József Csordás Memorial Competition

International Challenge Karate Championship


Date of Competition: 9th of October 2016 (Sunday) 1000 h

Place of Competition: Miskolc University Sports Hall (3515 University of Miskolc)

Purpose of Competition:

§  To keep up friendly relations in memory of Sensei József Csordás

§  To provide an opportunity of competing for beginner and advanced karatekas.

Organizer of Competition:

§  Karate Federation of B-A-Z County and Justitia Fuji-Yama Sports Club

Patrons of Competition:

§  Hanshi Julius Thiry – President of Hayashi-ha Shito-ryu International

§  Dr. János Mészáros – President of Hungarian Karate Federation

§  Dr. Ákos Kriza – Mayor of Miskolc City

Main Referee of Competition:

§  Péter Turák - WKF international kata and kumite referee, Member of the Referee Committee of Hungarian Karate Federation.

Referees: Foreign and Hungarian classified referees invited

Categories: Individual male and female Kata and Kumite beginner and advanced.

Schedule: 10.00-10.15 h: Opening ceremony

10.15-12.30 h: Kata events with continuous announcement of results

12.30-18.00 h: Kumite events with continuous announcement of results

18.00 h: Presenting special prizes to the most successful Hungarian and foreign teams

Competition Rules: New WKF rules valid since 1st January 2015.

Kata events:

§  Direct elimination with repechages and two third places.

§  Beginner and advanced categories according to the chart below.

§  In beginner categories (6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13 years old) competitors can perform the same Kata in each round.

§  In advanced categories Kata have to be performed alternately. In the final and for the third place competitors can perform any Kata. Number of Kata required:

o  Advanced 8-9 and 10-11 years old categories: 2

o  Advanced 12-13 years old categories: 3

o  14-15, 16-17 years old and adult categories: according to the WKF rules.

o  Senior categories: 3

Kumite events:

§  Direct elimination with full repechages and two third places.

§  In case of 3 competitors we will use round-robin system.

§  Beginner and advanced categories according to the chart below.

§  Clear fighting time:

o  6-7 and 8-9 years: 1 minute

o  10-11 and 12-13 years: 1,5 minutes

o  14-15, 16-17 years, adult and senior females: 2 minutes

o  Adult and Senior males: 3 minutes

Contact rules:

§  6 - 15 years: official WKF rules for cadets

§  16 – 17 years and senior categories: WKF rules for juniors

§  Adults: WKF rules

Protective Equipment:

§  According to WKF rules

§  Red and blue hand protectors, same colour foot protectors

§  Mouth guard, shin guard, and above 14 years old females chest guard are compulsory

§  Groin guard, face mask and body protector are permitted

Conditions of Entry:

§  Coaches have to take responsibility to prove the age and grade of competitors (Budo Pass, ID etc.)

Date of Entry: 4th of October 2016 (Tuesday) 2400 h

Address of Entry:

Entry Fee:

§  3.500,- HUF / competitor – 1 event

§  6.500,- HUF / competitor – 2 events

Draw: 6th of October 2016 (Thursday) 1600 h


§  On the day and place of competition from 8.00 to 9.30 hours, one person from each club can register the whole team.


§  1st place – cup, medal, certificate

§  2nd place – medal, certificate

§  3rd place – medal, certificate

§  Most successful Hungarian and foreign teams, most successful male and female competitor – special prizes


§  A protest can be lodged just after the controversial event in writing to the main referee of the competition. The charge of protest is 10.000 HUF.


We would like to draw the attention that on the scene there will be a buffet and a Budo shop. Admission is free! We can’t take responsibility for the belongings left in the changing rooms!

The organizers reserve all rights for changing!

We would like to wish everyone successful preparation and competing!

Miskolc, 18th of July 2016

Virág Kis András Pálinkás

Secretary of Karate Federation of B-A-Z County President of Justitia Fuji-Yama SC


Miskolc Megyei Jogú Város Volán Egyesülés Decathlon Miskolc

Categories /

Male kata



Female Kata CODE


Number of Kata required

6-7 years /






8-9 years 10-8 kyu beginner / FKA2 / LKA2 / 1
8-9 years 7-1 kyu advanced / FKA3 / LKA3 / 2
10-11 years 10-7 kyu beginner / FKA4 / LKA4 / 1
10-11 years 6-1 kyu advanced / FKA5 / LKA5 / 2
12-13 years 10-7 kyu beginner / FKA6 / LKA6 / 1
12-13 years 6-1 kyu advanced / FKA7 / LKA7 / 3
14-15 years cadet / FKA8 / LKA8 / WKF rules
16-17 years junior / FKA9 / LKA9 / WKF rules
18-35 years adult / FKA10 / LKA10 / WKF rules
From 36 years senior / FKA11 / LKA11 / 3


Weight group / CODE / Fighting time / Weight group / CODE / Fighting time
6-7 years / Age groups will be halved by weight / FKU1 / 1 minute / Age groups will be halved by weight / LKU1 / 1 minute
8-9 years
10-8 kyu beginner / Age groups will be halved by weight / FKU2 / 1 minute / Age groups will be halved by weight / LKU2 / 1 minute
8-9 years
7-1 kyu advanced / -30 kg / FKU3 / 1 minute / -30 kg / LKU3 / 1 minute
+30 kg / FKU4 / 1 minute / +30 kg / LKU4 / 1 minute
10-11 years
10-7 kyu beginner / Age groups will be halved by weight / FKU5 / 1,5 minutes / Age groups will be halved by weight / LKU5 / 1,5 minutes
10-11 years
6-1 kyu advanced / -40 kg / FKU6 / 1,5 minutes / -35 kg / LKU6 / 1,5 minutes
+40 kg / FKU7 / 1,5 minutes / +35 kg / LKU7 / 1,5 minutes
12-13 years
10-7 kyu beginner / Age groups will be halved by weight / FKU8 / 1,5 minutes / Age groups will be halved by weight / LKU8 / 1,5 minutes
12-13 years
6-1 kyu advanced / -50 kg / FKU9 / 1,5 minutes / -45 kg / LKU9 / 1,5 minutes
+50 kg / FKU10 / 1,5 minutes / +45 kg / LKU10 / 1,5 minutes
14-15 years
cadet / -60 kg / FKU11 / 2 minutes / -54 kg / LKU11 / 2 minutes
+60 kg / FKU12 / 2 minutes / +54 kg / LKU12 / 2 minutes
16-17 years
junior / -65 kg / FKU13 / 2 minutes / Without weight group / LKU13 / 2 minutes
+65 kg / FKU14 / 2 minutes
From 18 years
adult / -70 kg / FKU15 / 3 minutes / Without weight group / LKU14 / 2 minutes
+70 kg / FKU16 / 3 minutes
From 36 years
senior / Age groups will be halved by weight / FKU17 / 3 minutes / Without weight group / LKU15 / 2 minutes

Competitors can only compete in their own age group, weight group and grade category!

Except Kata events, where competitors can move up one age group, but no grade category!

In beginner kumite categories, in case of adequate number of competitors, age groups will be halved by weight to group A and B.

Age has to be counted according to completed years on the day of competition!

Depending on the number of competitors we keep the right to combine categories!

Virág Kis András Pálinkás

Secretary of Karate Federation of B-A-Z County President of Justitia Fuji-Yama SC