Pastor’s Message

The Tree of Life

This year for Lent we are going to be looking at the image of the “Tree of Life”, as a way to prepare ourselves for Easter. Many world religions use the image of the “Tree of Life” when depicting their central beliefs and values. For Christians, the tree of life is the cross. Our weekly biblical passages along with Holden’s Evening Prayer worship service will cast some light on the cross of Christ and will help us see that our lives get grafted into Christ who is our life and salvation. With Jesus’ mother Mary and John we too will stand near the cross on which Jesus is crucified and will witness how Jesus turns the symbol of humiliation and dehumanization into an experience of exaltation and renewal. The tree, like the cross, becomes that place where we find shade, food and shelter. As God renews that earth with the leaves that begin to bud in springtime, so we too will begin to grow in faith and hope with the message of our risen Lord.

You are Invited!Come and be a part of our Lenten season!

The soup is on and the Saltines are extra crispy! We will be gathering for soup and crackers at 5:30 pm. It is not so much about the soup, although the soup is good soup, but it is a time to gather and to be together. We start to actually be a community around the table on Wednesday evenings. We get to talk about our week and invite others into our lives. Perhaps that is a little scary, but by the end of Lent we begin to miss the fellowship and the time we have shared. Our Lenten season offers us a change of pace in our lives, time to relax, and an opportunity to walk together and to hear the story that changes everything. It is the story of God, who see the world he created entombed in fear and death, and how he risks everything to give forgiveness and love a chance.

Ash Wednesday! We begin our Lenten journey with the Ash Wednesday service on February 18th. Easter comes so early this year that it is bound to catch us unprepared but it all begins with this midweek service. I don’t know what it is about Ash Wednesday but I know that from even before the Advent season begins I see my life just speeding up. Truthfully, we don’t even seem to get a break between Christmas and Easter these days and by the time we are through with Easter I am exhausted. That is not healthy living for us, and it is not what Lent is all about. At the Ash Wednesday service the focus of our lives is meant to change. We are called to a life of fasting and repentance, it is a journey to the baptismal waters of Easter. It is the time that adult baptismal candidates prepare for baptism to be washed in God’s baptismal grace at the Easter Vigil service. I think that Ash Wednesday is not only a time when we have the cross of Christ placed on our foreheads to mark the beginning of this season, but it is a season marked by focusing on our need and dependency on the forgiveness and grace of God. I have to admit that winter finds me less active physically, but the disciple of Lent makes me hungry for spring and the renewal of physical activity. I find and am found by God in this Lenten season, just like I find and am found by steadily becoming more active during spring. The distinction is very important. Being in a hurry but unfocused makes me unhealthy, but being active as an expression of God’s grace in my life, makes me happy and renews my spirit.

God’s invitation to be active in Lent is a recipe for a new sense of self and of health. Walk with me this Lenten season, let us breathe in Christ. Let us mark our days and fast, worship together, and await the coming of the leaves that witness to the beginning of spring, a time of budding for the tree of life.

Joy in Christ,

Pastor Jeffrey Holter

President’s Message

“I Like Where We Are and Where We Are Headed”


December 2013, I made a presentation to the Congregation; the theme was “I like where we are and where we are headed” and I can say the same today.

First, I want to thank all who served on Teams, Committees, Boards and the Council this past year, especially Nadine Moeller who served as the Congregation President. Her leadership advanced our Mission, Ministry and moved us forward organizationally.

Thank you to our staff that works diligently throughout the year.

And thank you to all that will serve this coming year.

I think we all should be proud of where we are and what has been accomplished.

We are seeing increased attendance, due in large part to the addition of our 10:30 service. This service has provided a convenience to many and more importantly a very critical ministry as we work to reach out to young families and spread God’s word. If you haven’t attended this service, I encourage you to do so and witness the excitement.


We have an active Long Range Planning Committee. The recent ratification of our Constitutional changes are a result of the committees work. The changes will make governing the operation more efficient. The changes to committee’s term lengths, I believe, will increase member participation. Our lives are so busy these days that it was difficult to get members to commit to a 3 year term. The changes to 1 year terms should make it easier for members to participate. Likewise, eliminating term limits will allow those members who want to continue to serve to do so for as long as they like.

This is a step in the direction to “project oriented” activities and teams.

While we will not eliminate committees all together, I will ask the Long Range Planning Committee to review committee structures to determine where committees can be reduced or combined and move to project teams.

