POR 3243: Composition and Conversation

Fall – 2012

University of Florida

Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies


Gabriel Ferraz

Office: 431 Yon Hall

Office hours: TBA


Spanish & Portuguese Studies Department: http://www.spanishandportuguese.ufl.edu

Description: This class is geared towards passing the proficiency test established by the Brazilian Ministry of Education: Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa do Brasil: CELPE-BRAS. Designed to emphasize all four skills (comprehension, speaking, reading and writing), this course provides ample opportunity to train for the exam and improve students’ command of Portuguese. Speaking and listening will be cultivated by viewing films, video clips, recording podcasts and participating in class discussion. Reading skills will be enhanced through homework assignments and close analysis of texts in class. Writing will be practiced in reaction paragraphs in class, homework, journal writings, and notes from class. Students will learn to communicate in written form in a variety of registers, both formal and informal, though writing letters, persuasive essays, personal statements, expository prose, e-mails, notices, advertisements, and blog postings.

Course Codes and Times

·  POR 3243 section 1F37

·  This course meets MWF on period 5 (11:45 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.) at MCCA 2186

·  Fall 2012: Classes begin August 22 / Classes end December

·  (This class does not have a final exam)

·  See other important academic dates on this page: https://catalog.ufl.edu/ugrad/current/Pages/adfall1213.aspx

Required Materials:

·  A hard copy of this syllabus

·  The copypack for this course (you need to purchase it from Gator Textbooks)

Course Goals:

Students will gain:

·  Knowledge of contemporary issues in the Brazilian media

·  A wider vocabulary and improved communication skills in a variety of registers

·  Training in all skills for the Celpe-Bras exam

·  Skills in using technology to record and exchange information in Portuguese

Grading: Tests 35%

Notebook 30%

Oral Interview 10%

Class Participation, presentation 10%

Sakai (blogs/podcasts) 15%

93-100 = A
90-92 = A-
86-89= B +
83-85 = B
76-79=C+ / 73-75 = C
70 -72 = C-
66 -69 = D+
63 – 65 = D
60- 62=D-
59 and below = E

Notebook/Caderno: Students will be constructing or making their own textbook for the class via the notebook. This ensures that students are taking responsibility for their own learning by taking good notes and then also by doing (and then correcting) the homework. This notebook is what students will study from for tests, and consists of class notes and all work done inside and outside of class. Students are expected to spend at least one hour or more on homework per class session, reading, writing, correcting assignments, blogging or podcasting, etc. Those who do not come to class or fail to turn in assignments will find it impossible to keep up with the notebook or do well on tests. Assignments are due on the date of the syllabus. Please prepare them beforehand.

Assignments are collected at the beginning of class the hour.

Homework will be counted from the first day of class.

No late homework is accepted, although it can be included in the notebook.

*How to Organize the Notebook (Loose leaf Folder/Notebook[Caderno]):

1. Use a loose-leaf folder only and put your name on it in a visible place

2. Organize it by chronological order: earliest assignments first. Assignments should be dated individually, and the table of contents should reflect the date and page number of each assignment. Corrected versions are considered to have the same date as the original assignment and follow it.

3. Sample organization: Using the title from the syllabus, put the homework first, then the corrected homework, then class notes, [written and/or typed], followed by any handouts, tests, (and corrected tests). Whenever the instructor corrects an assignment, the corrected version should follow the original in the notebook, with the corrections underlined or highlighted. All these items go into the notebook.

4. Both individual entries in the table of contents and the pages should be numbered

5. After you have put it in order, make an index (sumário, índice) of the contents for each day, and place it at the beginning of the notebook

6. Notes for each day must be on a separate sheet of paper; make sure each entry is numbered.

7. Extra: if you have noticed that you have basic or recurrent errors, you can try to keep track of them so that they do not become permanent. Remember, this is your learning process. No outside help can be used or consulted except for a dictionaries or textbooks. You can check a word or phrase in Google, but do not plagiarize.

Sample Table of Contents (Sumário, Índice) for the Notebook:

I. Dia 5 de setembro:

1. Programa do curso*……………………………………………….…..……….1-8

2. Anotações ………..…………………………..…………………………..……..9

3. Apostila “Que língua a nossa”..……………………..………………..………...10

4.  Atividade escrita: Motoboy…………………………….………………………………………....11

5.  Atividade corrigida……………………………………………………………12

II. Dia 7 de setembro:

6. “Motoboy: sua visão do mundo”………………………………………………13

7. “Motoboy” corrigida……………………………..……………………..…...... 14

8. Anotações………………………………………..……………………….……15

*Programa do curso (syllabus) goes into the first notebook assignment only.

