PED 101 TEST 2


(Points: 1) These are highly reactive compounds that can damage cells by taking electrons from key cellular components such as DNA or the cell membrane:
a. Mitochondria
b. Free Radicals
c. Lactic Acid
d. Glycogen Enzymes


(Points: 1) Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium via the:
a. Aorta
b. Arteries
c. Ventricle
d. Vena Cava


(Points: 1) This branch of the Autonomic Nervous System helps your body return to normal homeostasis - It slows your heart rate and makes you feel more calm.
a. Spastic nervous system
b. Parasympathetic nervous system
c. Myocardial nervous system
d. Sympathetic nervous system


(Points: 1) Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of the cardiorespiratory system?
a. To transport oxygen
b. To pick up waste products
c.To transport nutrients
d. To produce ATP


(Points: 1) During systole, the heart is:
a. At rest
b. Contracting
c. Suffering an attack
d. Filling with blood


(Points: 1) Systemic circulation carries blood to all organs of the body EXCEPT:
a. The brain
b. The lungs
c.The heart
d. The liver


(Points: 1) In general, how much water should an individual consume each day:
a. 4-6 cups
b. 1 bottle
c. 64 ox (half a gallon)
d. At least 1 gallon


(Points: 1) Approximately how many quarts of blood are circulated by the heart (per minute) while you're at rest:
a. 20
b. 10
c. 5
d. 1


(Points: 1) This is a measurement of how much blood is ejected from the left ventricle with each contraction:
a. Pulmonary Circuit
b. Systemic Circuit
c. Stroke Volume
d. Cardiac Output


(Points: 1) Alveoli serve what function in the lungs?
a. They ensure that air flows completely through the lungs.
b. They prevent dust and pollens from entering the lungs.
c. They help to expand and contract the lungs.
d. They allow for the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen.


(Points: 1) Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is defined as:
a. The stored form of proteins.
b. The stored form of glucose
c. The stored form of fats
d. The basic form of energy used by cells


(Points: 1) An example of an activity that primarily uses the immediate energy system is:
a. Running a marathon
b. 1RM Weight Lifting
c. Walking a mile
d. In-line skating


(Points: 1) The nonoxidative energy system typically provides energy for:
a. 3 or fewer seconds
b. 10-120 seconds
c. 3-5 minutes
d. 5-60 minutes


(Points: 1) An appropriate frequency for a cardiorespiratory endurance program is ____ times per week?
a. 1-2
b. 2-3
c. 3-5
d. 5-7


(Points: 1) When substances occlude the arteries it's known as:
a. Thrombosis
b. Aneurysm
c. Angina
d. Stent


(Points: 1) The oxidative energy system produces ATP in structures called:
a. Alveoli
b. Capillaries
c. Mitochondria
d. Atria


(Points: 1) Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) is:
a. The best measure of the capacity of the cardiorespiratory system.
b. The velocity of oxygen flowing through the blood
c. Solely determined by genetics
d. Very difficult to predict


(Points: 1) The leading cause of death in the United States is:
a. Unintentional injuries
b. Cancer
c. Cardiovascular disease


(Points: 1) All of the following CVD risk factors are modifiable EXCEPT:
a. Cholesterol levels
b. Cigarette smoking
c. Physical inactivity
d. Family history of CVD


(Points: 1) Smoking affects the cardiovascular system in all of the following ways EXCEPT by:
a. Thickening of the blood
b. Increasing blood pressure
c. Reducing the amount of oxygen available to the heart
d. Decreasing heart rate


(Points: 1) Although cholesterol is important for many body functions, excess cholesterol is hazardous to health because it is deposited:
a. In muscle cells
b. In blood vessels
c. In cell membranes
d. Around nerves


(Points: 1) The form of cholesterol that shuttles cholesterol back to the liver for recycling-also known as "Good" cholesterol:
a. Low-density lipoprotein
b. Triglycerides
c. High-density Lipoproteins
d. Saturated fat


(Points: 1) Exercise for children under 12 years of age should focus on:
a. Cardiorespiratory activities
b. Strength Training
c. Stretching
d. Skill development


(Points: 1) All of the following are components of health-related fitness EXCEPT:
a. Muscular strength
b. Flexibility
c. Speed
d. Cardiorespiratory endurance


(Points: 1) The liquid portion of your blood which is responsible for the transportation of the other consituents of the blood:
a. Erythrocytes
b. Leucocytes
c. Platelets
d. Plasma


(Points: 1) An example of an activity that primarily used the oxidative (Aerobic) energy system is:
a. 400 meter run
b. Weight Lifting
c. Swimming Laps
d. Rising from a chair


(Points: 1) Which one of the following cholesterol profiles would place someone at GREATEST RISK for heart disease:
a. Low HDL and low LDL
b. High HDL and high LDL
c. Low HDL and high LDL
d. High HDL and low LDL


