BIOL 119 Emerging Diseases
Emerging Disease Profile Assignment Sheet
Introduction to the Assignment
One purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to gain some additional information and background about an emerging disease that interests you. A second purpose is to provide you with experience in locating information on infectious diseases. To accomplish both of these purposes the assignment requires you to conduct research on a disease and use the research to write a short factual report on the disease.
Instructions for the Assignment
Choose an emerging infectious disease that interests you. You can identify an interesting disease by using the course textbook, your supplemental reading, by current events, news stories, your own personal experience, or from any other source.
The course instructor must OK your choice. Be sure to discuss your choice of diseases with the instructor and get an OK via email.
In Fall, 2016 the deadline for choosing your topic is Friday, September 30 at 4 PM.
Conduct background literature research on this disease. Reputable sites on the internet will be your best source of information, but you can certainly use hard copy or text sources if they are available to you. Reputable sites include those for well-recognized medical information such as the CDC, the World Health Organization, the Mayo Clinic, WebMD or the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Sites such as Wikipedia, USA Today or news magazines or newspapers are not reputable and may not be used. Consult with the instructor if you have questions about a site or a source.
Write a factual summary or “profile” of about 750 words on the emerging disease of your choice, based on information from your various sources. In general, you are not expected to write as an infectious disease expert. However, you are expected to show a basic understanding of the disease and its characteristics (appropriate for a person who is completing BIOL 119).
1. Organization of the Review:
Your disease profile must address the following points using complete sentences (it may take several sentences to address a point). Do not use short phrases or single words to address these points.
The reason that you chose this disease.
The reason the disease can be considered “emerging”.
The infectious agent that causes the disease and its key characteristics.
The route of transmission of the infectious agent.
The incidence of the disease-where is it found and why?
The symptoms, signs and pathology of the disease.
Treatments, cures and vaccines for the disease.
Methods of prevention (aka prophylaxis).
2. Format Requirements for the Profile:
Use the following format for your disease profile.
Write your profile for an audience of IUP students who are not Biology or science majors. In structure and organization your profile must follow the outline given in Section 1 above. Use complete sentences organized into paragraphs in writing your profile. Use standard English and spelling for the most part in your profile but you can also use scientific jargon if appropriate and if used correctly. Profiles with a large number of spelling or other errors or otherwise not in compliance with format requirements will not be graded.
In terms of overall characteristics, your disease profile should show logical organization, smooth flow of topics, appropriate use of terminology and correct science. It should also show that you have the ability to link basic facts, concepts, ideas and examples-pulling together material from class discussions, class readings/viewings and other sources.
3. Turning in the Review:
Turn in the completed profile in hard copy format. You must turn in a hard copy to receive full credit for the assignment. The due date for the review is Friday, December 9 at 4:00 PM. I will try to set up a D2L dropbox for submission of electronic version as backup in addition to hard copy. No email submissions accepted.
Topic Choice due no later than Friday September 30 at 4:00 PM
Disease Profile due no later than Friday December 9 at 4:00 PM