CMTCurriculum Planning Group27November 2017–PLANNING PROPOSALS: NEW COURSES

Planning OUTCOMES for the following proposals:


FST 17/10 / Sept 2018
Tri 1 and 2 intakes per year / BSc (Hons) / Coaching for Development in Football / Part-time
Distance Learning
360 credits:
120 @ L4
120 @ L5
120 @ L6 /
  • Proposal for a new undergraduate course
  • Degrees at Work initiative but no PSRB accreditation
  • Anticipated Annual Recruitment: 10 FTE initially (expected to rise to 25-30)
  • Proposed Home/EU Tuition Fee £6,100 pa. International Tuition Fee: £6,100 pa
  • To complement the current DL degree, BSc Hons Coaching for Performance, by attractingthe types of applicant who do not meet the entry criteria for theperformance course,which requires applicants to be working at performance level (i.e. UEFA B qualified and above)
  • To meet changing demand from the football industry for trained employees with degree-specific knowledge and expertise
  • Unique opportunity to fill a gap in the HE football degree market by offering the first work-based, distance learning football-specific BA in the UK, spring boarding on the success of the existing BSc Hons Coaching for Performance distance learning degree, and appealing to international students for its online/DLdesign
  • Minimal football-specific BA competitionexists in the UK but delivery is by face-to-face or blended learning only for September starts only
  • Total of 9 new modules, with the remainder shared with the performance degree:
L4: 30 credits of new modules (2 x 15 credits); 90 credits shared L5: 75 credits of new modules (3 x 15; 1 x 30); 45 credits shared L6: 75 credits of new modules (1 x 15: 2 x 30); 75 credits shared
  • Staffing to be resourced by 17 existing staff in Dept of Sport & Exercise Sciences; additional tutors to be employed for new modules, who are professionally employed within the football sector. Technical provision for online degree mostly in place from existing Performance course although additional IT/DL support required
  • Standard trimester delivery pattern
FST 17/12 / Sept 2018
Tri 1 and 2 intakes per year / BSc (Hons) / Bioinformatics
(Degree Apprenticeship) / Part-time
Blended Learning
360 credits:
120 @ L4
120 @ L5
120 @ L6 /
  • Proposal for a new undergraduate Degree Apprenticeship
  • Degrees at Work initiative but no PSRB accreditation
  • Anticipated Annual Recruitment: 25 FTE in initial cohort
  • Proposed Home/EU Tuition Fee £27,000 (whole course). International Tuition Fee: N/A
  • Development of this Degree Apprenticeship in the Cambridge region was requested from the Welcome Institute/Sanger, and is supported by receipt of funding from HEFCE following a successful joint bid from ARU/Sanger
  • High demand is evidenced for the proposal from 9 other local employers, with growing interest expressed from around the world. Sanger has committed to send 10 apprentices on the first cohort
  • Apprenticeship to be based on the Data Science Standard, currently awaiting approval by the Institute of Apprenticeships
  • Proportion of mix of face-to-face and distance learning delivery to be confirmed in consultation with employers
  • Bioinformatics is a growth sector in the UK, expected to grow by 20% per year, mainly in the Cambridge and surrounding areas where major sector employers are based
  • No other undergraduate course in bioinformatics knownin the UK and none known to be offered by distance learning worldwide
  • 75% New modules (270 credits) and 25% (90 credits) to be shared with existing course modules
  • Tutors and online content authors to be recruited and managed by LDS, with the Dept of Biomedical & Forensic Sciences in FST providing course and module leadership and quality assurance
  • Similar impact on support services, library etc to equivalent courses. Lab resources can be timetabled to avoid peak periods due to work-based learning nature of the degree apprenticeship
  • Standard Trimester delivery pattern
and Recommendedthat the course approval process ensures adequate provision of specialist staffing for this niche area course


