Appendix 2
requirements Specification / October 2016
Open procedure
for the
Purchase of two drones ( remotely Piloted Aircraft System)

1.  Description of minimum requirements and wishes

This section includes the Contracting Authority’s minimum requirements specification and wishes in relation to the sub criteria.

In the table below, the Contractor must do the following with regard to minimum requirements (MR), wishes (W) and wishes high priority (WH):

–  Fill in either “Yes” or “No” in the column asking ‘fulfilled? (Yes or No)

–  Fill in a complete description of whether the ”MR”, “WH” or “W” is satisfied/not satisfied where requested.

–  Provide a full description of why the tendered product satisfies or does not satisfy the requirements.

The statements in the description in this Appendix 2 will be assessed in conjunction with the tender evaluation of the sub-criteria.

The assessment will focus on the degree to which the requirements are satisfied.

Contractors are therefore urged to provide as detailed an account of each requirement as possible - simple Yes/No answers may result in a low score.

Please note that a mandatory requirement (MR) is a requirement, which the Contractor MUST satisfy in order for the tender to be taken into consideration (need to have), whereas a “W high priority” (WH) is a high wish that shall be considered during the evaluation and “W” does not need to be satisfied in order for a tender to be taken into consideration (nice to have).

The tender evaluation will take into account the extent to which preferences are satisfied.

It should be stressed that failure to satisfy a “W high priority” will be given great importance in the tender evaluation and thus lower the score considerably.

2.  Introduction to the System

The Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) to be procured is to be used to support scientific research in remote locations, primarily in Greenland and other Artic areas. The mission of the System will be to host various types of sensors to collect data in support of Artic scientific research.

The System will primarily operate out of Villum Research Station, Station Nord in Greenland. The airfield is equipped with a gravel surfaced runway, accommodation and normal airport facilities (fuelling, etc.). During certain periods of the year, the runway may be topped with compressed snow. At base location, the area of interest spans around 100 km as indicated in the figure on the left.

Scientific data covers a large variety of data, among others:

-  GIS data collection for 2D and 3D mapping by cameras and/or LIDARS;

-  Animal population (e.g. counting ice bears, reindeers, etc.);

-  Flora assessment (determining the type and extension of vegetation);

-  Ocean, iceberg, glacier surveillance and global warming effect monitoring;

-  Air pollution (determining the distribution and concentration of certain particles in various heights), hence the requirement for tubes collecting undisturbed air from in front of the airframe.

The operational concept is designed so that the airframe shall operate a series of different sensors purchased on-the-shelf or specifically designed to perform particular tasks.

The payload may have to be installed either inside a sensor compartment or in external gimbals. Accordingly, the aircraft design shall provide all necessary features allowing a quick and easily fitting and integration, including the provision of adequate power through generators and batteries. The airframe procured shall allow for the quick swap of equipment and the necessary installation of counterweight to ensure the balance of the aircraft depending on payload installed. The aircraft shall also be provided with all the necessary connection types, internal storage and communication system in order to conduct the appropriate collection, safeguard and transmission of relevant information.

The System shall be operated from/to Station North as well as maintenance. Major overhauls shall be normally performed during wintertime, while it is expected that the maintenance of the System to keep it operational during the spring, summer and autumn will be performed from the deployment sites. Thus, the need for major overhauls shall accommodate full operation during nine months (hence, the requirement for a large number of flight hours between major and/or regular overhauls) and all other maintenance (preventive and corrective) shall be performed from remote sites.

The System to be proposed must be delivered completely integrated and operational. It mus be able to operate in difficult weather conditions and be able to be deployed and operated in artic environment. Accordingly, the proposed System shall guaranty that the airframe and the payload shall be functional at low temperature and shall be fully sealed against rain and snow. It shall also allow for easy and quick maintenance and repair in confined space and be fully transportable by aircraft in a limited number of transport cases.

