Lynda Shearer

Kamloops, B. C.


Phone:(250) 434-6966




Thank you for your interest in our Springer Spaniels. By completing this questionnaire, the information you provide will enable me tomatch you with the Springerthat is right for your particular situation.
Please add any additional comments on a separate page and e-mail the completed form to the above address.



1. Purpose for acquiring a dog______

2. Are youfamiliar with the Springer Spanieland how did you come by this knowledge? ______

3.What attracts you to the Springer Spaniel? ______

4. Have you investigated various breeds to determine which one best suits your lifestyle?______

5. What other breeds have you considered?______

6.Have you ever owned a spaniel? ______If no, have you owned dogs and what became of them?______


7. Have you ever returned a dog to a breeder? ______If yes, what was the reason? ______


8. Have you ever given away or sold a dog?_____ If yes, under what circumstances? ______


9. Have you ever surrendered a dog to the SPCA, pound or animal shelter? ______If yes, what were the

circumstances? ______

10. Do you live in a house/apartment/townhouse?______Do you own or rent?______

11. Are dogs allowed where you live?______

12. If you have children, what are their ages? ______

13. Do you presently have any other pets?______Describe ______

14. Is anyone in your household - (1) Allergic to dogs?____yes_____no (2) Smoke? _____yes______no

15. Is someone at home for all or part of the day?______

16. Who would be the dog's primary caretaker?______

17. Do you have a fully fenced yard (5 ft high or more)?______What type?______

18. Would you consent to a home/yard inspection before placement of the dog to ensure it is dog-proof? _____yes _____no

19. Where would your dog be exercised outdoors and allowed to relieve himself?______

20. In what areas of the home would your dog be allowed?______

21. What activities would you share with your dog?______

22. Do you travel often?______If yes, what arrangements would be made for your dog while you are

away? ______

23. Are you familiarwith the grooming needs of a Springer Spaniel’scoat? ______

24. How many hours would you expect your puppy to be alone? ______

25. Do you prefer a male or female puppy? ______Reasons? ______


26. Are you willing to sign a CKC Non-Breeding Agreement?______

27. Are you interested in Conformation showing, Obedience trials or other dog sports? ______

28. Name of your Veterinarian: ______

Veterinarian’s phone number: ______

References: ______


29. What method of discipline would you be using to correct or modify any unwanted behaviour of your puppy?


Additional comments:

It is recommended that approved purchasers maintain contact with me so that when a breeding has taken place, I can inform you of the possible whelping date. Once the bitch whelps, a non-refundable deposit in the sum of $200.00 is required to reserve a puppy. Should I determine that another breed may better suit your needs, I will be happy to assist you with information and to recommend breeders. Thank you for taking the time and effort to complete this questionnaire.

Lynda Shearer