LAIBS 17/01 / Feb 2018 deferred to:
Sept 2018
Tri 1, 2 & 3 intakes per year / BA (Hons) / Business Management / Full-time
Blended Learning
London School of Marketing (LSM)
[Delivery sites: London and Dubai]
360 credits:
120 @ L4
120 @ L5
120 @ L6 /
  • 1 of 4 blended learning proposals for LSM. Proposal to allow franchised delivery by LSM of the existing full undergraduate degree course (2-year delivery) by an alternative method of delivery (blended learning)
  • No PSRB accreditation
  • Anticipated Annual Recruitment: 100 FTE
  • Proposed Home/EU Tuition Fee: £4,950 p.a. Proposed International Fee: £4,950 p.a.
  • Course to be offered by blended learning in London and Dubai in conjunction with the same courses offered via distance learning
  • Blended learning delivery is requested to meet applicant demand for a face-to-face taught classroom experience in addition to online study.
  • Attendance at short tutor-led workshops in Dubai and London (Imperial college) is preferred by students: 3-day workshops are proposed with min. 18 hours face-to-face delivery
  • Competition anticipated from American and Australian blended learning providers as well as some UK based education bodies. However, LSM’s unique online and blended position and international network of local Access Points make it a strong competitive provider
  • ARU is establishing itself as LSM’s university partner of choice and further planning proposals are to follow (tourism, healthcare etc) once the proposed new courses are successfully up and running
  • 100% existing modules. LSM approval event anticipated early 2018 (Jan or Feb) so start date deferred to Sept 2018
  • Resources for face-to-face delivery to be provided by LSM, and costs for material development and online delivery set up costs to be borne by LSM
  • Standard Trimester delivery pattern
/ DEFER subject to: 1) Rationale for fees: to clarify disparity between blended and DL course fees and proportion payable to ARU;
2) Discussion between Deans of LAIBS and ARU London re London deliveries and;
3) General discussion on partnership with LSM between LAIBS Dean and PVC: Partnerships
Gary Packham/ Dave Sexton / Trevor Bolton
LAIBS 17/02 / Details as above / BA (Hons) / Marketing / Details as above /
  • LSM proposal two. All details as above
/ DEFER – As above
LAIBS 17/03 / Feb 2018
Sept 2018
Tri 1, 2 & 3 intakes per year / MA / Marketing and Innovation / Full-time
Blended Learning
London School of Marketing (LSM)
[Delivery sites: London and Dubai]
180 credits @ L7 /
  • LSM proposal three. Proposal to allow franchised delivery by LSM of the existing 1-year full postgraduate degree course by an alternative method of delivery (blended learning)
  • Proposed Home/EU Tuition Fees: £6,565 p.a. Proposed International Fee: £6,565 p.a.
  • All other details as above
/ DEFER – As above
LAIBS 17/04 / Details as above / MBA / Business Administration / Details as above /
  • LSM proposal four. All details as above
/ DEFER – As above
LAIBS 17/13 / Sept 2018
Tri 1, 2 & 3 intakes per year / BSc (Hons) / Tourism Management / Full-time
Distance Learning
London School of Marketing (LSM)
360 credits:
120 @ L4
120 @ L5
120 @ L6 /
  • Proposal for a franchised delivery by LSM of the existing BSc Tourism Management, but course to instead be delivered online
  • No PSRB accreditation
  • Anticipated Annual Recruitment: 60 FTE
  • Proposed Home/EU Tuition Fee: £6,770 p.a. Proposed International Fee: £6,770 p.a.
  • Course to be delivered over 2 years (6 trimesters)
  • Course aimed at school leavers and overseas students, preferring an online mode of study, seeking academic qualification to climb the corporate ladder in the tourism industry. Course not aimed at the core UK/EU market that ARU currently attracts
  • LSM offers a series of online pre-recorded key skills sessions and students may visit its offices in Dubai and London for support
  • Similar provision by University of Essex, University of Plymouth and University of Surrey. Competition also anticipated from Australian and American universities. However LSM is a market leader for online degree programmes with an international network of Local Access Points, making it a unique international online provider
  • 100% existing modules
  • Resources to be re-allocated for content preparation and teaching. E-library, linked to EBSCO, will be available for publications and journal articles and all core texts of new modules will be added to this. Staff will use Canvas to access materials but learning will be through the LSM platform. Costs relating to material development and online delivery set up costs to be borne by LSM
  • Standard trimester delivery pattern
/ DEFER – As above
LAIBS 17/14 / Sept 2018
Tri 1, 2 & 3 intakes per year / MSc / International Hospitality and Tourism Management / Full-time
Distance Learning
London School of Marketing (LSM)
180 credits:
180 @ L7 /
  • Proposal for a franchised delivery by LSM of the existing MSc International hospitality and Tourism Management, but the course to instead be delivered online by LSM
  • No PSRB accreditation
  • Anticipated Annual Recruitment: 75 FTE
  • Proposed Home/EU Tuition Fee: £3,830 p.a. Proposed International Fee: £3,830 p.a.
  • Course to be delivered over 1 year (3 trimesters)
  • Course aimed at graduates or those holding the required industry experience, preferring an online mode of study, seeking academic qualification to progress in the tourism and hospitality industry
  • Similar provision by Leeds Beckett University and Bournemouth University. Competition also anticipated from Australian and American universities. However LSM is a market leader for online degree programmes with an international network of Local Access Points, making it a unique international online provider
  • 100% existing modules
  • Resources to be re-allocated for content preparation and for staff to teach. The E-library, linked to EBSCO, will be available for publications and journal articles and core all texts of new modules will be added to this. Staff will use Canvas to access materials but learning will be through the LSM platform. Costs relating to material development and online delivery set up costs to be borne by LSM
  • Standard trimester delivery pattern
/ DEFER – As above
LAIBS 17/18 / Sept 2018
Sem 1 intakes only per year / a)BSc
b) BSc
(Hons) / Business Management and Economics
Management and Economics (with placement) / Full-time and
a) 360 credits:
120 @ L4
120 @ L5
120 @ L6
b) 480 credits:
120 @ L4
120 @ L5
120 @ Level P
120 @ L6 /
  • Proposal for two new undergraduate degrees (one with placement)
  • No PSRB accreditation; not a D@W initiative
  • Anticipated Annual Recruitment: 25 FTE (once established)
  • Proposed Home/EU Tuition Fee: £9,250 p.a. Proposed International Tuition Fee: £12,500 p.a.
  • Course proposed to fill the gap between the generalist Business Management/International Management courses and the proposed new specialist BSc (Hons) Economics course
[seeAgenda item 7 for concurrent CM1 request to change the course title of the existing BSc (Hons) Business Economics to theBSc (Hons) Economics]
  • Course to provide an alternative route for internal transfer from the renamed BSc (Hons) Economics for those struggling with the level of maths required
  • Course title suggested by the International Office as Market Intelligence suggests a large market for generalist courses with some specialism,and that average recruitment to Business and Economics courses is rising (largely driven by De Montfort recruitment figures)
  • Large extent of similar provision, although only two competitors offer Business and Economics (De Montfort and Hertfordshire)
  • 100% existing modules to be shared from BSc (Hons) Business Management and BSc (Hons) Business Economics (title proposed for renaming as BSc Economics)
  • Minimal impact on resources: students to join existing timetabled classes using existing teaching staff and library resources already in place. Some possible per capita costs for IT access, software licencing, SU membership etc
  • Standard Semester delivery pattern


