APUSH Unit 10 Vocabulary: Reconstruction (1865-1877):

Wade-Davis Bill / Bill by Senators Wade and Davis that would allow Congress to control Reconstruction. It would allow for governors in South to be appointed by Congress and forced landowners in the South to swear allegiance to the Union prior to state conventions being held. All states would abolish slavery and powerful southern leaders would not be allowed to hold office. Southern leaders would also have to take an oath of loyalty saying that they had never helped the Confederacy during the war effort. Lincoln pocket-vetoed this bill which angered the Radical Republicans who opposed a more lenient plan that Lincoln wanted to impose had he lived.
Thaddeus Stevens / Leader of the Radical Republicans in Congress during Reconstruction. He was an opponent of Andrew Johnson and wanted to use Reconstruction to restructure the South, economically, politically, and socially. He wanted land to be given to the former slaves and enfranchisement of African American men.
Charles Sumner / Leading Senator and Radical Republican during Reconstruction. He and Stevens opposed Andrew Johnson and attempts to impose a lenient plan of Reconstruction. He was a fierce opponent of slavery and supported enfranchisement of the former slaves in South. He had been the target of the attack by Preston Brooks years earlier after making an inflammatory speech “The Crime Against Kansas” where he likened slavery to a mistress.
Radical Republicans / Group of Republicans in Congress from the mid 1850’s to 1877 that opposed southern power(landowners) and the disenfranchisement of freedmen in the South. They fought for civil rights and equality for the former slaves. They opposed Andrew Johnson and wanted to impose a strict plan of reconstruction in the South.
Freedmen’s Bureau / Organization created by Congress in 1865 to give aid to former slaves. It was opposed by Andrew Johnson and southern Democrats. It would give aid in the form of food, education, medical supplies and legal assistance. It did not have adequate funding and did not last through the end of Reconstruction.
Reconstruction Act of 1867 / Series of acts aimed at rebuilding and restructuring the South after the Civil War. These acts established five military districts in the South and forced the creation of new state constitutions. States had to abide by a series of requirements in order to be readmitted to the Union.
Tenure of Office Act / Congress passed this act in 1867. It prevented the president from removing officials appointed by the Senate without its approval. It would become the central issue in the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson.
Carpetbaggers / Northerners who came south after the Civil War for various purposes. Some were teachers, doctors, businessmen. The southerners opposed them as they viewed them suspiciously, fearing that they were there to take advantage of them. They helped improved education and rebuild the South.
Scalawags / Southerners during Reconstruction who supported the Republican efforts at rebuilding. They, often, were opportunists who tried to improve their lot in society, economically or politically and most were not committed to change and enfranchisement..
Ku Klux Klan / Racist, terrorist group that developed in the South during Reconstruction. Many members were wealthy landowners who had been opposed to abolition of slavery and were threatened by the changing political structure in the South. They focused attacks on the freedmen and used violence and intimidation to stop them from voting. They impeded efforts at reform and enfranchisement in the South.
Enforcement Acts (Ku Klux Klan Act) / Series of acts which protected the rights of the freedmen in the South. They came in the wake of the 14th Amendment and made it illegal to deprive someone of his right to vote, civil rights, and the use of intimidation tactics by the KKK.
Liberal Republicans / Political party created in 1872 to opposed Grant’s reelection and the corruption that had been occurring. It was unsuccessful and Grant was reelected.
Horace Greeley / Leader of the Liberal Republicans in 1872. His party opposed Grant and his bid for reelection.
Greenbacks and the Greenback Party / Paper money..1875 Political party formed by farmers and those suffering from economic woes. They favored the coinage of silver and a favorable supply of paper money, along with a number of labor laws such as an 8 hour day and graduated income tax.
Andrew Johnson / Democrat who served as Lincoln’s vice-president and became president when Lincoln was assassinated. He wanted to restore the South quickly and leniently and would not support the protection of rights for the former slaves. He would be engaged in a fierce struggle with the Radical Republicans in Congress who led an impeachment trial against him. He was acquitted, but had a difficult presidency locked in a struggle with Congress.
Civil Rights Act of 1875 / Act that gave African Americans the right to equality in public facilities. Its enforcement was weak and segregation continued to be enforced.
Mississippi Plan and redemption / Plan created by southern Democrats who felt threatened by the new laws to empower African Americans. The supporters used violence and intimidation to stop voters from registering and exercising their right to vote.
Black Codes / Series of laws to legally segregate society after the Civil War in the South. These laws left African Americans deprived of rights and, often, targets of harassment and discrimination. They were attempts to retain the strength of the southern white landowner after the 13th Amendment.
Jim Crow Laws / Laws in the South that segregated and divided society by race. It targeted businesses and public places. They were created after Reconstruction to oppose the Civil War Amendments and continue to disenfranchise African Americans.
Civil War Amendments / Three amendments passed between 1865-1870. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments abolished slavery, gave birthright citizenship and the right to vote to all males regardless of race.