Our building continues to show its age and needs to be addressed. The Asset Management Board has done a good job on the building with the limited resources it has had available. The committee has a list of needs and projects, we need to make more progress on this list.

I will ask The Asset Management Board, Long Range Planning Committee and Congregational Council to develop a plan to move more projects forward.

Additionally we need to make progress on personnel issues. For years we have been way behind Synod guidelines on staff compensation. It is my belief that we cannot continue to operate this way. It is not fair, it is not right.

I will ask the Personnel Support Board, Long Range Planning Committee and the Congregational Council to establish a 3 year plan, with yearly benchmarks to get us to Synod guidelines.

We will not accomplish all of these issues in a year. Some may take several years, but we need to put plans in place, and execute the plans to move us forward

We will need your help. Please share your comments, concerns, and ideas with me, Pastor Holter or any Council member.

I like where we are headed. Do You?

Enjoy Today, God Bless, Jim Caesar

Marriage Encounter

Give each other the best Valentine’s gift possible! Register for the February 14-15 Weekends are held at Mt Olivet Conference and Retreat Center in Farmington. Visit for a listing of additional retreats or call 651.454.3238.

Sledding, Games, Potluck Party!

Join in the fun on February 8th!

Bring sleds, board games and a dish to share!We will start at 11 with games and have potluck at 11:30. Potluck suggestions (feel free to bring anything though!):

A-GSalads, Veges, Rolls

H-R Main Dishes

S-Z Desserts

New Member Orientation

All are welcome to learn about becoming a member of Kenwood on February 3rd at 6:30 p.m. New Member Sunday will be February 8th.

Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry

Winter Fun DaySaturday, February 28th

1:00 – 4:00 pm. Bring sleds, snowshoes, cross country skis!Fellowship and Games, Cocoa and snacks$5 per person, $20 family max

Register online or call 800-331-5148

Our Sympathy

Our sympathies to the family and friends of Arlene Halberg who died; Tim Steibner on the death of his father; and to Peggy Pruden on the death of her mother.

Thank You Notes

Dear Pastor and Members,

Jim and I thank you warmly for the Christmas plant and remembrance.

God Bless,Ruth and Jim Hansen

Pastor Jeff and our Church Family,

Thank you all for remembering us with the lovely poinsettia plant. We send our best wishes for a “Happy New Year”.

Harold and Gloria Royseth

It is more than high time that I write and express my sincere appreciation for the huge and gorgeous poinsettia that Pastor Jeff delivered to my apartment before Christmas. It is still “going strong” and is such a joy to have to remind me daily of my Kenwood family.

Again, my heartfelt thanks!

Love, June Jensen


Spring Gathering

Saturday, April 11that Family of God

“Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls”

Summer Gathering

Friday and Saturday, June 12-13

UMD “Trust in the Lord”

Personal Care Kit Collection

During Lent (February 18th through Easter Sunday) we will collect supplies for personal care kits which is the focus of the WELCA Summer Gathering! Please bring the following items that will be used in each kit. Drop off in the box provided in the Messiah Room!

  1. Light weight bath towel (20x40 or 27x52 dark colors)
  2. Bath Soap (two 4-5 oz bars in each kit)
  3. Adult size toothbrush
  4. Sturdy comb (no picks or fine teeth)
  5. Metal nail clipper

Chair Drive!

Purchase a New Chair for the Fellowship Hall!

Our current chairs are old and unsafe so we are having a chair drive to replace 160 chairs. Each new chair

Lent at Kenwood Lutheran

You are invited each week to our midweek worship during your Lenten journey.

We will need ushers at the midweek services,Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday!

costs $20.00. Please consider helping Kenwood Lutheran Churchby

sponsoring the purchase of 1 or 2 or more chairs! Checks payable to Kenwood Lutheran.

“Souper” Bowl Sunday

On February 1st the Youth will be accepting donations to fight Hunger. All donations will go to Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank.

McCabe Renewal Center
Tuesdays, January 27, February 10, 24, March 10, 24, April 14, 28, May 12, 2015
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
A group experience for Centering Prayer practitioners who have completed Introduction to Centering Prayer.

Saturday, January 31, 2015
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Our dreams come from a very deep part of ourselves. They can illuminate, empower and guide us in our waking lives. Come and explore how the spirit is moving in your life at this time. Bring an open heart, a curious mind and a sense of humor.Suggested Donation: $60, snacks and lunch provided.To register or for more information, call 218-724-5266 or email .
Hildegard House
The Hildegard House provides hospitality for women who have been victims of human trafficking. Hildegard means “keeper of the light” and it is a beacon of hope to women who have so little to none in their lives. Together as a community Hildegard House will make a difference in the lives of many women.

