26 January 2014

WA Development Competition Penalties

  • Maximum D-Score = 3.0 for all apparatus (DV = 0.5 for each element/set of elements)
  • All apparatus execution penalties to be deducted from 10.00 to give E-scores.
  • General deductions as per Code of Points will also apply on all apparatus unless shown in Specific Penalties (e.g. Deep squat, bent arms etc).
  • F.I.G. Composition/Artistry penalties are not to be applied
  • Incomplete execution of an element = 0.5 (VM) + Fall and/or execution faults
  • Total omission of an element = 0.5 (VM) (D-Panel) + 2.00 (Neutral Deduction taken by D-panel)
  • Spotting assistance = 0.5 (VM) (D-Panel) + 2.00 (E-Panel)


Handstand flat back prep – Springboard, box top and crash mat.

(Step on springboard, handstand bound off box top to lie flat on crash mat)

Vault Phase / Execution Faults / Penalty
1st Phase / Poor co-ordination of arm swing
Bent legs
Hip Angle
Legs not joining together
Arch / 0.10.3
0.10.3 0.5
0.1 0.3
Repulsion / Shoulder angle
Staggered hand placement
Failure to pass through vertical
Bent arms / 0.10.3
0.1 0.3 0.5
2nd Phase / Height
Failure to maintain stretched body
Bent legs
Leg separation
Insufficient length / 0.10.3 0.5
0.10.3 0.5
0.1 0.3
(tension, very slight dish) / Lack of body tension
Incorrect landing position / 0.10.3
0.1 0.3

Best of 2 vaults to count.
A BARS (performed on high bar)

Element / Fault / Penalty
Gymnast lifted to long hang / Body alignment
Additional hand placement/body movements
Jump to catch feet apart / 0.1
0.1 each
0.1 0.3
Element 1 Straight leg lift to touch bar with toes of both feet, return under control to long hang x 2 (i.e 2 x leg lifts). Note deductions apply to each leg lift. / Failure to reach horizontal
Horizontal to 45o
45o or less but not touching bar
Body alignment (e.g. head out of line)
Swing into leg lift
Legs apart
Bent legs
Poor control returning to hang / 0.5
0.1 0.3
0.1 0.3
0.1 0.3 0.5
0.1 0.3
Element 2 Chin to bar and lower under control / Failure to make 90o elbow angle
Chin below bar
Body alignment
Swing into chin
Poor control returning to hang
Bent legs / VM
0.1 0.3
0.1 0.3
0.1 0.3 0.5
Element 3 Trolley swing / Poor technique / 0.1 0.3
Element 4 3 x big swings / No regrasp of bar at back of swing
Poor overall technique
Less than 45o below horizontal / 0.1each
0.3 each
Element 5 Circle over bar / Failure to pull over to front support
Not fluent / VM
0.1 0.3
Element 6 Straddleor Pike undershoot / Note FIG cast penalties will not apply but cast with regard to where feet are on bar. / 0.1 0.3

Remember FIG penalties also apply.

BEAM – 125 cm (20 cm landing mats may be used under Beam)

Element / Fault / Penalty
Element 1 From stand on springboard at side of one end of the Beam, place both hands on Beam and jump to squat, stand up onto toes of both feet (Additional springboard may be used) / More than one bounce on board
Insufficient squat
Squat on with one foot only
Failure to stand up on toes / 0.1each
0.1 0.3
Element 2 Three steps walking sideways along Beam. ¼ turn on toes. Three steps walking backwards along Beam. / Turn not on toes
Failure to do three steps of each / 0.10.3
Element 3 Straight jump immediate tuck jump. / Series Break (Pause, wobble or extra arm swing between jumps) / 0.3
Element 4 From stand on one leg, sit on beam, show V-Sit with hand support, step out to stand / Failure to complete on oneleg
Free leg bent
Legs not lifting together
Lack of V shape shown
Lack of fluency in standing / VM
0.10.3 0.5
0.1 0.3
Element 5 Half spin on one foot / Failure to complete 180o of spin / VM
Element 6 Few steps, straight jump to dismount at end of beam onto landing area / Take off from one foot / VM

Remember FIG penaltiesalso apply.

FLOOR (Elements to be performed in order stated)

Element / Fault / Penalty
Element 1 Lift straight leg forwards to 90° (hold 2 secs) circle round to arabesque with leg at 90° (hold 2 secs). Lower to stand on 2 feet. Optional step forward. / Leg 45o to 90o
Leg below 45o
Not held for 2 sec / 0.1 each
0.3 each
0.3 each
Element 2 Split Jump immediate straight jump / Series Break (Pause, wobble or extra arm swing between jumps)
Split less than 135o / 0.3
Element 3 Cartwheel sideways on R hand ½ turn, Cartwheel sideways on L hand / Cartwheels not finishing sideways / VM
Element 4 Backward roll with straight arms to front support. / Bent arms
Not finishing in front support / 0.10.3 0.5
Element 5 Bring leg round to splits, rotate to box splits, rotate to split on 2nd leg,bring leg around to join legs / Any splits not shown
Use FIG split penalties / VM
Element 6 Push to Bridge and walk out to stand showing Arabesque before joining feet to stand / Insufficient shoulder extension
Feet not flat on floor
Arms more than shoulder width
Not passing through handstand
Insufficient split
Hips not in alignment / 0.10.3
0.1 0.3
0.1 0.3

Remember FIG penalties also apply.