment

C. No cheating occurred on the original test

II.Retest date will be determined by the teacher

III.Maximum retest grade is 70.

IV. Only two tests per six weeks may be retested.

V. CBA Exams cannot be retested.


Cheating will not be tolerated. You are expected to turn in original work for each assignment. A grade of “0” will be given to any person cheating on an assignment and a referral will be sent to the office to document the incident. You may not retest.


We will be learning many procedures and routines for the smooth running and management of the classroom. These are the most important…

  1. Bring no food into the classroom.
  2. Bring required materials to class (pencil, notebook).
  3. Before the bell rings, enter the classroom quietly. If necessary, sharpen your pencil in the first 5 minutes of class.
  4. Sit down and remain seated throughout instruction time.
  5. Get your notebook. Begin copying warm-up or notes. Put your cellphone in your backpack until you have completed your assignment. Turn your completed work in.
  6. Throw trash away at the end of class on your way out…do not throw trash across the room.


  1. Respect school and school property.
  2. Respect the teachers, staff, classmates, and all guest adults.
  3. Be on task.
  4. Respect yourself.

Failure to observe these rules will result in warning, seat change, detention, aphone call home/letter to parents, removal from class, and/or referral to the office. It is South Campus policy not to tolerate inappropriate language. Cell phones are allowed when theteacher designates the use for technology purposes. Otherwise, phones should be placed in the student’s backpack during class lecture/activity.


Dear Parent or Guardian,

You may find an updated class rules and procedures, geometry syllabus, and the DPHS South Campus Math Department grading policy under Jackie Hogan’s name at the Deer Park ISD website. Go to South Campus, then faculty and click on Mrs. Hogan’s name.

Please sign below indicating that you have gone online and read the procedures, geometry syllabus, and the DPHS South Campus Math Department grading policy.

Also, please beaware that the following procedures are enforced in our classroom:

Dress Code Procedures

I.D. Procedures

Cell Phones, Electronic Equipment (may be taken up and given to Assistant Principal)

Tardy Policy

You may e-mail us at any time regarding your student at or at o check on grades or information about our class procedures. We highly encourage you to login to your student/parent skyward account from home to track your student’s grades.

Working together, we can make this the best year in math for your student. Thank you for your cooperation.


Jackie Hogan and Karla Scherm

Geometry Teachers



Date (Student’s Signature) Period


Date (Parent/Guardian Signature)

This form must be signed and returned to Mrs. Hogan or Mrs. Scherm by Friday, August 25, 2017.

*The student’s first quiz grade is returning the last page of this signed form!