At Kenwood Lutheran, we have a penny jar on the serving table each Sunday for your spare change to help the mission of Hildegard House. Learn more about Hildegard House on Facebook – Hildegard House Catholic Worker.

Steve O’Neil Apartments

Housing for Homeless Families Project.

Open House on February 3rd 12:00-1:30 p.m. at 4th Street & 1st Ave West. RSVP to or 218.249.0082.


December 11, 2014

Approved Minutes

Members Present: Diane Irving, Jim Caesar, Pastor Jeff Holter, Kristy Stokes, Frank Stokes, Lynn Hegrenes, Brad Kamphenkel, Scott Goutermont, Martha Oswald, Joy Michalicek, Troy Rasch, and Nadine Moeller

1. The meeting was called to order by President Nadine Moeller at 7:35 p.m. with devotions and prayer led by Pastor Jeff.

2. Minutes from the meeting held on November 13, 2014, were approved as submitted. Special Council meeting minutes of October 19, 2014, were approved as submitted.

3. Martha Oswald presented the treasurer’s report: $4,144.90 balance in checkbook at the end of November ($2,100 from Bingo event).

4. Action Items: No action items.

5. Discussion Items:

  1. Preliminary 2015 budget presented by Asset Management Board for discussion. Increase in the salary for the church secretary. Some increases in the missions. Church operations remain basically the same. ($206,694 for the total) $2,140 higher than the previous year. $115,686 to date for this year up in both quantity and amount (22% over previous). Overall giving is up.
  2. Advertising on Radio Station 97.3 and the Budgeteer for Christmas Eve services were discussed. Chose not to use the media at this time.
  3. Long Range Planning Committee meeting – January 12, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at KLC.
  4. Recording of Services – process has been set up; Nadine Moeller will check to see how this can be done. Process will be worked on to see if this is feasible.
  5. Ride assistance for church services – any requests have not been realized.
  6. Facility cleaning – January date (one of the store rooms has been cleared) closet cleaning, a date will be set for Saturday, January 31, 2015, at 9:00 a.m.
  7. Annual meeting on Sunday, January 25 – report deadline of January 8, to the church office.
  8. Lenten Soup Suppers – do we want to continue these activities or do we combine with the churches in the round robin (5 churches); continue the Round Robbin for this year; could lessen the number of soup suppers being prepared. (February 28 = Ash Wednesday; six weeks journey); more to come.
  9. Thank you’s – for work done at various special church events. Discussion.
  10. Lessons and Carols on December 28 – need two lay people; Lynn Hegrenes and Mark Irving will volunteer.
  11. Personnel Update – ballot and performance appraisals; draft of ballot was presented.
  12. Church Calendar:

--Christmas program – December 14, 2014

--Christmas Eve services on December 24; 3:00 and 5:00 p.m.; volunteers needed

--Annual Meeting – January 25, 2015

--New Member Orientation in January/February

--Bible Study continues in January for four weeks then resumes after Easter for five weeks (four weeks before Lent, starting January 12, 19, 26, and February 2 and five weeks after Easter)

6. Boards, Ministry Teams, Standing Committees:

a. Asset Management Board

  • Working on speaker issue in church nursery (needs new wire)
  • Presented draft of preliminary budget for 2015

b. Mutual Ministry and Stewardship Board No report.

c. Personnel Support Board Discussion item.

d. Christian Education Ministry Team No report.

e. Community Ministry Team No report.

f. Fellowship Ministry Team

  • February 8 = sledding party and potluck at 11:00 a.m.
  • March = pancake fundraiser for Liberia Solar Project in Liberia working with Creation Care and ELCA
  • Bazaar – great success; $2,476.26 to be split between the church and VBS ($74.75 to VBS via can donation); offering lunch site (Myers Wilkins; Lincoln Park Community Center; are examples for sites)

g. Worship Ministry Team Discussion items.

h. Youth Ministry Team

  • Wednesday gatherings are still going strong; caroling last evening; 17-18 people; Spirit Valley
  • Senior High retreat in February (Two boys from KLC; two nights)
  • Middle School retreat

7. Pastor’s Report:

  • Sound System discussion
  • Cardio Deo Retreat
  • Lutheran Social Services – project for curbing homelessness for people on the street; want to make a presentation in one of our services (January 18, 2015 tentative date – Kate Anderson). Partner with E.L.C.A. churches.
  • Chairs in the basement – new ones are needed for the church basement.