(Points: 1) Beyond age 65:
a. The risk of heart attack decreases
b. Is when 55% of all heart attacks occur
c. Is when all heart attacks occur
d. All heart attacks are fatal


(Points: 1) The largest chamber of the heart is the:
a. Right Atrium
b. Left Atrium
c. Left Ventricle
d. Right Ventricle


(Points: 1) The hearts pacemaker is known as the:
a. Stroke Volume
b. SA Node
c. Beats Per Minute
d. Cardiac Output


(Points: 1) Atherosclerosis is:
a. Sustained, abnormally high blood pressure
b. A condition where the heart can not maintain its regular pumping rate
c. Thickening of artery walls by deposits of fatty substances
d. Severe chest pain caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart


(Points: 1) The heart muscle receives its blood supply from the:
a. Vena Cava
b. Left Ventricle
c. Pulmonary Veins
d. Coronary Arteries


(Points: 1) The most common symptom associated with angina pectoris is:
a. Nausea
b. Shortness of breath
c. Irregular heartbeat
d. Pain in the chest


(Points: 1) Which one of the following is a Medical Procedure for heart/artery disease? It helps keep the artery open.
a. Angina Pectoris
b. Artery Stent
c. Electrocardiogram
d. Radioactive Tracers


(Points: 1) Congestive heart failure is:
a. Sustained abnormally high blood pressure
b. Thickening of artery walls by deposits of fatty substances
c. A condition where the heart can not maintain its regular pumping rate
d. Severe chest pain caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart


(Points: 1) D.A.S.H stands for:
a. Doing Aerobics for a Strong Heart
b. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
c. Diagnosing Atherosclerosis Saves Hearts
d. Don't Add Salt Heavily


(Points: 1) The number-one risk factor for heart disease that you can control is:
a. Obesity
b. Family History
c. Elevated Cholesterol
d. Age


(Points: 1) Electrolytes are?
a. Vitamins
b. Minerals
c. Protein
d. Water


(Points: 1) An acronym representing a treatment protocol for exercise-related injuries:
a. FIT


(Points: 1) In reference to cardiovascular fitness the term "Aerobic" means:
a. Without Oxygen
b. With Oxygen
c.With Carbon Dioxide
d. With Constriction


(Points: 1) Stress may increase risk for cardiovascular disease by increasing:
a. Maximal oxygen consumption
b. HDL cholesterol
c. Glucose tolerance
d. Blood pressure


(Points: 1) This is classified as the positive stress in our lives. It keeps us motivated to take on-line tests!!
a. Distress
b. Eustress
c. Fitness
d. Wellness


(Points: 1) This form of cholesterol shuttles cholesterol back to the liver for recycling:
a. Low-density lipoprotein
b. Triglycerides
c. High-density lipoprotein
d. Saturated fat


(Points: 1) Which of the following is NOT a skill-related component of physical fitness:
a. Muscular Endurance
b. Speed
c. Agility
d. Power


(Points: 1) If your blood pressure is 140/90 you would be classified as having:
a. Low blood sugar
b. High blood sugar
c. High blood pressure
d. Low blood pressure


(Points: 1) The circuit begins in the right atrium, proceeds to the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery where it ends up in the lungs. The blood is then oxygenated and the blood is directed back to the heart. Name this circuit:
a. Systemic
b. Cardiac
c. Pulmonary
d. Sympathetic


(Points: 1) The opening of secondary coronary arteries which supply the heart with extra blood - remember only aerobic exercise will allow these to open:
a. Pulmonary Artery
b. Aorta
c. Coronary Artery
d. Coronary Collateral Circulation


(Points: 1) This component of the blood aids in fighting infections - It's white in color:
a. Leucocytes
b. Erythrocytes
c. Plasma
d. Fibrin


(Points: 1) Ingesting this type of fat appears to raise HDL levels while it decreases LDL levels:
a. Saturated
b. Monounsaturated
c. Polyunsaturated
d. Megasaturated


(Points: 1) This is a system of monitoring exercise intensity based on assigning a number to the subjective perception of target intensity.
b. FIT
c. RPE
d. Max VO2


(Points: 1) A heart abnormality that you're born with:
a. Congenital Heart Defect
b. Congestive Heart Defect
c. Pulmonary Defect
d. Partial Alveoli Defect


(Points: 1) Much of the incidence of cardiovascular disease is due to:
a. Lifestyle factors
b. Environmental pollutants
c. HIV exposure
d. Infections


(Points: 1) Incorrectly holding your breath while executing a lift would be an example of:
a. Valsalva
b. Ligamental laxity
c. Atherosclerosis
d. Congenital lifting pressure