FST 17/13 / Sep 2019
Semester 1 and 2 intakes per year
(initially, only Sem1 entrance is planned) / FdSc / Built Heritage / Full-time
College of West Anglia (CoWA)
240 credits:
120 @ L4
120 @ L5 /
  • Proposal for a new undergraduate course initiated by the Building Crafts and Conservation Foundation (BCCF), working with the College of West Anglia Faculty of Technology/Construction
  • No PSRB accreditation and not a Degrees at Work initiative
  • Anticipated Annual Recruitment: 20 FTE
  • Proposed Home/EU Tuition Fee £8,000 pa base fee. International Tuition Fee: N/A
  • There are two L3 courses currently in development by CoWA as progression routes to the Foundation degree.
  • The FdSc will enable further development at HE level of a heritage skill previously selected in the Level 3 feeder course, alongside further development of business skills commenced at Level 3
  • The FdSc will be unique in approach by fully integrating both theory with practice (as opposed to the current practice in the Heritage Skills sector of isolating the two) to enable understanding, diagnosis and specification of work in addition to execution of practical work on Heritage buildings
  • CoWA is working with the Building Crafts and Conservation Foundation in West Norfolk to integrate the course within their wider Built Heritage course development in the area
  • The course and related facilities will ensure to become a viable business operation, post initial funding/sponsorship, to enable sustainability of the venture
  • No similar course provision by competitors in the UK/region – the educational framework dedicated to this sector is very fractured
  • Opportunity for exchange of staff and students on the course intended with Heritage organisations across Europe. No initial anticipation for international student recruitment but potential in subsequent years based on European interest
  • 100% new modules. Level 4: Two 30 credit modules and Five 15 credit modules (two optional). Level 5: Two 30 credit modules and Five 15 credit modules (two optional)
  • No impact anticipated on resources. Delivery based at CoWA and the planned BCCF workshop facility at King’s Lynn. No capital expenditure required by ARU
  • Standard Semester delivery pattern
FST 17/14 / Sep 2021
Semester 1 and 2 intakes per year
(initially, only Sem1 entrance is planned) / BSc (Hons) / Built Heritage (Top-up) / Full-time
College of West Anglia (CoWA)
120 credits:
120 @ L6 /
  • Proposal for a new Level 6 progression route
  • No PSRB accreditation and not a Degrees at Work initiative
  • Anticipated Annual Recruitment : 20 FTE
  • Proposed Home/EU Tuition Fee: £8,000 pa. International Tuition Fee: N/A
  • Progression to the BSc is via the FdSc above
  • Course proposal initiated by the Building Crafts and Conservation Foundation (BCCF), working with the College of West Anglia Faculty of Technology/Construction. Course to be integrated within the wider Built Heritage course development in the area
  • Development of essential business skills throughout the course will be sustained from the FdA into the BSc. Feedback from Dr Alan Coday, FST, has been incorporated into the course design
  • Opportunity for exchange of staff and students on the course intended with Heritage organisations across Europe. No initial anticipation for international student recruitment but potential in subsequent years based on European interest
  • 100% new modules at Level 6. Two 30 credit L6 modules and Five 15 credit L6 modules (two are optional)
  • No anticipated impact on resources other than FST administrative obligations for course set up and module assessment. Delivery based at CoWA and the planned BCCF workshop facility at King’s Lynn. No capital expenditure required by ARU
  • Standard Semester delivery pattern






Planning OUTCOMES: New Courses - CPG 27Nov 2017Page 1 of 7Academic Registry