Tuesday, June 23, 2015
6:30 PM, TKP2
Thanks to Laurie forthe biscotti!
The Board of Directors meeting was called to order at 6:38 PM.
Present: Sarah Adler, Laurie Bond, Lena Boot, Caren Gans, Daniel Garcia, Jonathan Harbach, Julia Hartung, LuAnn Hazelitt, Kelda Jamison, Ryan Jusko, Ellen Payne, Dave Poole, Aaron Richardson
Absent: Ilana Horwitz, Bruce Macintosh
Community members present: Teresa Gonsoski
Each Board member introduced him or herself and stated personal goals for the Board this coming year. Some goals were related to PlayFest, transparency, communication, community participation and investment in the Board, continuity, parent education, articulating exceptional qualities of CCSC, increasing community events, fund development, strengthening the relationship with Stanford, focusing on CCSC’s needs, supporting the teachers, projecting a unified vision to Stanford and others, and increasing the public visibility of CCSC.
The minutes from the May 26th Board of Directors meeting need to be amended to reflect that Bruce Macintosh was present; otherwise, the minutes were approved.
Vice President: Julia Hartung was nominated and elected.
Secretary: Ilana Horowitz and Ellen Payne were nominated to share the position, with Ilana focusing on surveys and Ellen focusing on note-taking; they were elected.
Treasurer: Bruce Macintosh was nominated and elected.
President: Sarah Adler was nominated and elected.
The annual retreat was tentatively scheduled for Sunday, August 30th, from 12 to 5 PM. The Board retreat agenda (including whether to add on a component for family members) will be discussed at the July Board meeting.
Sarah reminded everyone that the Board bylaws require that all Board members participate in at least one committee, and encouraged everyone to participate in more than one. The existing committees are as follows:
Executive committee: This committee comprises the Board officers plus Caren Gans. Responsibilities include defining the vision of CCSC.
Co-op/parent education committee: This committee discussesall things related to co-oping, including gaps, places to improve, what works and doesn’t work, and how to increase consistency and communication of expectations across classrooms (as prompted in part by feedback from the CCSC parent survey). The committee is developing a roughly two-hour training program for co-oping parents, and they need help with creating a video training component. The plan is to start implementing[mandatory] training for new families joining in the fall. The committee will probably need another 6 months to get everything prepared for training, followed by less frequent meetings once everything is up and running. This committee will also lead parent education efforts.
Communication/IT committee: This committee, led by the Board secretaries, focuses on communication and transparency between the Board and parents, including conducting surveys. This committee will also reach out to and coordinate with CCSC families with relevant expertise to improve IT resources and services at the center.
Finance committee: This committee, led by the Board treasurer, is involved in improving the transparency, organization, logic, and efficiency of the center’s finances, and increasing understanding of the finances throughout the Board, working in partnership with Caren.
Related to finances, an external audit is needed this year. No major anomalies in past budgets were identified, but efficiency has already been improved by not accepting credit card payment for tuition, scheduling floaters and subs appropriately, and linking enrollment statistics to the budget, for example.
Ryan asked whether important faculty at CCSC have been identified so that they can potentially lead an effort to advocate for CCSC with the Stanford provost. How to leverage internal resources at CCSC (includingconnections with Stanford and the community), what vision we want to promote for CCSC, how we can elevate the public perception of CCSC, and other strategic planning will be topics of discussion at the CCSC Board retreat.
Fundraising committee: Julia has already enlisted some colleagues (and fellow CCSC parents) in the Stanford development office to help with fundraising. This committee will meet this summer to plan activities such as the fall appeal for donations, how to present the case for soliciting funds, how to set a participation goal, and how to reach out to potential external donors. The PlayFest committee is organized by the fundraising committee. This committee could potentially work with the community events committee, which will be started by Caren and will include non-Board families, although a Board member should also participate. Dave Poole volunteered for this role.
Current committee members as of June 24th are shown below.
coop & edu / finance / comm & IT / exec / FUNdraisingDaniel / x
Lena / x / x
LuAnn / x / x
Jonathan / x / x
Ryan / x
Ellen / x / x
Kelda / x / x
Dave / x / x
Julia / x / x
Caren / x / x / x / x
Sarah / x / x
Aaron / x
Bruce / x / x
Ilana / x / x
Program highlights: CIP has been discussing communication and open dialogue, as well as portfolios. TKP has been working on transitions and the balance between incoming and departing children. Teachers returning from educational experiences seem re-energized and excited about bringing new ideas back to CCSC. LKP has been working on documentation ideas. BKP held graduation ceremonies and is working on transitions of younger children.
Community events: Teresa reported that another CCSC camp-out was held in Livermore. It was hot but families had fun and got along well together. Children were up late due to the extended daylight hours. Caren and the admin team have been discussing holding another community event (with some fundraising efforts) at CCSC during this summer. PlayFest experiences have been taking place and have been successful.
Staffing: Caren is considering splitting the floater positions into two levels with different hours and benefits, so that subs can potentially accrue enough hours to become permanent employees with minimum weekly hours and optional benefits. This will help to eliminate unnecessary staffing holes and make scheduling easier. Floater and substitute needs are approximately evenly divided between predictable and unpredictable. This information could be amenable to data collection and analysis to help with predicting needs over time.
IT/Tech: The admin team is ready to go live with Google email groups and CCSC email addresses. Caren will send out information soon.
The Stanford WorkLife Office will be switching from code locks to card swipe locks (at all on-campus child care centers). Each family will receive two cards, with additional or replacement cards available for $10. Rachel has been working on the administrative issues. Caren is hoping to obtain a buzzer so that visitors can be buzzed into the main building from the front desk.
Caren does not receive statistics on the number of people who open the Monday newsletter, although she does receive information on click-throughs.
Caren has a meeting scheduled with an IT person from Stanford who will come to look at infrastructure to see what can be supported. The WorkLife office will fund rewiring upgrades to get CCSC onto the Stanford network. Caren can discuss the phone network with the Stanford IT person as well.
Enrollment: Enrollment is high and Caren predicts that CCSC will not experience the traditional dip in summer enrollment. She believes that this is due to enrolling wait-list families first and doing internal classroom transitions later. Note that exit notices for BKP are coming later and many children will be staying through August.
Dave Poole and Dan Kaleba will be authoring an appeal letter asking families to donate their enrollment deposit (or part of it) to the center upon departing. This option could potentially also be added as a check box as a future pledge on the enrollment form. One topic of discussion is whether this money would go into the general fund or whether it would be designated for a particular cause, such as staff development. This will be discussed by the fundraising committee.
Ilana is on the East Coast.
TREASURER’S REPORT (Sarah for Bruce)
Bruce is in Montreal, so Sarah presented the financial report.
Raju was not present.
Additional discussion was related to getting the new Board members up to speed on recent issues.
The meeting was adjourned at ~8:45 PM.