(Points: 1) Which one of the following blood pressure readings would be considered healthy/normal:
a. 90/50
b. 120/80
c. 135/93
d. 140/90


(Points: 1) An arrhythmia is:
a. An irregular heartbeat
b. A ruptured blood vessel
c. High blood pressure
d. A blood clot found near the heart


(Points: 1) Which of the following best describes the endocrine system:
a. Controls body functions through the release of hormones
b. Controls body functins through effective responses
c. Is a combination of autonomic and somatic nerves
d. Is a combination of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves


(Points: 1) What is the primary responsibility of the ACSM:
a. Provide shoes to athletes
b. Help measure your 1RM
c. Provide guidelines for exercise professionals
d. Measure walking speed and distance


(Points: 1) Body composition is a combination of ___ & ___:
a. Skin & Bones
b. Fat & Lean Body Mass
c. Height & Weight
d. Strength & weight


(Points: 1) The limit to the body's ability to increase the transport and use of oxygen is:
a. ATP
b. CVD
c. VO2max
d. RPE


(Points: 1) Of the three Heat Illnesses, which one is the least severe:
a. Heat Stroke
b. Heat Wave
c. Heat Exhaustion
d. Heat Cramp


(Points: 1) A biological/genetic factor that may contribute to higher-than-average rates of cardiovascular disease in African Americans is:
a. Low incidence of cigarette smoking
b. Low level of LDL cholesterol
c. Higher rates of hypertension
d. Inadequate alveoli function


(Points: 2) Your body is constantly switching between the energy systems during a typical exercise session:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 2) The nonoxidative (anaerobic) energy system is used for high-intensity activities lasting about 10 seconds to 2 minutes:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 2) HDL cholesterol is the less healthy form of cholesterol:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 2) Cigarette smoke reduces the amount of oxygen available to the heart:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 2) The Right Ventricle is the largest chamber of the heart:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 1) Having an abnormally fast heart rate is called:
a. Tachaycardia
b. Bradyacardia
c. Murmur
d. Hypertension


(Points: 2) The desired level of total cholesterol in adults should be 200mg/dL or less:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 2) People of low socioeconomic status and education have a LOWER risk for CVD than people of higher socioeconomic status:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 2) Most individuals with Hypertension have no symptoms:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 2) High blood pressure has obvious early warning signs:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 1) A strong, efficient heart will have:
a. A high resting rate and a slow recovery rate
b. A high resting rate and a fast recovery rate
c. A low resting rate and a slow recovery rate
d. A low resting rate and a fast recovery rate


(Points: 2) High Homocysteine levels are associated with an increased risk of CVD:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 1) Endurance exercise can help to increase:
a. HDL
b. LDL
c. Triglycerides
d. Glucose


(Points: 1) Tobacco is associated with ____ of the top 10 causes of death in the U.S.?
a. 10
b. 3
c. 5
d. 8


(Points: 1) This type of training involves exercising at 8-12 resistance stations while performing aerobic activity between sets:
a. Plyometrics
b. Aerobics
c. Circuit Training
d. Cross-Training


(Points: 1) The Surgeon General's "Healthy People 2000" agrees with ACSM's recommendation for exercise but it also recommends this:
a. High-Intensity Exercises
b. Exercising only 1 or 2 days per week
c. Burning 150 calories per day through physical activity
d. Some type of heavy resistance training every day


(Points: 1) Blockage of blood supply to the brain causes:
a. Heart attack
b. Angina pectoris
c. Plaques
d. Stroke


(Points: 1) All of the following CVD risk factors are modifiable EXCEPT:
a. Cholesterol levels
b. Cigarette smoking
c. Family history of CVD
d. Physical inactivity


(Points: 2) Monounsaturated fats will help raise your HDL and lower you LDL cholesterol levels:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 2) Smoking raises levels of HDL cholesterol in the blood:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 1) In Chapter 11 your book talks about an acronym which utilizes food intake modification to help control high blood pressure. What's the name of the acronym:


(Points: 1) A medical procedure which utilizes a "balloon" to help open clogged arteries:
a. Angina
b. Stent
c. Electrocardiogram
d. Angioplasty


(Points: 1) A traveling blood clot is refered to as:
a. Thrombosis
b. Embolism
c. Stroke
d. Aneurysm


(Points: 1) When you have low levels of iron in your blood, you're said to be:
a. Anemic
b. Anorexic
c. Holistic
d. Caloric


(Points: 2) Approximately 1 in 10 MEN will suffer a heart attack in their lives whereas 1 in 3 WOMEN will suffer a heart attack:
a. True
b. False


(Points: 1) This condition occurs when fluid accumulates in the lungs because of a diseased heart:
a. Pulmonary Edema
b. Congenital Heart Defect
c. Rheumatic Fever
d. Parasympathetic Defect