Program Rationale/Purpose Statement:
Marketing / Recruitment Target Statement:
Goals of the Program/Corresponding Classes:
Increase brand awareness and performance based marketing for all Tiffin students.
Expand course offerings and modalities of course delivery.
Develop new retention initiatives by increasing student engagement.
Section One: Describe all department activities with respect to improving student learning in the major. This may include new faculty hires, course revisions, assignment creation, rubric revisions, goal evaluations, etc.
Section Two: Describe which program goal(s) in the Major Program Plan was assessed during the academic year.
Section Three: Describe analysis of assessment data and action plans for upcoming academic year.
Intended Outcomes/Assessment Criteria:
Intended Outcomes 1:Increase brand awareness and performance based marketing for all Tiffin students.
Assessment Criteria:
  1. Increase lead generation on military affiliated websites and promote active military discount
  2. Increase lead generation on websites and social media platforms
  3. Strengthen our web presence and relevance through cost-per-click lead generation
  4. Implement more efficient metrics to evaluate the performance of our various marketing channels

Section One - Activity Statement:
  1. Increased media spend
  2. Increased inquiry quality control checks
  3. Increased communication volume to new leads
  4. Continue to train call center staff in regards to the admissions process and student recruitment.

Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2012-2013 / Met/Not Met
Met / Data Details
Increase brand awareness and performance based marketing for allTiffin students.
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
Analyze market research to identify new academic programs.
  • Continue to monitor lead quality and results.

Intended Outcomes/Assessment Criteria:
Intended Outcomes 2:Expand course offerings and modalities of course delivery.
Assessment Criteria:
  1. Establish the curriculum and course offerings
  2. Educate students on varied enrollment options
  3. Evaluate the financial aid implications
  4. Offer full online bachelor’s programs
  5. Consider implementing and marketing a 5-year bachelor’s and master’s online degree program
  6. Consider offering our BCJ program on Owens Community College – Findlay Campus
  7. Discuss the possibility of expanding our Off-Campus Bachelor degree programs in the Cleveland area

Section One - Activity Statement:
  • Work with academics to increase program offerings
  • Work with a market research company to identify program needs for course development
  • Work with the School of Graduate & Distance Education to develop new programs

Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2012-2013 / Met/Not Met
Met / Data Details
Decided that Owens Community College Findlay Campus partnership was not feasible. Enrollment and interest in program was not high enough when tested.
Expand course offerings and modalities of course delivery.
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
Work with the VPAA and School Deans for implementation of new programs.
  • The full online Bachelor’s degree was developed along with the 5-year bachelor’s and master’s online degree program. Our department will continue to research the market and move towards new program development based on market needs.

Intended Outcomes/Assessment Criteria:
Intended Outcomes 3:Develop new retention initiatives by increasing student engagement.
Assessment Criteria:
  1. Utilize and increase awareness of MyDragon and Self-Service systems to provide current students with program information and registration availability
  2. Restructure our re-admit process to be more consistent across all student types and ensure that all necessary documents are submitted prior to re-enrolling in classes
  3. Increase pro-active communications with current students to ensure they are persisting through their educational journey

Section One - Activity Statement:
  • Updated the current student communication plan
  • Developed training videos for student support platforms
  • Increased focus on readmit process
  • Additional staff hired to support online current students

Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2012-2013 / Met/Not Met
Met / Data Details
Develop new retention initiatives by increasing student engagement.
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
  • Continuing to enhance current student communication plan and provide awareness of resources to all current students.
  • Continue to evaluate readmit process and make it more efficient