8. Pastor Holter closed with devotions and prayer. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Lynn Hegrenes, Secretary, pro tem

Help Us Grow with Online Giving

Contributions can now be debited automatically

from your checking, savings, credit or debit card. Simply visit our webpage

at and click on “Online Giving” then follow

the instructions! Or Scan our QRcode! Thank you for your support!

Date / Altar / Welcome Attendant / Communion Server / Hospitality / Nursery Attendant / Scripture Reader / Acolyte / Ushers
1 / Carol Ziegler and Deb Jarvis / Brad Kamphenkel / Nadine Moeller / CARE / Volunteer Needed / Mark Irving / Matthew Erickson / Dennis & Carol Kolari, Mark Irving
8 / Carol and Deb / Jim Caesar / Kevin Mickelson / Youth/
confirmation / Volunteer Needed / Barb Lucia / Colby Kimball / Tom & Sue Muehlberger Family
15 / Carol and Deb / Lori Robison / Carol Kolari / Sarah Circle / Sam Michalicek / Barb Teske / Ella Greenwalt / Scott & Sherry Goutermont
22 / Carol and Deb / Kathy Erholtz / Barb Lucia / Worship Team / Ronna & Lyah Butler / Peggy Simensen / Sam Michalicek / Nadine, Moeller, Phyllis Polla, Peggy Pruden

February Worship Responsibilities 9:00 AM Service

Top of Form

We will need ushers at the Wednesday Lenten Services – your help is appreciated!


Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
“Souper Bowl Sunday”
9:00AM Worship
9:30AM Sunday School
10:00AM Hospitality
10:30AM United in Praise (UP!) Worship Service / 2
9:00AM Tai Chi
6:30 PM Bible Study / 3
6:30 PM New Member Orientation
7:00PM Boy Scouts
7:00PM Harbormasters / 4
11:45AM Senior Luncheon
5:30PM A.A.
5:30 PM Bell Choir
6:15PM Wednesday Gathering
6:30PMYouth Group Family of God / 5
9:00AM Quilters
9:00AM Tai Chi / 6 / 7
10:30 AM
VLM Annual Meeting at First Lutheran
9:00AM Worship
9:30AM Sunday School
10:00AM Hospitality
10:30AM United in Praise (UP!) Worship Service
11:00AM Sledding, Games and Potluck! / 9
9:00AM Tai Chi
5:30PM Ladies of Kaleva
6:30 PM Bible Study
7:30 p.m. Long Range Planning / 10
7:00PM Boy Scouts
7:00PM Harbormasters / 11
5:30PM A.A.
5:30 PM Bell Choir
6:15PM Wednesday Gathering
6:30PM Confirmation / 12
9:00AM Quilters
9:00AM Tai Chi
6:30PM Boards and Teams
7:30PM Council Meeting / 13 / 14
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Newsletter Deadline
9:00AM Worship
9:30AM Sunday School
10:00AM Hospitality
10:30AM United in Praise (UP!) Worship Service
3:00 PM Lake Superior Conference Assembly / 16
9:00AM Tai Chi
7:00 PM Praise & Worship Rehearsal / 17
7:00PM Boy Scouts
7:00PM Harbormasters / 18
12:00PM Ash Wednesday Service
5:30PM A.A.
5:30 PM Bell Choir
6:30PM Ash Wednesday Service / 19
9:00AM Quilters
9:00AM Tai Chi / 20 / 21
9:00AMPraise & Worship
9:30AM Sunday School
10:00AM Hospitality
10:30AM United in Praise (UP!) Worship Service / 23
9:00AM Tai Chi / 24
6:30 PMCHUM annual meeting at
First Lutheran
7:00PM Boy Scouts
7:00PM Harbormasters / 25
5:30 PM Bell Choir
5:30PM A.A.
5:30 PM Soup Supper
6:30PM Lenten Service / 26
9:00AM Quilters
9:00AM Tai Chi / 27 / 28
9:00AM Worship
9:30AM Sunday School
10:00AM Hospitality
10:30AM United in Praise (UP!) Worship Service
Afternoon: Kalevela Day / 2
9:00AM Tai Chi / 3
7:00PM Boy Scouts
7:00PM Harbormasters / 4
11:45AM Senior Luncheon
5:30PM A.A.
5:30 PM Bell Choir
5:30 PM Soup Supper
6:30PM Lenten Service / 5
9:00AM Quilters
9:00AM Tai Chi / 6 / 7