Overall, the System to be procured should mainly include:

A.  Aircraft, including

-  Reliable airframe equipped with high level, rugged, durable and robust components, offering modular parts easy to replace and maintain;

-  Powerful, reliable and fuel-efficient combustion engine;

-  Automatic and manual take-off and landing capabilities;

-  Additional devices to enhance the safety;

-  Real time data transmission of aircraft parameters;

-  Universal payload mounts for sensors, with possibility for offering external pods;

B.  Ground Control Station, including:

-  Ruggedized console offering all necessary connections and power supply;

-  A ruggedized computer to control the system;

-  Communications for operating the system in radio line of sight at 10 kilometres;

C.  Specific ground equipment for preparing, operating and reconfiguring the system;

D.  Documentation and drawing set;

The System will be operated in an airspace with very little traffic. Subject to approval from the authorities, it is the intention to define a restricted airspace around Station North. This airspace (or relevant parts thereof) will be closed during operation of the System. The System will only be allowed to operate in the closed airspace, hence the requirement for fail-safe functions like geo-fencing, etc.

In normal circumstances, the System will be operated using a pre-defined flight path automatically flown by the autopilot. The System shall include features to ensure that the mission can be interrupted, manually controlled and put in a “holding pattern”. This functionality shall also be used if other aircrafts unintentionally enters reserved airspace as an emergency measure.

The System proposed must demonstrate a very good level of resilience, reliability and performance. Accordingly, specific attention shall be paid to ensure that the System offered has already been successfully operated in similar conditions by other operators or projects.

Three options shall have also to be proposed by the contractor with a quote:

a)  1 additional complete aircraft operationally ready to be operate with the rest of the system;

b)  1 bare airframe for body spares parts;

c)  Maintainance parts package;

d)  Full set of spare parts;