Notebooks will be graded on form: chronological order, index, numbering of entries in the table of contents and pages, appearance, dates, underlining; any missing element will take up to 5 pts off your notebook grade. The rest of your grade is based on the quality 50% of notes (their specificity, accuracy, and the quality of homework) as well as the quantity 50% (number of notes, handouts, printouts, and assignments handed in and corrected)

Tests will cover the skills practiced in class. For example, typical test will cover the homework, topics discussed in class, vocabulary, and short answer essays. Grammar will be graded by usage in communicating ideas. Learn the information about teach topic since you will be tested on that. Defining words in Portuguese is another important skill that will be tested. Words will be chosen from the book and from notes in class. Other testing involves listening and summarizing clips, writing responses about a reading selection, or summarizing a newspaper item or topic discussed in class, as well as film clips, audio clips or stories.

Oral Interviews: Students will often work in groups and pairs in class to practice speaking during the first half of the semester talking about photos, ads, and other short texts, expanding their vocabulary and improving their fluency, often in the Language Learning Center, TUR 1317. In the second half of the class the instructor will test students in the style of CELPE-BRAS, using the “elementos provocadores” i.e., Brazilian advertising or short news blurbs, as stimulus for conversation.

Attendance, participation, homework, Sakai blogs: attendance to all class meetings is obligatory. As mentioned above, students who miss class will find it impossible to keep up with the notebook or do well on tests. More than three absences will also result in a lowered final grade, two points per absence. More than three late arrivals will also count as an absence. Exams can only be made up in the case of an absence for an official university business. If a student takes all the exams, the lowest will be dropped. If a student misses an exam, the zero will be dropped. Short presentations IN PAIRS should be about yourselves or a topic tied to Brazil or both. Please plan your presentation for just 5minutes [or 2 minutes each] at the start of class so that we get to know you and your reasons for studying Portuguese and Brazil. These are spontaneous presentations, and should be more like informal introductions, as if you are meeting a Brazilian. It is recommended that you try to attend the “bate papo” or Brazilian Conversation hour in order to practice.

All homework should be written full sentences except if the assignment is writing a pamphlet or an announcement. No late homework is accepted or corrected, although late homework can be included in the notebook (loose leaf folder), but will not be corrected. However, certain assignments can be handed in early for full credit. Remember, any homework assignments completed late (not handed in at the beginning of class to be graded by the instructor) can be included in the notebook but will not be corrected, resulting in a lowered grade of same. NO HOMEWORK IS ACCEPTED BY E-MAIL ALTHOUGH YOU MAY ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT ASSIGNMENTS.

We will be using Sakai in E-Learning for blogs and podcasts. You will be expected to post short (2-3 sentences) oral or written reactions to an assignment (podcast or blog format) throughout the semester. You will be given 10 pts. for completing the 10 assigned postings and 5 pts for your participation in the website activities (i.e., commenting on other group member’s blogs). You will receive feedback on content, structure and pronunciation by teaching assistant Elton Furlanetto. You receive credit for doing the postings; each is worth 1.5 pts for 15% of your grade.

YOU MAY NOT SHOW NOR SHARE YOUR WRITTEN WORK WITH OTHERS, NOR MAY YOU CONSULT OTHERS in writing your assignment or you will be in violation of the Honor Code.

Students are also required go to the Language Learning Center TUR 1317 to view a film for homework and to post on Sakai account, which will be explained during the first weeks of class.

Pledge: I have read the syllabus and the instructions and understand that in signing below I am responsible and committed to learning Portuguese.

______(signed) ______(date)

CALENDAR (Dates and content are intended to be followed as closely as possible, but are subject to change at the instructor's discretion. Students are responsible for knowing about any changes to this schedule whether or not they attend class on the day changes are announced).

Note about the homework: Videos, reading, writing activities, blogs, and podcasts are considered homework. All writing activities need to be turned in to the instructor at the beginning of class and will be part of the notebook.

Semana I: Dias 22 e 24 de Agosto

Tema: trabalho


Leitura: “Motoboys: problema ou solução” Leia este artigo breve, e depois a primeira resposta: “Solução, claro”(NB:Se você não souber o significado de “motoboy,” procure na Wikipédia em português). Apostila a ser distribuída em sala de aula: “Que língua a nossa!” http://www.jornaldedebates.com.br/debate/motoboys-problema-ou-solucao/artigo/video-solucao-claro-respondem-motoboys-0

Lição de casa: a ser entregue (ou colocado no caderno caso você não possa comparecer): Escreva um parágrafo: Como é a vida de motoboy numa cidade como São Paulo” para entregar. YES< THERE IS HOMEWORK FOR THE FIRST DAY.

