Hello and welcome to Parma Senior High School! My name is Mr. Gigliotti. I will be your Social Studies teacher this year. I have been a teacher within the Parma City Schools for the past sixteen years. I taught for thirteen years at Shiloh Middle School and for the past three years here at Parma Senior High. I have been commended for my teaching by administration, colleagues, parents, outside organizations, and most importantly my students. This past school year, I was rated “Accomplished”. During my career I have received a “Life Time Achievement Award” from Parent Teacher Association as well as the prestigious “Ohio Middle School Teacher of the Year” award for Northeast Ohio. In my teaching, I attempt to get students interested in Social Studies through my enthusiasm as well as engaging diverse learners in the content in a variety of different ways including the use of technology.
On a personal note, I have also have experience working in the business world. I also have worked as a political campaign advisor for several local, state, and national candidates. One of my many hobbies is travel. I have visited forty-six of the fifty states. I have also traveled around Europe, Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean. I also enjoy sports such as ice hockey, football, and baseball. I am married and have two wonderful children. Please contact me at: . I look forward to having you in class this year!
This year we will be studying the early history of the United States from 1607-1877. The goal of this course to have students achieve in each of the state’s educational standards. We will be conducting many simulations, activities, technology based assignments, & projects in order to make history come alive for the students! There is also an emphasis throughout the year on the improvement of basic skills; as well as the further development of high level cognitive, problem solving, & process skills through the lessons of the past. It is hoped that this year, students will gain a greater understanding and appreciation of America’s past while furthering their sense of patriotism in the present.
The only materials that students are required to bring to class each day will be their school issued MacBooks. Mr. Gigliotti’s classroom is one of the first “paperless” or “digital” middle school courses in the Cleveland area. This course takes full advantage of Parma’s one-to-one technology initiative. The power of the MacBook will allow us to have a highly interactive Social Studies course.
All coursework, learning materials, and quizzes will be available online at: www.mrgigliotti.com. Students will be using
their MacBooks to explore materials, take quizzes, and to create and maintain a Digital History LiveBinder throughout
the year. Students will not be able to complete assignments without their MacBooks. Students will receive appropriate instruction and training on how to use their MacBooks, class website, and LiveBinder. Please remember that: “We do not stress over our technology we embrace it.”
Assignments will be completed on your MacBook and placed in your Social Studies LiveBinder. LiveBinder assignments include: problem solving activities, notes, group work, etc. Students typically have approximately two weeks to complete their LiveBinder activities before they are graded. LiveBinders are expected to be submitted on the day they are due. Students will always be given advanced notice of when their LiveBinder work will be due. LiveBinders will be accepted only up to one day late for half credit. After that time, LiveBinder will not be accepted. Major projects will be accepted late; however, a letter grade will be deducted for each day it is late. Assignments that do not meet an acceptable level of quality must be redone. Social Studies LiveBinder checks are an extremely important aspect of the course and will make up a large portion of your grade.
Tests and quizzes will be given frequently. All tests and quizzes will be based on state standards and Parma City Schools common assessment. All Parma 8th grade students will take the same assessments that are based on state standards, classroom activities, and assignments. Students will be informed of upcoming tests and quizzes well in advance in order to give them ample preparation time. Students are often given review materials prior to the test as well as a pretest. All tests and quizzes will be taken using technology.
Grades will be determined by the amount of points earned in all course work divided by the total number of possible points. The grading scale is in accordance with Parma City Schools and is as follows:
98% - 100% A+ 78% - 79% C+ 59% - Below is failing
93% - 97% A 73% - 77% C
90% - 92% A- 70% - 72% C-
88% - 89% B+ 68% - 69% D+
83% - 87% B 63% - 67% D
80% - 82% B- 60% - 62% D-
**Please check your grades on the Home Access Center frequently.**
Students who are absent are expected to find out what they missed during class. All work completed throughout the year will be placed on www.mrgigliotti.com in the “archives.” Students who are absent will have as many extra days as they were absent to complete binder assignments as needed. Students who are absent on the day of the LiveBinder check, must submit their LiveBinder upon their return to school. Missed tests and quizzes must be made up by the student the day of their return to school. Tests and quizzes are announced in advance, therefore students are responsible to take them if they are in school, so please be prepared if you were absent prior to test day. Students with frequent tardies will be dealt with on an individual, administrative, and or house basis.
In accordance with school and house policies, food and drinks are not permitted. Technology and liquids typically do not mix well.
PLAGIARISM means to present the ideas or words of another as your own. Coping the work of other students or information from another source will not be tolerated. Cheating on tests and quizzes of any kind is also unacceptable. It is also unacceptable to copy and paste materials from another source or student. Students engaged in these activities will receive ZERO credit for that assignment and house consequences. Students may not use recording devices without permission.
Students can feel free to ask Mr. Gigliotti questions and seek help during the school day. Parents are encouraged to contact me at any time. The best way to contact me is through email at: as I check my email is check frequently.
In order to create the best possible atmosphere for learning and achieve fairness and consistency in our classroom, I have several expectations listed below. These expectations are based on the Parma Senior High School Redmen R’s.
This is my golden rule! The class will expect you to follow directions and procedures in order
to maintain the best possible classroom. Students are always expected to follow directions
and I will make sure that I share with you exactly what those directions include.
Inappropriate language, actions, and comments deter from the positive atmosphere within the
classroom. Off the wall remarks and other comments and actions intended to disturb the
learning environment are not permitted. Arriving to class tardy is also considered a
disruption. Quality successful students act appropriately at all times. When in class, students
may not engage in non-Social Studies activities as they deter from the
learning environment.
3. Keep Trying:
“Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great! ~John D. Rockefeller Students are ‘
expected to put forth their best effort at all times. Assignments and activities
should be completed to the best of their abilities and beyond. “I find that the harder I work,
the more luck I seem to have.” ~Thomas Jefferson
Unfortunately on occasion students fail to meet classroom expectations. In an effort to achieve fairness and due process the THREE STRIKES POLICY will be implemented in Mr. Gigliotti’s classroom. If a student fails to meet expectations their name will be recorded and the following consequences will be implemented:
STRIKE 1: The student will be issued a warning.
STRIKE 2: The student must complete a discipline report writing assignment to explain their
behavior. They must also and wait 30 seconds after the bell to be dismissed. Parents
may also be contacted.
STRIKE 3: The student will be removed from class, an office referral will be issued, and a parent
notification will be made.
SEVERE CLAUSE: Violence, destruction of property, insubordination, and other serious offenses will be sent immediately to the office.