Course: Ceramics
Teacher: Ms. Sievers
Room: 405
Course Description: Students enrolled in Ceramics for Fall Semester will be introduced to the basic elements and principles of art through exploration opportunities for the student through guided experiences, discussion and explorations that emphasize visual criticism, art history, art philosophy, and art production.
Course Goals: The basic philosophy of this class is to teach each student to understand and enjoy the ceramic process.
a. To understand basic compositional techniques.
b. To comprehend and use appropriate verbal and written terminology.
c. To develop proper ceramic building techniques.
d. To develop an understanding of the potter’s wheel and how to use it.
e. To nurture individual aesthetic judgement
f. To develop and effectively manage the stress of meeting project deadlines.
Grading: Students will be graded on the following after instruction: Experimentation, Craftsmanship, Tests, Self-evaluation/critique, Participation, Creativity, and Projects.
A point system will be used with the following percentages:
100-90%=A 80-89%=B 70-79%=C 60-69%=D 59% & below=F
Formative assessments (progress or monitoring) will be worth 40% or less of the total grade. Examples of formative assessment include: notes, sketches, and workbooks. Summative assessments (assessment of mastery) will be worth 60% or more of the total grade. Examples of summative assessment include: projects, essays, and tests.
Make-up Policy: It is very difficult to make-up class projects because the materials are available in class during class time. Students are expected to be in class every day. If the student has an excused absence, they may come in after school or during lunch if I have time available. There are no make-ups for truancy. If a student misses class on a test day with an excused absence, the student will take the test on the date of return.
Severe disruptions, blatant disregard for school property, insubordination, and/or endangerment to the student’s safety or the safety of others may result in immediate removal from class and a referral to the office. Students are responsible for cleaning up after themselves at all times. No cell phones or ipods are allowed in class.
Teacher Availability:
I am usually in room D-5 at 7:30 a.m. and after school until 3:15. The ceramics room is open at lunch for students to work on projects. My conference period is 3rd period. Also if students need extra help they can make arrangements with me to stay after school. The school phone number is (714) 663-6515; I will return your call as soon as I can. My email address is
Please send any plastic grocery bags to wrap our clay projects. Thank you!