One of our goals for our patients is to help prevent or reduce fear and apprehension of going to the dentist. At the same time, we also want to provide high quality care in all services that we give our patients. Most patients do quite well during their appointments. However, due to young age or extensive dental restorations, some patients may have difficulty or resist treatment. For your information, the following is an explanation of the various techniques that we may use to help our patients.
1. Tell-Show-Do:An explanation in the simple terms of what we will do using a model or the child’s fingers.
2. Positive
Reinforcement:This technique rewards positive behavior. Rewards include compliments, praise,
prizes, etc.
3. Music:To relax and distract our patients. We encourage children to bring their own head phones and
favorite music from home.
4. Mouth Props: A rubber device used to prevent closing of the mouth during the procedure. It also helps
reduce fatigue.
5. Rubber Dam: A thin rubber screen which helps to prevent tooth particles from being swallowed and
protects the tissue in the mouth.
6. Composite: White fillings.
7. Papoose Board:For the safety and protection of a young child. It helps stabilize hands, feet, head, and
keeps the child from injuring him/herself on any sharp instruments. It also stabilizes
your child’s body and enables us to give your child high quality care.
8. Physical An assistant restrains the patients from movement by holding the child’s hands, head,
Restraints: or legs.
9. Nitrous Oxide Administered by inhalation to give a patient comfort, relaxation, and to calm the gag
and Oxygen: reflex. Disadvantage – upset stomach which can be avoided by a light meal before hand.
10. Local To provide numbness and comfort to the area of the mouth we will be treating. Remind
Anesthesia: your child not to bite or scratch the numb area.
11. Sedation: Sometimes oral medicines are used to relax a child who is unable to comprehend or
cooperate. These are mostly commonly used with the young child or a patient with
high anxiety who does not respond to other behavior management techniques.
These medicines are never used without specific consent of the parents. Sedatives are
very useful with most children, unfortunately, with some they have little or no effect.
12. General
Anesthesia: This procedure is indicated for children that are highly combative and who need extensive
dental work. The child is anesthetized by an anesthesiologist.
13. Time: Our goal is to schedule your child’s appointment for the appropriate amount of time
necessary to complete the treatment planned for that day. In order to provide your child
with the best possible dental experience, more time than originally planned for his/her
appointment may be necessary. Your patience and understanding regarding this matter is
greatly appreciated.
The listed pediatric dentistry behavior management techniques have been explained to us as alternative techniques and choices.
Child / Children’s Name (s)
Child / Children’s Name (s)
Signature Relationship to Patient (s) Date