Catch up premium spending strategies 2016-2017

The Government made a commitment to provide additional funding to schools for each Year 7 student who did not achieve at least Level 4 in the Key Stage 2 national curriculum tests in reading and/or mathematics. The purpose of this funding is to enable schools to deliver additional support, such as individual tuition or intensive support in small groups, for those students that most need it.Year 7 catch-up funding provides an additional £500 for every student who has not achieved level 4in either reading, or maths, or both of these at key stage 2.

In 2016-17 Stocksbridge High School is allocated£9000 for year 7 literacy andnumeracy catch-up funding.

In this academic year we are spending this funding in the following ways:

Implemented provision

There is a clear focus on Quality First Teaching and interventions within the classroom and staff Professional Learning has focused on providing appropriate differentiation to match the needs of individual students. In addition to this ‘Universal Offer’, catch-up students also follow an intervention programme depending on their needs.

Actions, Strategies and Intervention 2016- 2017
Item / Main Strategy / Cost / Impact
Teaching and Learning /
  • Key strategies for individuals linked to gaps in literacy/numeracy were created and distributed to staff. SENCO worked with departments to ensure they had the right teaching strategies to support identified Y7 students.
/ NIL / Staff had better understanding of individual learning profiles so they could better plan for progress; using identified strategies that reflect students learning style/ need.
Numeracy Interventions /
  • Weekly TA (Maths Specialist) Core Support sessions in small group
  • Rock Stars Numeracy Challenge
/ £510.90
£60 / Core Support lessons are small group lessons that support students in acquiring key skills in numeracy and close the gaps so that they perform at age- related expectations.
Rock Star Literacy engages and supports student learning times tables and other key numeracy skills through ICT and music; this is delivered to small groups and individuals by a specialist TA.
Literacy Interventions /
  • Weekly TA (English Specialist) Core Support sessions in small group.
  • Peer Reading Leaders- Training/ supervision/ monitoring by staff
/ £510.90
£188.94 / Core Support lessons are small group lessons that support students in acquiring key skills in literacy and close the gaps so that they perform at age- related expectations.
LEXIA is a programme that allows students with Dyslexia or Dyslexic Traits to work on a PC through a series of activities to develop literacy.
Students work with Peers from KS4 to develop an interest in and confidence around reading. Students are overseen and progress reviewed by SENCO. The importance of peer role models who love to read is a motivator.
Digital Technology /
  • Maths Watch Online
  • LUCID Exact
  • ARTI
/ £450
£144.70 / Maths watch visually shows students how to apply their learning to maths questions; the videos can be paused and watched again allowing students opportunities to over- learn and post- learn skills.
More accurate assessment (interactive) to help monitor and evidence progress AND plan provision.
Enrichment /
  • Homework Club
  • Breakfast Club
/ £2588.56
£3235.70 / Five days a week literacy/ maths specialist TAs attend homework club to support students accessing their homework and developing their literacy/ numeracy skills.
EAL and new entrants /
  • TA trained to support transition of EAL and used training to work directly with EAL students.
/ 1:1 sessions: £340.60 / Support provided through a trained teaching assistants to ensure students who are EAL are able to access the curriculum including the use of effective questioning.
Total: £8419.10