Atividade em sala de aula: Apresentações, expectativas, explicações.


Leitura: Leia o transcrito do motoboy na coletânea e pense na vida que ele leva

Vídeo: Assista Youtube Programa do Jô Motoboy Jackson Five


Trabalho escrito: comente sobre a visão do mundo do motoboy do clipe.

Atividade em sala: discussão, anotação de vocabulário, opiniões

Semana II: Dias 27, 29 e 31 de Agosto

Tema: trabalho

Planeje-se: assista o filme Domésticas para sexta-feira


Escolha um dos vídeos abaixo e faça a atividade escrita referente a ele.

Vídeo 1: Assista Mercado do trabalho: Profissões do futuro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFB2sMy3ob4

Atividade escrita para o video 1: Escreva um parágrafo: Quais são as áreas principais de trabalho futuro? Você vai se enquadrar bem nesse futuro?

Vídeo 2: http://www.videolog.tv/video.php?id=240287

Atividade escrita para o video 2: Como este clipe tenta ajudar a pessoa a escolher uma profissão? Quais são as áreas e a “dicas” para escolher sua futura profissão?

Atividade em sala de aula: discussão, anotação de vocabulário, opiniões

Apresentação ______1


Leitura: Leia sobre “Os marronzinhos,” e a reportagem em vermelho dentro da página. http://colunistas.ig.com.br/mauriciostycer/2008/08/15/o-carro-do-reporter-em-local-proibido-ainda-bem-que-o-marronzinho-nao-viu/

Atividade escrita: Escreva um parágrafo sobre este artigo ou sobre as sugestões de Nilton para regularizar a situação de São Paulo

Atividade em sala de aula: discussão, anotação de vocabulário, opiniões

Apresentação ______2


Discussão Domésticas: Traga a apostila para a sala de aula

Assista o filme e prepare-se para a discussão baseando-se nas perguntas da apostila.

Blog 1: escreva um blog com duas ou três frases contando que personagem você mais gostou e por que) *Você receberá instruções sobre o blog. [Não esqueça de escrever comentários sobre os blogs de seu grupo! ]

Semana III: Dias 3, 5, 7 de Setembro

Tema: trabalho


Feriado: Labor Day


Leitura: “Nem todos trabalham do mesmo jeito” “Brasileiros e o trabalho”

Licão de casa em duas partes:

a) Podcast 1: em duas ou três frases, descreva o seu estilo de trabalho baseando-se no artigos acima contando-nos como e quando você trabalha.

b) Trabalho Escrito: Escreva uma carta FORMAL candidatando-se para um emprego na sua área.

Atividade em sala de aula: discussão, anotação de vocabulário, opiniões

Sexta-Feira: Prova 1

Semana IV: Dias 10, 12 e 14 de Setembro

Tema: O meio ambiente


Leitura: “Como o caos afeta a todos nós” http://vejasaopaulo.abril.com.br/revista/vejasp/edicoes/2067/m0162962.html

Trabalho escrito: Como cidadão ou cidadã paulistano/a, escreva uma carta para a Prefeitura de São Paulo reclamando da poluição e dos prejuízos à saúde e à economia por causa dos engarrafamentos. Cite dados do artigo. Encerre a carta com sugestões para melhorar a situação.

Atividade em sala: discussão, anotação de vocabulário, opiniões

Apresentação ______4


Vídeo: “Sem Florestas, não há clima” no Youtube:


Blog 2: comente sobre um aspecto deste vídeo, chamando atenção aos problemas mais graves para o Brasil na forma de um blog.

Atividade em sala de aula: discussão, anotação de vocabulário, opiniões

Apresentação ______5


Leitura: “Verdes contra as árvores.”


Trabalho Escrito: Escreva um folheto explicando o perigo das espécies invasoras ao público e a programação do projeto para limpar a floresta. Para entregar.

Atividade em sala de aula: discussão, anotação de vocabulário, opiniões

Apresentação ______6

Semana V: Dias 17, 19 e 21 de Setembro

Tema: O meio ambiente


Leitura: “Mega-hidroelétrica na Amazônia…” na coletânea