Appendix_2_-_Specification_new_tender.docx Dated: 16/10/2016 Page 4 of 35

Case-no: 149749 / 30

3.  Minimum Requirements (MR), High Wishes (WH) and Wishes (W)

3.1.  General requirements (GEN)

No. / Description of the Minimum Requirement or Wish (Orderer) / Minimum Requirement/ Wish / Additional explanation / Fulfilled?
Tick off / Description of how the Minimum Requirement/Wish is met or reference to the part of the offer where the description of the fulfilment or the non-fulfilment is to be find (Contractor) /
/ MR / W / Yes / No /
GEN.1 / Previous experience
The Contractor shall demonstrate that the system, a similar system, or a system from which the proposal is derived, has been successfully tested, validated and/or operated in similar conditions by the Contractor, other operators or projects. / MR / It is also expected that the Contractor’s proposal includes a description of the Contractor’s and/or System’s track record. / The Contractor must confirm the fulfilment of the minimum requirement and describe the fulfilment in the corresponding section hereinafter.
Fill in description
GEN.2 / Mission overall requirement
The system to be procured must offer a payload of at least 5 kg to be flown over a range of at least 100 kilometres, with an operational altitude of more than 3500 meters ASL. / MR / NIL / The Contractor must confirm the fulfilment of the minimum requirement and describe the fulfilment in the corresponding section hereinafter.
Fill in description
GEN.3 / Operational environment
The proposed system shall guarantee that airframe and payload are fully functioning in normal North Greenland environment conditions. / MR / The Contractor must confirm the fulfilment of the minimum requirement and describe the fulfilment.
Fill in description.
GEN.4 / Ground Control System
The system shall be delivered with 1 fully equipped portable Ground Control Station (GCS), including own power supply (e.g. generator) for support during a complete mission duration and backup power supply (e.g., batteries) for at least 9 hours of full operation. / MR / It is necessary to have the capability to operate the system in full autonomy in remote areas where no external power supply is available. / The Contractor must confirm the fulfilment of the minimum requirement and describe the fulfilment in the corresponding section hereinafter.
Fill in description of the system provided and capabilities of hand hover between the two stations
No. / Description of the Minimum Requirement or Wish (Orderer) / Minimum Requirement/ Wish / Additional explanation / Fulfilled?
Tick off / Description of how the Minimum Requirement/Wish is met or reference to the part of the offer where the description of the fulfilment or the non-fulfilment is to be find (Contractor) /
/ MR / W / Yes / No /
GEN.5 / Packaging and storage
The full system, supporting systems and associated tooling shall be easily transportable by aircraft and vehicles. / MR / It shall be possible to pack the system down into a limited number of ruggedized boxes for deployment to remote sites. Weight of each box shall not exceed what two persons reasonably can carry. / The Contractor must confirm the fulfilment of the minimum requirement and describe the fulfilment.
Fill in description
GEN.6 / System architecture
The system shall be based on an open architecture modular design, capable of carrying multiple payloads. Its configuration shall be easily adjusted to suit any operational requirement. / MR / The system shall be able to evolve and be modified when new technologies, software or equipment are available. / The Contractor must confirm the fulfilment of the minimum requirement and describe the fulfilment.
Fill in description
GEN.7 / System acceptance
The system shall be accepted only after the successful conduct of:
-  Factory test;
-  Site test (in Denmark). / MR / The on-site acceptance test and validation campaign shall demonstrate fully the operational capabilities of the aircraft, ground control system, communication and command and control systems. This shall include a minimum of 5 take-offs and landings and a minimum of 15 flight hours corresponding to at least 4 short and 2 long (4 hours) missions.
The tests shall be organised and conducted at the Contractor’s costs. The tests may be combined with tests to satisfy regulatory requirements to achieve e.g. airworthiness approval / certification of the system. / The Contractor must confirm the fulfilment of the minimum requirement and describe the fulfilment.
Fill in description and provide a detailed list of the process to be applied
No. / Description of the Minimum Requirement or Wish (Orderer) / Minimum Requirement/ Wish / Additional explanation / Fulfilled?
Tick off / Description of how the Minimum Requirement/Wish is met or reference to the part of the offer where the description of the fulfilment or the non-fulfilment is to be find (Contractor) /
/ MR / W / Yes / No /
GEN.8 / Documentation
All necessary technical, maintenance and operational documentation and instructions shall be provided in 2 hard copies as well as in PDF and Microsoft Office© format. All necessary assembly drawings shall be provided in 2 hard copies as well as in soft copies with a set of all necessary documents in CAD format.
All necessary training materials shall be provided ensuring future ab-initio and permanent training of pilots and engineers on the system.
All necessary checklists (base, pre-flight, flight, post-flight) and logs shall be delivered in softcopy in Microsoft Office© format.
All software licences shall be provided for at least 4 different positions and preferably without any limitation. / MR / The package shall contain as a minimum: operational and maintenance manuals including detailed maintenance instruction, checklists for pilot / technicians (pre-flight checks, regular maintenance checks, post-flight checks, etc.). / The Contractor must confirm the fulfilment of the minimum requirement and describe the fulfilment.
Fill in description and provide a detailed list of documents to be provided
GEN.9 / Warranty
The system shall be warranted as follows:
-  Manufacturing defects and deficiencies of 1 year after commissioning of the system;
-  Design flaws affecting safety: 5 years. / MR / Defects are such aspects, which affect mission critical capabilities and/or affect flight safety. Deficiencies are such aspects, which do not impair mission performance or flight safety, but which constitute non-conformity against specification.
Design flaws are aspects, where the system even with repair of defects or deficiencies cannot be brought to an acceptable level of flight safety, i.e. will require redesign for continued airworthiness. / The Contractor must confirm the fulfilment of the minimum requirement and describe the fulfilment.
Fill in description and provide a detailed list of conditions
No. / Description of the Minimum Requirement or Wish (Orderer) / Minimum Requirement/ Wish / Additional explanation / Fulfilled?
Tick off / Description of how the Minimum Requirement/Wish is met or reference to the part of the offer where the description of the fulfilment or the non-fulfilment is to be find (Contractor) /
/ MR / W / Yes / No /
GEN.10 / Simulation and replay
The system shall provide the necessary simulation and replay tools in order to:
-  Simulate ground check of aircraft and avionic;
-  Simulate pilot training using piloting equipment;
-  Simulate mission planning and conduct;
-  Replay conducted operational missions and technical events; / MR / NIL / The Contractor must confirm the fulfilment of the minimum requirement and describe the fulfilment.