Liste publication Méthaville

1.  Roux, P., L. Michel, J. Cohen, M. Mora, A. Morel, J.F. Aubertin, J.C. Desenclos, B. Spire, P.M. Carrieri, and A.M.S. Group, Methadone induction in primary care (ANRS-Methaville): a phase III randomized intervention trial. BMC Public Health, 2012. 12: p. 488.

2.  Carrieri, P.M., L. Michel, C. Lions, J. Cohen, M. Vray, M. Mora, F. Marcellin, B. Spire, A. Morel, P. Roux, and G. Methaville Study, Methadone induction in primary care for opioid dependence: a pragmatic randomized trial (ANRS Methaville). PLoS One, 2014. 9(11): p. e112328.

3.  Lions, C., M.P. Carrieri, L. Michel, M. Mora, F. Marcellin, A. Morel, B. Spire, P. Roux, and G. Methaville Study, Predictors of non-prescribed opioid use after one year of methadone treatment: an attributable-risk approach (ANRS-Methaville trial). Drug Alcohol Depend, 2014. 135: p. 1-8.

4.  Roux, P., C. Lions, L. Michel, J. Cohen, M. Mora, F. Marcellin, B. Spire, A. Morel, P.M. Carrieri, L. Karila, and the Methaville study group Predictors of non-adherence to methadone maintenance treatment in opioid-dependent individuals: implications for clinicians. Curr Pharm Des, 2014. 20(25): p. 4097-105.

5.  Roux, P., C. Lions, L. Michel, M. Mora, J.P. Daulouede, F. Marcellin, B. Spire, A. Morel, P.M. Carrieri, and the Methaville study group, Factors associated with HCV risk practices in methadone-maintained patients: the importance of considering the couple in prevention interventions. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy, 2014. 9: p. 37.

6.  Mayet, A., C. Lions, P. Roux, M. Mora, G. Maradan, A. Morel, L. Michel, C. Marimoutou, and M.P. Carrieri, Variations in Cannabis Use Level and Correlates in Opiate-Users on Methadone Maintenance Treatment: A French Prospective Study. J Subst Abuse Treat, 2015. 58: p. 100-5.

7.  Michel, L., C. Lions, G. Maradan, M. Mora, F. Marcellin, A. Morel, B. Spire, P. Roux, P.M. Carrieri, and G. Methaville Study, Suicidal risk among patients enrolled in methadone maintenance treatment: HCV status and implications for suicide prevention (ANRS Methaville). Compr Psychiatry, 2015. 62: p. 123-31.

8.  Roux, P., C. Lions, and M.P. Carrieri, Increasing access to opioid maintenance treatment: the role of primary care in France. Int J Drug Policy, 2015. 26(4): p. 434-5.

9.  Roux P, Lions C, Michel, L.,Vilotitch A , Mora M, Maradan G. Marcellin, F, Spire B, Morel A, Carrieri MP & the Méthaville study Concomitant use of benzodiazepine and alcohol in methadone-maintained patients from the ANRS–Methaville trial: Preventing the risk of opioid overdose in patients who failed with buprenorphine. Drug and Alcohol Review (in press)

10.  Nordmann, S., Lions, C., Vilotitch, A., Michel, L., Mora, M., Spire, B., Maradan, G., Morel, A. Roux, P., Carrieri, M.P. and the ANRS Methaville study group Sleep disturbance in opioid-dependent patients before and during methadone maintenance treatment (ANRS Methaville study): the role of psychiatric comorbidities. Psychopharmacology (in press)